
The Meeting.

It was Friday. Richard was working with some recipes at the eatery when Ledger came to pick him up.

"Good evening boss," Ledger greeted him. At first, Richard was a bit startled.

However, he remembered that he was supposed to impersonate his brother.

It was three days already and Adam was still unconscious. "Mr. Adam's condition is critical. For now, we just have to hope for the best," the doctors had confirmed that he was in a coma and no one was sure when he'll wake up.

Richard sighed. This whole thing was ruining his life already. Now he had to live and act in his brother's stead. It was all new to him. How would he survive for days without this?

If he had a time limit, that would have been better.

"I'm coming, Ledger. Give me a moment to sort things out here," he dismissed the driver. Ledger nodded and strolled to the car.

Shortly after their father willed his properties to them, he and Adam had an agreement that should anything happen to one of them, particularly Adam because he knew how careless his first twin could be, the other would impersonate him.

Adam had agreed. He never thought that anything would happen to him. So long he was careful, there would be no need for Richard to impersonate him.

Moreover, Richard was the more reserved one. He minded his business usually at his restaurant in a small town where no one would connect the dots that he was the son of the business mogul who had died years back from a plane crash.

Adam lived a flamboyant lifestyle. He was known to frequent night parties, clubs, casinos, and anywhere lousy. Adam also spent money anyhow on things he didn't need.

Ladies loved to dance with him or even have one night with him because they knew how well he would treat them both in bed and cash.

No one in Dallas didn't know about him. Their name was also a household name.

When they made that agreement, it was more like a joke. Richard never thought it would happen so soon.

Now he was left with no choice but to follow his father's instructions to the latter. He prayed Adam would wake up soon for their sakes.

For his sanity and Adam's. He didn't like a noisy lifestyle but he was subjected to acting like Adam so Richard had to fake it.

"Goodnight Pen," he said to one of his workers on duty.

"Night, night boss. See you tomorrow," Penelope replied to her boss.

Richard stepped out of the restaurant. The cool evening breeze hit him hard. He sighed and entered the car while Ledger held the door open for him.

He was reluctant to follow the chauffeur home but there was no choice. On a normal Friday evening, Richard would have gotten some food from the eatery and gone home to watch some movies before he slept off after the stress of the week.

"We are home," Ledger announced. Richard had dozed off in the car. He was shuffling between creating new recipes for his eatery and acting like Adam.

Those two had taken a toll on him. Last night he was up to doing more research on some foods. Richard wanted to sleep but he had to get ready for the club in an hour.

"Thank you, Ledger. I'll be down soon," he ascended the marble stairs.

"Welcome sir," a maid greeted him. He grunted. Richard was in no mood for discussions. The maid looked ready for one as she winked at him.

Was this what Adam always did? Did he sleep around with the maids? He wondered as he eyed her. Richard slammed the door after him.

"Arghhh, what a day," he sighed and removed his clothes to quickly have a shower. He had wasted enough time at the eatery putting finishing touches to one of his recipes and that had eaten into the time he should have used to rest. So he couldn't rest now.

The plush bed looked tempting.

While he fancied watching movies and eating good food over noise, Adam always went to the club by 9 pm on Fridays to unwind from the stress of the week. That was his spectacular way of unwinding.

Richard had a quick bath and dressed up in a dark blue expensive suit before he strolled out.

"How do I look?" He asked Ledger. Ledger had come in to rest his legs while he waited for Richard to get dressed.

"You look perfect. Just like him," Ledger approved.

"Good evening Master Adam," another maid greeted him. The servants were still calling him Adam, and he made no move to correct them. He didn't have the strength either.

"Good evening," he smiled at her. She was better than the maid who openly seduced him. She irritated him so much.

The fewer people that knew he was working in Adam's stead the better. The press would try to get information from every corner.

He didn't want anyone selling their family for money. Richard wondered why his father had made this plan. Had he foreseen the future? Did he know something like this would happen? If he did, why did he create this plan?

There were so many things to think about. His mind was busy as Ledger drove them to the club on the other side of town.

He also wondered about how he would cope with the running of the family business. Adam was the one who ran it, he had little idea about it since his interest wasn't in business. He loved cooking more than life itself.

How would he take over the company without suspicion? Once there were speculations, the media would choose that moment to rake up everything about them. And there was no way they wouldn't find out that Adam was in the ICU.

He sighed. "I'll face the club first. Let us take it one after the other," he cautioned himself.

In a few minutes, they were at the club.

"All you have to do is be free and take as much alcohol as possible. Master Adam loved alcohol so much," Ledger advised him before they stepped out.

Richard cringed at the thought of taking so much alcohol. He would go tipsy within a few minutes.

However, he would do this. It was only for this night.

After some retching and a terrible hangover, he'd be ok in the morning. He smirked.

"Thank you, Ledger," he thanked the driver.

"You are welcome boss, be careful," Ledger bowed.

Richard strolled into the club and went straight to the bar to get a drink.

"Good evening, I need a shot of vodka martini," he ordered.

"Good evening sir!" The barman mistook him for Adam.

Rita looked into the mirror. Her hands shook at the thought of what she was about to do. A night with a stranger was as strange as it sounded but that money could give her the life she had always wanted.

A life of ease and peace. Rita hailed a cab to the club. Her heart raced in her.

"You can do this, Riri," she took in breaths to calm her tensed muscles.

Rita was set for her mission. Her employer had said that Adam Smith left the club with a different girl every Friday — slut or not — so she disguised herself as a slut in a short red mini gown and black stilettos.

Red was her color, her best friend had always told her so she decided to use it tonight to get a hold of her prey as soon as she stepped in.

She looked around the club until her eyes landed on him. He was not hard to find, with his popularly handsome face and brown hair. She swallowed as she took some steps towards him.

"Hi, I need a shot of whiskey please,'' she moistened her red lips as she took her seat beside him in the VIP area. By this time, Richard had already taken four shots. He was getting tipsy already.

Seeing a beautiful woman with purple hair beside him, Richard didn't know what to do. He tried to behave himself, because that's what Adam would do.

Who was she? Rita took her dark curls to the side of her neck as she settled to sip her drink. She had to take things slowly when all she wanted to do was to get the file and dash out of the club immediately.

"Hi," she extended her hands to him when she noticed him staring at her. She wasn't surprised. After all, she had been pre-informed that he was a playboy. Things were going to get easier for her at this point if he replied to her.

Richard took it and kissed it. Her perfume teased his nostrils. Why did he feel a tingle in his chest while he held her hand?

"Hey, I am Ri...Adam Smith," he introduced himself.

"Yes I know and I've heard a lot about you," she winked at him.