
Doulou Dalu: God-Level Three Choices System

Disclaimer!! This FANFIC is not mine. I'm also a reader like you all. I edited this fanfic from MTLnovel. Thank You For UNDERSTANDING :) This is a completed fanfic with 660 chapters so i can't request a change from the author. Cliche system.. but i like mc with system so bear with me.

AzureKingdom · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 26: Blue Lightning Duoluo Appearance

Sorry for the delay... I was having classes this morning and 5 subject quizzes... My day is so hectic hayst. Anyway sorry it will be 1 chapter a day until tomorrow.

Thank you for understanding!!


Yu Yuan was accompanied by nine spirit rings, exuding extremely strong spirit power, and a threatening aura!

Ever since Yu Chen awakened the second martial spirit, Vermillion Bird, and caused a disturbance in the world, Yu Yuan immediately came to Shrek Academy from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan.

As the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, Yu Yuan strength stands at the top of the empire. He can sense quickly at a glance, that the person who wants to take action against Yu Chen is the Dark Iron Armored Dragon Clan in the Garo Empire!

"Blue Lightning Douluo!"

Dai Mubai, Oscar, and the others on the side, as well as the academy's headmaster Flender and teachers, saw Yu Yuan's appearance, and their expressions immediately became polite.

Titled Douluo Realm is the most powerful existence in the Heaven Dou Empire, so it will be titled. Yu Yuan is the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon, so he was titled 'Blue Lightning Douluo' by the Empire!

Titled Douluo Realm, that is the supreme existence in the Duoluo Continent!

Different from the polite expressions of Flender and the others, Yu Xiaogang, who was on the side, sees his father Yu Yuan's appearance, his expression immediately became dim.

"Blue Lightning Douluo!"


On the other hand, there are only a few members of the Dark Iron Armored Dragon family left. Seeing the appearance of Yu Yuan, their eyes shrink violently!

These members of the Dark Iron Armored Dragon family have clearly heard of the title of Yu Yuan's 'Blue Lightning Douluo'!

Yu Chen enough has already made them immobilized, and now that there is Yu Yuan, it is already overkilling. If they stayed here, even ten lives would not be enough to save them!

"Do you come as soon as you want, and leave as you want?!"

However, before the group could escape, Yu Chen who was in the air, took a step forward, and waved his palm, and his spirit power was transformed into countless dragon shadows.

Four golden dragons whistled out of Yu Chen's palm!

Under the strength of the Titled Douluo, the golden dragon emerged, containing endless might!

The four golden dragons rushed towards the Dark Iron Armored Dragon men. It was as if they came from the Nine Heavens and attacked the Dark Iron Armored Dragon members!

Boom boom boom!

The four golden dragons erupted glowing enless light.

Whether it was the 13 old people or those disciples of the Dark Iron Armored Dragon Clan, they were wiped out by the palm.

"Too...too strong!"

"Brother Chen, what the hell is going on, to have the strength of a Titled Douluo to beat up those old guys from the Garo Empire!"

Dai Mubai, Oscar, and the others who were standing on the side looked at Yu Chen who was like a god at this moment, the shock and disbelief on their faces persisted for a long time!

The fondness and admiration for Yu Chen in the eyes of a few people also became stronger.

"Chen'er, you... why do you have the strength of the titled Douluo realm? Moreover, the power is from the highest bloodline of our clan - the ninth-grade Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon?!"

Yu Yuan, who was standing in the sky, also retracted his martial spirit and spirit ring into his body, and walked to Yu Chen's face, his always calm face was full of excitement.

Compared with the others present, Yu Yuan felt shocked the most, Aside from Yu Chen's strength suddenly reaching outside the Titled Douluo border. Yu Chen was able to summon power from a ninth-rank Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon!

Other than Yu Yuan, Yu Xiaogang and Flender's group on the side also focused their attention on Yu Chen. After all, what Yu Chen did just now was really shocking!

"This an ability that was acquired when my martial soul was awakened."

"It can only be used once and I used up this ability just now in an emergency."



Hearing the voices of the crowd, Yu Chen dissipated his spirit power, and the nine-rank Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon also dissipated into his body.

Based on the time, the time limit of the [Title Douluo Exclusive Card] has just passed.

As for what he said to Yu Yuan, Yu Chen it was just a bluff. After all, things like [Title Douluo Premium Card] are his trump card, and Yu Chen doesn't want to know too much.

"Didn't I tell you, It must have something to do with Brother Chen's perverted martial spirit!"

Ma Hongjun, on the side, nodded after hearing Yu Chen's words.

The same goes for the principals and teachers of the college. "I see."

"Speaking of which, when you first awakened your martial spirit, Chen'er, I have the notion that there would be forces targeting you, but I didn't expect that the first one to take action was the Dark Iron Armored Dragon family of the Garo Empire."

"The relationship between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Garo Empire has never been very good. If someone from the Dark Iron Armored Dragon family starts, it means that there will be more forces that will start to attack you too!"

"Next time, you have to be very careful! Once there is the slightest danger, you have to activate the family token immediately."

Yu Yuan also nodded slightly, then his face quickly became serious, and he spoke to Yu Chen very seriously.

"Yes, father." Yu Chen nodded slightly after hearing this.

Seeing Yu Chen nodding, Yu Yuan's face first became embarrassed.

"Well... Xiaogang, you will take care of your younger brother."

"You two brothers, if you have time, you can go back and visit the clan."

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first. The Dark Iron Armored Dragon family has taken action against you. Our Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan should also do the same!"

After he glanced at Yu Xiaogang in front of him, his eyes showed coldness, and he flew away!

"Have a safe trip Blue Lightning Douluo!" Seeing Yu Yuan leaving, Flender and several teachers spoke very respectfully.

"Did... Father just asked me to go back to visit the family..."

"Isn't he mad at me? It's my martial soul that mutated and made my father humiliated. It's my low ability that made my father become withdrawn!"

Yu Xiaogang, who was standing beside Yu Chen, looked at Yu Yuan's back, and muttered to himself, as his eyes were containing redness.

[Ding! The three-choice system is being activated, please make your choice:]

[1. Ignore Yu Xiaogang, go back to the dormitory, and get a primary storage bag as a reward]

[2. Scold Yu Xiaogang for the family, and get a ten-year soul beast as a reward]

[3. Comfort Yu Xiaogang and get the Holy Dragon Bloodline as a reward]

[Please make a choice within 30 seconds!]

While Yu Xiaogang was full of guilt, Yu Chen's mind sounded the system's prompt sound!