
Doubled Adversity: The Villain's Desire

The villain Lin Beifan found himself wielding a peculiar power: a wishing system that granted him a single wish each day, coupled with a twisted catch—each wish he made inadvertently bolstered his adversaries twofold. Undeterred by this curse, Lin Beifan chuckled mischievously and declared, "So be it! From this moment forth, with every wish I make, let the enemy's strength double!" With a smirk, he set his plan in motion, weaving chaos and upheaval into the fabric of his world. Lin Beifan merely chuckled at this revelation: "Is that all?" "I wish to maintain my body temperature at 36.8 degrees!" he declared. The brain of the first protagonist overheated to 73.6 degrees, resulting in their demise! "I wish to sleep for 12 hours every day!" he exclaimed. The second protagonist lapsed into a vegetative state, meeting their end! "I wish to be crushed to death by a 120-pound beauty!" he proclaimed. The third protagonist met their end, flattened into a mere sheet by a 240-pound woman! And thus, the plot was once again thrown into disarray!

Naveen_Chand · Urban
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50 Chs

New Talent

As the DJ took to the stage, the atmosphere electrified with pulsating beats. A singer followed suit, captivating the audience with their melodic voice.

Suddenly, amidst the astonished crowd, Ye Xingchen bolted to the stage, sending shockwaves through the room. With a swift kick, he displaced the singer, seizing the microphone and assuming a commanding stance.

Silence fell over the crowd.

"Who is this guy?"

"What's he up to?"

The unexpected performance left the audience bewildered as Ye Xingchen took over the stage, gripping the microphone with confidence. With a husky voice, he crooned passionately, "The flower in my heart, I want to take you home! In the late-night bar, it doesn't matter whether he is true or false..."

As the song reached its climax, he seamlessly transitioned into another tune, belting out, "I'm Tarzan next door, grab the vine of love and listen to me... Ow~~ woo~~ Ow~~ woo~~"

The crowd was entranced, unsure whether to laugh or applaud, as Ye Xingchen continued his impromptu performance, singing a medley of songs ranging from heartfelt ballads to whimsical tunes like "Let's learn cat meowing together, meow meow meow meow meow~~"

The eclectic mix of songs added to the surreal atmosphere of the bar, leaving everyone amused and entertained by Ye Xingchen's unexpected talents.

Despite the lack of harmony in Ye Xingchen's singing, the audience didn't seem to mind. What mattered most was the infectious energy he brought to the stage. As he continued to sing and dance with gusto, the atmosphere in the bar reached a fever pitch.

With each song, Ye Xingchen's performance became more lively and spirited. He twisted and swung his hips with abandon, captivating the audience with his charismatic presence.

"Come on, be happy, there's a lot of time anyway," he belted out, his voice resonating with raw emotion.

"Come on, love, there are a lot of fools anyway," the crowd echoed in unison, swept up in the euphoria of the moment.

Despite the unconventional performance, Ye Xingchen's energy and enthusiasm succeeded in uniting the crowd in a joyous celebration, making it a night to remember for everyone present.

The spectacle of Ye Xingchen, the formidable bodyguard, belting out lively tunes and dancing with grace on stage left everyone below Lin Beifan stunned. 

Their wide eyes followed his every move, incredulous at the sight of such a masculine figure performing such coquettish songs and dances with such finesse. 

But despite their initial shock, they found themselves drawn into the excitement of the moment. 

As Ye Xingchen's energetic performance unfolded, it became increasingly clear that his unexpected display of talent transcended gender norms. 

In that exhilarating moment, the crowd realized that when it came to exuding charm and capturing the audience's attention, gender was irrelevant.

He Xiuwen couldn't help but clap his hands: "Lin Beifan, your brother is so awesome, he's a party starter! His dance moves are so bold, and his twists are even better than a woman's, I'm almost tempted! Can I borrow him? How many days can he come here for me to enjoy? With him around, this place will be buzzing!"

Lin Beifan smiled wryly: "You'll have to ask him, I have absolutely no say in this! But I have to admit, he's a really good dancer!"

However, Liu Rumei didn't appreciate it at all: "Ugh, what a perversion!"

Just then, a dancer rushed onto the stage, swaying seductively as she approached Ye Xingchen: "Young man, you've got some sass! I like it!"

Ye Xingchen, still dancing, replied, "I have something more flamboyant, do you want to watch it?"

"Absolutely!" Hundreds of voices echoed from below.

"Alright, baby!"With that, Ye Xingchen shouted and swiftly removed his shirt, revealing his impressive muscles.

The crowd erupted in excitement as Ye Xingchen's shirt came off, revealing his chiseled physique.

"Wow!!!" The crowd cheered enthusiastically.

"Take off another piece!"

"Keep going!"

However, Ye Xingchen, maintaining his composure, shook his head and gestured to the DJ to switch to a different song.

As the crowd continued to cheer for him to strip further, Ye Xingchen hesitated for a moment before deciding to comply with their requests. With a confident smirk, he removed his pants, revealing his muscular legs.

"Continue to take off!"

"Get naked!"

The atmosphere in the bar became even more heated as the audience cheered louder, egging Ye Xingchen on.

As the chants of the crowd intensified, Ye Xingchen responded boldly. He swayed to the rhythm, casting off his inhibitions along with his garments. With each piece of clothing he shed, the excitement in the air soared to new heights. Finally, clad in nothing but his briefs, Ye Xingchen stood proudly on the stage, basking in the exhilaration of the moment.

"You said, do you want to take it off?"

"Take off!!!" Everyone answered in unison.

As Ye Xingchen was about to fulfill the crowd's wishes, He Xiuwen intervened, concerned about the consequences of such a provocative act. Two individuals swiftly removed Ye Xingchen from the stage, preventing any further exposure. Lin Beifan, albeit disappointed, understood the necessity of He Xiuwen's actions to maintain the bar's reputation.

Despite the abrupt end to the spectacle, the night remained memorable for all who attended. Rumors of the incident spread quickly, and videos of the unexpected performance circulated online, garnering widespread attention and sparking discussions across various social media platforms.

The comments flooded social media platforms as the video of Ye Xingchen's unexpected performance circulated widely. People were amazed by his unexpected dance moves and the contrast between his masculine appearance and his coquettish dance style.

Some even suggested that he should consider entering the live broadcast industry, expressing their support for his unique talent. The incident had certainly left a lasting impression on everyone who witnessed it, sparking admiration and curiosity alike.

"Wow! Where is this little bodyguard from? He dances so coquettishly!"

"Haha! It's almost completely released!"

"I bet! The masculine looks don't dance like him, and the dancer doesn't dance like the sun!"

"Sunny and coquettish, love love love!"

"Quickly enter the live broadcast circle, I support you!"

On the second day, Ye Xingchen got up and spat out old blood after seeing this scene

 Feeling a profound sense of regret and shame after witnessing the aftermath of his unexpected performance.

"My reputation is tarnished beyond repair," he muttered, his voice heavy with remorse.