
Doubled Adversity: The Villain's Desire

The villain Lin Beifan found himself wielding a peculiar power: a wishing system that granted him a single wish each day, coupled with a twisted catch—each wish he made inadvertently bolstered his adversaries twofold. Undeterred by this curse, Lin Beifan chuckled mischievously and declared, "So be it! From this moment forth, with every wish I make, let the enemy's strength double!" With a smirk, he set his plan in motion, weaving chaos and upheaval into the fabric of his world. Lin Beifan merely chuckled at this revelation: "Is that all?" "I wish to maintain my body temperature at 36.8 degrees!" he declared. The brain of the first protagonist overheated to 73.6 degrees, resulting in their demise! "I wish to sleep for 12 hours every day!" he exclaimed. The second protagonist lapsed into a vegetative state, meeting their end! "I wish to be crushed to death by a 120-pound beauty!" he proclaimed. The third protagonist met their end, flattened into a mere sheet by a 240-pound woman! And thus, the plot was once again thrown into disarray!

Naveen_Chand · Urban
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50 Chs

Bring on the Storm: The Protagonist's Thrill

"Even though these investment opportunities seem promising, the returns are still too slow," Lin Beifan remarked. "Even in the fastest-growing industry, it would take more than a year to see substantial returns. I can't wait that long! I want to achieve success quickly, meaning I want to make a lot of money!"

Liu Rumei quipped, rolling her eyes, "If you're in such a hurry, you might as well just buy a lottery ticket!"

Taking her comment seriously, Lin Beifan replied, "Buying lottery tickets doesn't yield much. You might win 5 million, but if you don't, you'll lose everything. It's not a worthwhile investment."

In this world, lottery regulations dictate that the prize pool for each draw is 5 million. Regardless of the number of winners, the total prize remains fixed, with each winner receiving an equal share.

"Do you two have any better suggestions?" Lin Beifan inquired.

"How about investing in gemstone gambling?" Ye Xingchen proposed.

"Gemstone gambling?"

The protagonist Ye Xingchen replied weakly, "Actually, I meant the jadeite business! In the mining process, jadeite is covered with a weathered skin layer, making it impossible to determine its quality until it's cut open. This uncertainty gives it a strong gambling aspect, hence the term 'gambling stone.' I've heard of many people making a fortune through jadeite gambling."

Lin Beifan's eyes sparkled with interest, "That sounds like a good idea, let's give it a try!"

Half an hour later, they found themselves standing at the entrance of a gambling stone market.

Liu Rumei turned to Lin Beifan, her expression incredulous, "Are you seriously considering gambling on stones?"

Lin Beifan responded matter-of-factly, "Of course, why else would we be here?"

"But this endeavor is too risky. It's a high-stakes game where one moment you could strike it rich, and the next you could lose everything! Plus, you lack any experience in this field, so I strongly oppose it," Liu Rumei said sternly.

Lin Beifan countered with a smile, "What investment doesn't carry risk? Even buying stocks can lead to a total loss!"

Liu Rumei remained firm, her tone cold, "I am entrusted by your parents to oversee and review every use of your funds. I have the authority to intervene at critical moments. Let's set a limit: the maximum is 5 million. If you lose, you return home empty-handed."

"It's just 5 million, that's too little! Let's negotiate for 10 million?"

"Don't be delusional! If you lose everything, you return home obediently!"

Undeterred, the three entered the gambling stone market and sought the assistance of a more experienced master, Wang, to help them select the rough stone.

The protagonist, Ye Xingchen, followed in silence.

His expression remained neutral, but inside, he was bursting with excitement.

In his previous life, he knew that the Demon King of Chaos, Lin Beifan, had never dabbled in gambling on stones. He lacked the skills and experience required for this endeavor, evident from his decision to enlist Master Wang's help in selecting the rough stones.

Even with expertise and experience, success in this field hinged largely on luck.

No amount of skill could guarantee success if luck wasn't on your side.

Otherwise, those who gambled on stones would all be wealthy by now.

The thought of Lin Beifan about to face defeat filled him with immense satisfaction, almost making him want to break into song.

"This is just interest!" The protagonist Ye Xingchen clenched his fists. "Wait, I will at least make you pay back with interest!"

At that moment, Master Wang had already helped Lin Beifan select a few stones.

"These rough stones have a relatively high probability of yielding green jadeite! As for which one to choose, it's up to you. I can only assist you in selecting."

"Okay, thank you, Master Wang."

Lin Beifan handed over a sum of money as compensation for the assistance.

Staring at the large stones before him, Lin Beifan silently made a wish: "I wish for the stones I choose to increase in value by 100 times!"

"Ding! If the wish is unsuccessful, it does not conform to reality!"

"What about 90 times?"

"Ding! If the wish is unsuccessful, it does not conform to reality!"

This process continued until Lin Beifan wished for a 20 times increase.

"Ding! Wishing success!"

With a mysterious smile, Lin Beifan pointed to the largest and most valuable stone and said, "Boss, I want this stone!"

Boss: "The total value of this stone is 4 million, are you sure?"

Liu Rumei couldn't help but interject: "Mr. Lin, please reconsider. Perhaps choosing a smaller stone would be wiser."

"No second thoughts!" Lin Beifan insisted. "I want this stone!"

The boss smiled broadly. "Alright, after the transfer and payment, this stone is yours! We'll cut it right here, and the service is on the house!"

"Please proceed, and thank you!" Lin Beifan replied.

As the transaction was completed, the boss was pleased, Lin Beifan was elated, and even Ye Xingchen, the protagonist watching from behind, couldn't contain his excitement.

"Let's see what fate has in store," Ye Xingchen thought, eagerly anticipating Lin Beifan's possible downfall.