
Doulou Dalu: God-Level Three Choices System

Disclaimer!! This FANFIC is not mine. I'm also a reader like you all. I edited this fanfic from MTLnovel. Thank You For UNDERSTANDING :) This is a completed fanfic with 660 chapters so i can't request a change from the author. Cliche system.. but i like mc with system so bear with me.

AzureKingdom · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 13: Annual Tournament


"There is such a thing?"

"I want to join too!"

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Xiao Wu, who had been standing next to Yu Chen, immediately stood up and looked at Yu Chen with hope. "Brother Chen, what do you think?"

[Ding! The three-choice system is activated, and the host is asked to make a choice: ]

[1. Refuse to participate in the tournament and get a Basic Soul Guide as a reward]

[2. Agree to participate in the tournament and get Spirit Power Level +1 as a reward]

[3. Agree, but don't participate in the tournament and get 30 Copper Coins as a reward]

[Please make your choice within 30 seconds.]

At the same time that Xiao Wu finished speaking, Yu Chen's mind sounded the system prompts one after another.

Yu Chen glanced at the three-choice rewards and quickly chose the second option.

The Copper Coin reward by the third option, Yu Chen naturally didn't need it.

As for the reward of the first option-the Basic Soul Guide, this kind of thing, as long as you join the Soul Master Academy, you will have one copy. In contrast, the second option is naturally the most beneficial.

After making a choice, Yu Chen looked up at Yu Xiaogang.

"Then I'll trouble big brother."

Hearing Yu Chen's words, Yu Xiaogang nodded and said. "It's okay, then I will go to help you sign up now."

Then he left afterward.

Yu Chen and the others also left the classroom one after another.

During these few hours when Yu Xiaogang taught the soul master theoretical knowledge, the college tournament had already begun in Zhangluo.

The tournament is a way for junior students to let them know and understand each other's martial arts strengths. There are actually only a few activities, such as sprinting and shooting.

During the competition, using the martial spirit is not restricted, and students can use their own methods.

The little fat man Chen Rui looked around and complained.

"When all the grades are put together. Naturally, those in the higher grades have the advantage over the lower grade, it is only those of us in the first grade that suffered the most!"

Junior Colleges have six grade levels, so all six grades are mixed put together.

"The fifth and sixth graders are all despicable, but no worries, after all, we still have Brother Chen!"

Xiao Wu didn't care too much, her beautiful eyes stared at the Yu Chen in front of her.

"Brother Chen is amazing!"

Amidst the boisterous noise, an announcement resounded.

"Dear students! The academy's annual tournament now begins!"

With the proclamation of the Principal of Nuoding, the sports meeting officially started!

The little fat man Chen Rui took a list and walked to Yu Chen.

"Brother Chen, the master signed us for a sprint."

"The other activities are full."

Yuchen glanced at the list and moved towards the sprint event. "Let's go."

Then Xiao Wu and others followed Yu Chen closely.

"Yeah, It turned out to be a martial spirit that can increase the speed. Senior Liu will definitely win this time!"

"This is not necessarily true! That junior's martial spirit is a lion-like martial spirit, and it is not certain who wins and who loses!"

As they were approaching, Yu Chen they heard a lot of arguments around the venue. Looking at the runway, he could see seven or eight students, each of them summoned their own martial arts.

The most noticeable among them is the senior students in the middle of the runway.

One person has become like a lion, covered with long yellow hair, while the other person has the wind on his sole feet, which should be a martial spirit that can increase the speed.

Judging from the aura, these people's spirit power is around Level three or five, and the length of the runway is over a few hundred meters. So you can't tell who will win or lose.


As the teacher waved his right hand, the students started to run toward the finish line.

Like I said before, you can't tell who will lose or win and the person who won was not the two students at all, but the other junior student.

There were not many people who signed up for the sprint, and the speed of one race was very fast, so it didn't take long for Yu Chen to turn to them.

"Next group!"

"Yu Chen, Tang San, Tao Bai..."

The students around, saw Yu Chen walking out, shouting loudly one by one.

"It's Brother Chen!"

"Brother Chen!"

"Brother Chen!"

Especially some girls, they kept shrieking.

Yu Chen listened to the exclamation of the crowd, but his face was calm, and he looked around unperturbed.

On the entire runway, excluding Yu Chen who is a first-grader, there are three sixth-grade students and one fifth-grade student.

The fifth-grade student, wearing a robe, has a dull look on his face.

At this moment a fourth-grade student named Tao Bai walked onto the track, and the students started talking about him.

"It's Tao Bai! If I remember correctly, he seems to have reached the twelfth-level of spirit master! He is even more powerful than Yang Ming before!"

"Yes! He is the absolute genius in our college, and Yang Ming is far behind him! His martial soul is the Three-Tailed Swallow, the speed of this martial soul is very fast, and he won the previous sprint championship!"

"Brother Chen is definitely no match for him in sprinting!"

From their arguments, you can conclude that they didn't not believe Yu Chen can win. Even though Yu Chen is very powerful, they didn't believe that he can beat Tao Bai in terms of speed.

Tao Bai heard the comments from the people around him, and the haughty expression on his face became more intense.

"Are you Yu Chen?"

"Although I don't know how you defeated Yang Ming. I, Tao Bai, has the final say in this academy and in terms of speed!"

"Quickly withdraw from this match, or you will be embarrassed if you lose!"

Facing Tao Bai's words, "Three-tailed swallow", Yu Chen murmured indifferently, He did not even spare a glance at Tao Bai.

"You! Wait!" Tao Bai noticed Yu Chen's expression, and a hint of anger appeared on his haughty face.

Just when he was about to continue the teacher said.


After this, the teacher on the side waved his arms. "Begin!"

Chen Rui, Tang San, Tao Bai, and others on the runway all summoned martial souls together and ran towards the finish line!

I got to say that Tao Bai has enough power to be so rampant in Nuoding Junior College.

Tao Bai summon the Three-Tailed Swallow martial soul, and a pair of transparent wings appeared behind him instantly. His martial soul is a speed-type making him so fast. In addition to that, with his twelve-level spirit power, he was far ahead of the others!

On the other hand, Yu Chen just stood there in a relaxed manner, not even taking a half-step!

The onlookers looked at the still Yu Chen.

"This... Did Brother Chen give up?"

"Maybe Brother Chen's Martial Soul itself is not fast, so he just gave up."

Other students and teachers in the academy also heard the sound at this time, and looked at Yu Chen in front of them with a look of confusion.

Yu Xiaogang was also confused.

Chen Rui watched Tao Bai getting closer and closer to the end, "It's over, it's over! Brother Chen can't do anything, we must not be able to run him!"

As for Tao Bai, looking at the finish line close at hand, a thick smile appeared on his face. "Haha!"

"Yu Chen, didn't I tell you that at Nuoding Junior College, In terms of speed..."

Before he finished his words, Yu Chen like purple lightning, flashed and appeared at the finish line in front of Tao Bai in a second!