
Double Life of CEO's Wife

As the illegitimate daughter of the Montrose family, the richest family in S City, Natalia is often overlooked by her father and scorned by her half-siblings and their mother. But when the richest family in Z City reaches out, suggesting a marriage between their sickly son and one of the Montrose daughters, Maxwell Montrose chooses Natalia to be the one married off to the eldest son of the Black family. When the wedding day comes, Natalia finally meets her spouse. Standing at the altar is Sebastian Black. After they are married, he brings her back to Z City with him. In the Black family household, she is treated well and begins to believe that her life can take a turn for the better. When she discovers that Sebastian has lied and faked his illness for over ten years, he threatens to reveal her identity as an illegitimate daughter to his family. Forced to choose between her in-name-only husband and being casted out, she decides on her husband. But what nobody knows is that Natalia is the leader of the largest crime syndicate in the country. With many people loyal to her, she can find information on whatever or whomever she wants and has an unfathomable amount of money to her name. And yet, as she starts to fall for her husband, her double life risks being found out. Will she be able to balance her two true identities... or will her career as a criminal land her in deep trouble? *Original story *Copyright @TMHT

TMHT · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Wanted: New Hire

The next morning, Natalia woke up to see an empty settee. There was a letter on the coffee table across from it, and she picked it up. It read: Natalia, I hope you had a good night's sleep. I have to go sign a contract in Q City today, so I could not greet you when you woke up. Forgive me.

X. Sebastian

She sighed. "And he's back to work."

Turning towards the window, she looked out over Z City. Her phone on the nightstand, which she had left in the house yesterday, began to ring. Walking over, she picked it up and saw the caller id. Grabbing her phone, she walked over to the bedroom door and peeked out. Not seeing or hearing anyone nearby, she closed her door and locked it.

Answering the phone, she asked, "Yes, Ian?"

"Ma'am, all that's left of Maxwell Montrose is shreds of flesh and bones. Adrianna is locked up in Blight Cellar, left to starve to death. Mira and Lulu were scarred before being shot. Their bodies are being disposed of as we speak."

"Good. And Spencer and Alex?" she asked as she walked back over to the window.

"I sent a team after them last night. They still haven't been found."

"Do not release the news until they are dealt with as well."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Oh, and Ian?"


"Sebastian and the other members of the Black family passed last night's test. Unless they give me a reason to, I won't act against them. So leave their finances alone for the time being."

"As you wish, Ma'am."

Then, she hung up. A sigh escaped her lips. I've finally gotten my revenge, but why am I still not relieved?

She walked into the bathroom and freshened up for the day. When she left her room, she headed downstairs only for Talia to barge over, wrapping her in a great big hug.

"Natalia, how are you doing?"

"I- I'm still trying to wrap my head around things."

"I'm so sorry. You must be feeling terrible."

Only because I'm still ill at ease. Only when Alex and Spencer are brought to justice as well, can I finally feel relieved.

"Yeah, I- I just can't believe such a thing could happen to such a prominent family. I also can't believe they might be gone. Forever."

Her sister-in-law pulled back and nodded. "Don't worry, we're all here for you. No matter what, you still have us."

"Thanks, Talia."

"If you need anything, just let any one of us know. Okay?"

Natalia smiled and nodded appreciatively. "I'll be sure to."

- - - - -

A few days later, Sebastian finally returned home from his business trip to Q City. Natalia was flitting around the villa, doing housework, much to the Black family's dismay.

Evelyn ran up to her eldest. "Sebastian! Thank heavens you're home! Natalia's been cleaning the entire house the past few days. And no matter what we say, we can't get her to stop. Please, can you talk to her? Let her know we don't expect this of her? That we have hired help for this."

The gears turned in his head, and he started to realize why she was doing this. He nodded. "Where is she now?"

"In the kitchen."

"Then, let me take care of this."

He left his mother and headed for the kitchen. Once there, he found his wife scrubbing down the tabletop of the island.


She jumped, startled, and whipped around. "Sebastian, you're home."

He nodded. "My mom said you've been cleaning recently? Does this have anything to do with your family?"

They're not my family.

"No, not at all," she said as she shook her head. "I'm just bored and had nothing else to do. Since I had to clean a lot before, I figured I might as well do it now to keep myself occupied."

