
Doulou Dalu: Forgotten Tale

With the memories of his two previous life, Eli traveled to the world of Douluo Continent and became a half- human and half soul beast and awakened twin martial soul. When embarking on the road to becoming stronger he discovered various secrets of the world. In the end with his knowledge of magic and soul energy he became a god and his journey continued to other worlds to discover the knowledge of various world and becoming more and more powerful. Story Starts 20 years before the birth of Tang San and Eli belong to a hidden family named Song Family. ( There will be incest in the story, I tried to add the incest tag but it doesn't get tagged, so I am mentioning it here.)

Hidden_shadows · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Ice and Fire Dragon King

Eli in his phoenix form suddenly felt some soul senses rising from under the pond of eyes of ice and fire and he can guess from where these senses come from.

Without thinking, Eli directly dived inside the pool and as he went deeper and deeper the temperature of ultimate ice and the ultimate fire kept rising100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and when he reached this deep the temperature has started to become unbearable for even him, suddenly an ancient but weak dragon voice sounded.

" Hello Young Phoenix "

Along with an ancient dragon voice, two huge dragon shadows appeared in front of eli, after which the effect of ultimate ice and fire on him ceased and now seemed to be non-existent.

"Greeting To Dragon Kings"

Eli said in a fake respectful tone and even Eli had to admit that fooling others to obtain benefits feels a bit exciting.

At your age to reach this strength really worthy of a phoenix descendant and how is my clan of dragons now, do they still have any divine beast both dragons said the first sentence in a surprised tone while the second tone was slightly hopeful.

Both the dragon king knows nevertheless, they lost the war and they saw what was happening to different beast clans after the dragon god fell, but still, they had hoped for better.

Eli without concealing told them that after the dragon god fell, all the remaining beast gods and dragon descendants were killed and the whole beast race was Slaughtered and suppressed by the gods and the god-king of the divine realm also changed the rules of the world.

Humans at every 10 levels who want to break their bottlenecks need to kill soul beasts of corresponding strength to advance to the next level.

The major beast race had long fallen and gone extinct.

Now in the mainland even 100,000 beasts are rare and the remaining descendants of dragons and phoenixes can be counted on fingers so as not to let the soul beast race rise again, gods have used thunder tribulation to kill every talented beast who cross through the 100,000-year level.

That beast who still wish to become god has to take a human appearance.

The news obviously, did not make these two dragon kings happy and their expression was full of rage, anger and despair.

Well, it's too late to regret now as we don't even have strength left to keep continuing our soul life, the ice dragon sighed in despair.

After Eli some manipulation of words and hypnosis magic, both the fire dragon king and snow dragon king decided to become his spirit ring as their time was running out and to give their last sacrifice to make a new hope for the soul beast race.

Eli changed into his human form and decided to absorb their spirit rung into his second martial spirit as its 1st and 2nd spirit ring as it will be more useful that way.

Both the dragon king touched their illusionary claw on Eli's body and their soul started dissipating a huge amount of purer and stronger spirit energy mixed with divine energy started entering eli body, and he can feel all his body bones started becoming stronger and turned golden, his spirit level also rise from 60 to 70.

His Mana circle also increase from 12 to 14 meaning he had reached a circle 7 archmage.

Even Eli was flagstabbered to think he can directly increase 20 levels in a single day, today is a day suitable for the celebration.

After the sacrifice ended, Eli saw two million years old at his feet, 1 blue gold and the other one Red gold representing ice and fire dragon king. He also noticed the age of all his other rings also increased by 9000 years maybe due to these two gods' divinity.

After the phantoms of two dragon kings vanished

What entered his eyes were two huge dragons corpses. Although Eli don't know how many years they had been dead, their bodies were well preserved, and there was still a faint pressure from the corpses. radiating out, but it hasn't much effect on eli.

Eli looked at the two dragon corpses, and finally, put his eyes on two pairs of dragon soul bones and two natal pearls of fire and ice element his eyes shined with excitement.

"This is a Divine bone of a 1st Class God and their natal pearl."

Although he had obtained some soul bones earlier they all were nothing compared to these two million-year-old divine left and right-hand soul bones.

Without thinking much eli started absorbing his 1st soul bone and after half an hour he successfully absorbed it without tho continued absorbing the second soul bone.

Eli stored the two natal pearls for his other plans.

After absorbing the second divine ring, Eli stored the huge carcass of both dragon kings in his storage rings, so he can use them in future.


(Eli's phoenix's bloodline is around 95 per cent and day by day his human bloodline is declining and in future, he will be a complete Phoenix.)

( Eli had developed special magic that even god can't identify if eli is a human or Phoenix.)

( Bones of spirit beast became divine bones when they reach godhood.)

( Spirit bones of Divine beast are called Divine Soul bones.)

( In my fanfic, Ice Dragon King and Fire dragon king was able to become eli spirit ring because their soul was still alive, meaning they weren't completely dead and maybe in future another dragon king whose soul is still alive can also become his spirit ring. )