
Double trouble with the CEO

"be my woman for one month," Daniel knight said in his husky voice "I am not the woman you used to be with and Mr. knight I decline your offer," Aurora smith said with pride "Are you sure because you won't be able to handle the consequences of declining the powerful man" Daniel whispered in her ears in a seductive tone. Aurora looked at him in a confused manner and Daniel smirked. what will happen when Aurora, a simple girl challenges the CEO of a knight corporation and give him money for one night they spend together. Join the journey of Daniel and aurora in their twisted love tale

kridha_vrinda · Urban
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16 Chs

So my woman is out with a boy

Daniel's driver left Aurora at her home and when Aurora get out of the car she noticed that Lucas is standing outside her door.

Aurora gets out of the car and to her bad luck, Lucas sees her and the confusion lingers on his face.

Aurora smiled at him awkwardly and walk in his direction

"Oh, hey Lucas," she said with a forced smile

"Did you just get out of the Bently the most expensive car?" Lucas asked and Aurora scratch her neck in nervousness

"Actually my boss is very rich and I was getting late for home so he send his car to drop me" Aurora lied with a stupid smile on her face

"Oh, your boss must be very generous, anyways I just wanted to know if you are okay," Lucas said being worried

"I am perfectly fine and I am so sorry to stand you up but it was urgent," Aurora said feeling sorry for herself because that was her first chance for a date and she ruined it.

"It's fine," Lucas said in a disappointing tone

"But next time I am going to buy opera tickets for you," Aurora said in a hope that everything gets alright.

"Oh don't worry about that, next time also I will buy for you," he said and they both blush to look at each other.

"And I bought this for you," Lucas said and take out the packet of cookies from his bag.

Aurora smiled at his down-to-earth nature

"Thank you so much, I am in love with chocolate cookies," Aurora said with a smile and it seems like all her tension has vanished

"So are you free tomorrow, we can continue our plan if you want," Lucas said and there is a blush on his face

Aurora feels like she is on top of this world. she take the cookie box and smiled.

"I will join you tomorrow and I won't repeat the same mistake," Aurora said and they both bid goodbye to each other.

She entered the house with happiness on her face.

She takes a great bath and after that start to eat the delicious cookies, while eating cookies she thinks about the Lucas

He is definitely the most humble and honest man, Aurora has ever met. Aurora wants to be with Lucas, it's her heart's desire

Aurora is lost in her own world with Lucas in her dreams when her phone decided to disturb her.

She picks up the unknown call

"Save my number baby," the person on the call said and it didn't take enough time for Aurora to guess that its none other than Daniel knight

"I told you don't call me baby and why are you calling me, I was with you an hour ago," Aurora said rolling her eyes because this man was not ready to give her any space.

"Listen to me good, as my woman I need to tell you certain rules," Daniel said in a strict tone

"You will daily talk to me over call, you will not deny my call and yes you will inform me about your daily activities," Daniel said over the call.

"Are these rules constant for every woman in your life?" Aurora said over call and Daniel has no answer to give.

Daniel is different with Aurora and the rules he is stating are only for Aurora

"Anyways I need to go, bye baby," Daniel said and cut the call.

Aurora grabs her hair angrily because Daniel has become a headache for her.


Aurora worked in a cafe the whole day and she is excited to go to the opera with Lucas.

Her friends also are astonished to see her because Aurora is looking too enthusiastic today.

"Hey Aurora, some cute boy is here to meet you," one of her colleagues said and it makes Aurora confused

But all her confusion goes into the dustbin when she sees Lucas in a white shirt and black pants.

He is looking damn cute.

"Lucas what are you doing here," Aurora asked him and her colleagues looking at the blushing Aurora and gossiping about her love life

"I was passing by the cafe and then I realized that you work here so I thought to pick you up for the opera show," Daniel said and he smile awkwardly

Aurora is not stupid, she understood that Lucas wants to spend more time with her and she is happy to know that their feelings for each other are mutual.

"I will just come," Aurora said and go to the locker room to change.

She jumps in excitement because no one is going to come between her and Lucas tonight.

She changed into a simple purple top paired with ripped black jeans, she applied a little lip gloss.

Aurora is about to leave when her phone started to ring and the screen flashed the name, Daniel.

She does not pick up the call because she doesn't want Daniel to disturb her important moment with Lucas.

Aurora and Lucas left for the opera. They both enjoyed their time together and then eat ice cream after the show

"It was a lovely event Lucas," Aurora said licking her ice cream.

"With you, it becomes more lovely" Lucas complemented and she blushed.

They both were making small talk when suddenly Lucas pull her towards him

"Watch out," Lucas said glaring at the man who was going to collide with Aurora.

Aurora is happy with the closeness and she inhales the beautiful scent of Lucas. She is feeling on top of the world to see the protective side of Lucas.

Daniel's car parked outside the show and he witnessed Aurora with a boy with his own eyes.

"So my woman has the audacity to cut my call and hang out with some pathetic boy," Daniel said in anger and put off his cigar with the right shoe

"This wildcat needs to learn a lesson," Daniel said in anger and plastered a fake smile on his face and advance his steps toward his woman Aurora