Suddenly, he asked, "What degree did you get from university?"

She frowned. "Why do you ask?"

"We still don't know each other that much. Why can't I get to know my wife?"

Acquiescing, she replied, "I graduated from S University with a Bachelor of Business Administration focused on PR and marketing."

He smiled. "Tomorrow, why don't you come with me to the company headquarters? You've put in the effort, so why not make the most of your expertise?"

"Are you suggesting I work at Arcana Tech?"

"Coincidentally, the PR team is looking for a new hire. Perhaps, you're the right person for the job."

She bit her lip, thinking his proposal over. Finally, she said, "Alright. I'll go with you tomorrow. But if I don't like the work culture, I won't stay."

"I wouldn't force you to. I'm just saying that if you're bored, why not get out and work?"

Natalia hmphed and crossed her arms over her chest. Who needs Arcana Tech when I have the Black Rose. But then again... having a job as an excuse would allow me to slip away unnoticed better.

- - - - -

The next day, Sebastian and Natalia were driven by Mr. Parker to the company headquarters. On their way there, he explained the whole property's layout to her. She nodded along, not really following though.

"Natalia. Natalia!"

"Hmm?" Jolted out of her own thoughts, she turned her head to look at him.

"Did you even hear anything I said just now?"

"S- sorry, I was just thinking about what will come of Maxwell's investment company. Alex and Spencer still haven't been found, so there's no Montrose to lead the company right now."

"Ohh. Won't the CFO lead the company until a new CEO is chosen?"

"I guess you're right." She looked down and wrung her hands, playing her part perfectly.

Just then, her phone began to ring. Pulling it out of her purse, she read the caller id. Sebastian, curious, glanced over and saw it too. Ian.

She frowned and flushed the call. Typing a reply quickly, she wrote: I said I'd be busy and not to disturb me this morning. What is it?

A reply quickly followed: They've been found.

Her eyes widened before narrowing. Alex, Spencer, are you two ready to meet your maker? Because I won't allow either of you to survive either!

"Who's been found?"

Natalia literally jumped in her seat. "By the heavens! Don't scare me like that!"

"Who's been found?"

"Oh, Ian's just... a private detective I hired. I was so worried about whether the Black Rose had Alex and Spencer or not. So I asked him to look for them in secret. He's apparently found them, so I can be relieved."

"Weren't they awful to you?"

She looked away from him. "No matter what, they were still my half-brothers. You know the saying, right? 'Blood is thicker than water'? Although, not exactly the right context, the point still stands. As much as I may resent them for their cruelty, they're still my blood in the end."

Sebastian nodded slowly. "I understand. I'm sorry for doubting you."

She waved it off. "Don't be. I'd be suspicious too."

When they finally arrived at Arcana Tech's headquarters, Natalia noted that it was much different from the compound she had gotten used to. There were buildings galore and sprawling greenspaces and flora. People walked around and chatted amicably, heading inside for work. A flicker of sadness filled her eyes.

My job will forever have me looking over my shoulder, questioning who I can and can't trust. My work environment will never be like this one where people can talk and be friends without suspicion. Perhaps coming here was a mistake.

They climbed out of the car, and Sebastian led her over to the building with a large number 6 on it. As they entered, all of the female employees blushed and scurried up to greet their CEO. But when they saw the woman with him, frowns curved their lips.

"Boss, who is this?"

"Everyone, meet Mrs. Natalia Black... my wife."

Stunned, all of the employees were frozen for a moment before they bowed their heads. "Greetings, Madam."

Natalia stepped forward with a smile on her face. "Please, there's no need for the formalities."

Once they had straightened, she turned towards her husband. "Sebastian, I need to call Mr. Demarteau back real quick and see about my brothers."

"Of course."

She pulled out her phone and called her right-hand man back. As she walked out of the building, the line connected. "Ian, where are they?"

"They were found trying to flee to R Country. We've apprehended them. They're being transported back to the headquarters as we speak."

"Good. I'll be there later tonight." Her eyes narrowed to slits as she said, "I can't wait to see the shocked looks on their faces when they realize who brought the untouchable Montrose family to their knees."