
Double Moon

##completed## Double Moon is a wolf book, but not the typical one with alpha mates and clichés. If you're looking for that, you're in the wrong place. This book has a supernatural vibe like Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf, but it's also different. You have to read it to understand. It blends technology and fantasy in a way that could be called sci-fi. This book has both ancient and modern elements. The only downside to the book might be too many characters, but it could also be the strength of the book. It's ironic, anyway. Maybe, at the end, I represented these numerous characters very well and fleshed out the theme and plot line, or maybe not. You're free to rate on that. ... Meet Jun Mey - a mysterious figure who defies categorization. In a world where humans crave freedom and wolves fight for survival, Jun Mey stands alone, chased by both hunters and wolves who see her as a dangerous threat to their existence. She is an enigma, an unexpected force that can bring both groups to extinction. But Jun Mey is not defenseless - she pays back her enemies twofold for the damage they cause her. With a fierce determination to show them what it feels like to lose something precious, Jun Mey will stop at nothing to prove her strength.

Bright_Gabriel_9341 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
326 Chs

Chapter 10.2

Chapter 10.2

Another user responded, "Yeah. Whatever occurred, Jun Mey should have followed the proper procedure."

Another message popped up, "Exactly my point. Jun Mey has denied the process of a fair hearing by assuming control of justice."

Another angry user wrote, "We must seek justice because we do not want this to happen again." After seeing emojis of agreement, the user continued, "The student government and others should be the ones to handle matters of this intensity. So, why murder?"

In less than an hour, popular opinion had shifted, and the students directed their rage toward Jun Mey. Yet, lazy individuals with nothing better to do must have helped to corner Jun Mey into surrender.

{Nuan Mei's dorm.}

Rolling her eyes and looking at the conversation online, Nuan Mei continuously stamped her feet in annoyance.

Looking at Nuan Mei's angry fidgeting, Jun Mey calmly said: "Someone is contributing to the creation of this chaos."

Nuan Mei shouted exaggeratedly, "Mey, I already know it's Xia Wuya, but the people don't have concrete evidence." Stamping her left foot angrily, she continued, "After all, she initially circulated the story on an anonymous website with a strong firewall." Showing a specific complex screen on her laptop, Nuan Mei said, "She's also utilizing bogus profiles on social media and other sites."

With steady eyes, Jun Mey said, "Even so, people are trolling me: they're supporting her."

Nuan Mei suddenly showed an analytic screen, saying, "The fast rise of the rumor is evidence."

Still discussing with Jun Mey, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

Ring, ring, ring!

It was Jun Mey's phone that rang on the table.

Slowly picking up the phone, Jun Mey calmly answered, "Hello. Who is this?"

A persuasive tone rang out. The voice said, "Have you agreed to be my girlfriend tonight, Jun Mey?"

Jun Mey answered expressionlessly, "Your girlfriend? Where have you gone?" Deliberately remaining silent, Jun Mey suggested using a conversational tone: "You sure you don't need a psychiatrist? It's my opinion, though."

The person was Bai Fang from the rugby team.

Hearing Jun Mey's suggestion, Bai Fang interrupted, "Don't go too far, Jun Mey. I'll see how you get rid of this rumor." After a pause, he continued, "Furthermore, when the student demands an explanation, I will see how you handle them. Take my hands now."

Jun Mey sat erect and responded calmly, "You should take a therapist's hands, not me. Please see one as soon as possible."

'This Bai Fang is a complete moron,' Jun Mey thought, maintaining her neutral face. She hung up without allowing Bai Fang any more time to speak. Jun Mey knew she could get angry like others do but remained calm because she believed people could easily control furious people. Thinking about it, Jun Mey had passed through a lot, and her mind differed from an average girl's.

Dropping the phone on the table, Jun Mey calmly asked, "Have you made the connection?" After observing Nuan Mei strike her keyboard in fast succession, she said, "Let's assist them. Since they all want to play dirty, let's play."

Ice_the_cake, Nuan Mei's alter ego, logged into her hacking domain, which would override all aspects of her original computer, including her name. As she hummed to an unknown popular song, Nuan Mei occasionally stood up to dance. Though Jun Mey recognized the tune, it lost its meaning when performed by Nuan Mei. Chuckling to herself, Nuan Mei considered how easy it would be to identify the person behind a false rumor. She planned to access the satellite and retrieve call records, hoping to uncover more evidence.