
Double Life of CEO's Wife

As the illegitimate daughter of the Montrose family, the richest family in S City, Natalia is often overlooked by her father and scorned by her half-siblings and their mother. But when the richest family in Z City reaches out, suggesting a marriage between their sickly son and one of the Montrose daughters, Maxwell Montrose chooses Natalia to be the one married off to the eldest son of the Black family. When the wedding day comes, Natalia finally meets her spouse. Standing at the altar is Sebastian Black. After they are married, he brings her back to Z City with him. In the Black family household, she is treated well and begins to believe that her life can take a turn for the better. When she discovers that Sebastian has lied and faked his illness for over ten years, he threatens to reveal her identity as an illegitimate daughter to his family. Forced to choose between her in-name-only husband and being casted out, she decides on her husband. But what nobody knows is that Natalia is the leader of the largest crime syndicate in the country. With many people loyal to her, she can find information on whatever or whomever she wants and has an unfathomable amount of money to her name. And yet, as she starts to fall for her husband, her double life risks being found out. Will she be able to balance her two true identities... or will her career as a criminal land her in deep trouble? *Original story *Copyright @TMHT

TMHT · Urban
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21 Chs

Doubts and Denials

When the jet landed back in U Country late at night, Ian and Natalia descended the stairs and climbed into the SUV that would take them back to the headquarters.

Halfway through the flight, Sebastian had texted with an apology and saying that he was going to dinner at the President of Marine Group's manor. She reassured him that she didn't mind and told him to enjoy the dinner.

After the two had climbed into the car, she got another text from Sebastian. It read:

Natalia, I am so so sorry. But there's been an emergency. President Taftin had a heart attack, and his wife and I are now in the hospital. I'm afraid I won't be returning tonight.

She scoffed and showed the message to Ian. "He accuses me of already taking a lover. How can I trust his words?"

"You did the right thing coming back, Ma'am. If he really did set you up, there won't be anyone at the apartment to kill."

"How can I trust someone I barely know? If I did, then I shouldn't be the Head of the Black Rose."

She typed back a quick response, saying, It's okay. I understand. Take your time.

Ian nodded. "On a different note, the Montrose's have suffered heavy losses. Their status and reputation is failing. Maxwell is desperately trying to marry Mira and Lulu off, to no avail. No one want to tie their sons to a falling family."

"Good. You know what... let's manipulate them a bit. Slip them word of the Black Rose's wealth. Maxwell is greedy. He'll take the bait. I know he will."

"As you wish, Ma'am."

Ian pulled out his phone and with a few taps, he smirked. "It's done."

"Good. Let them mull it over for a few days. Then, discreetly, send a car to get them. I'd like to see how they grovel at my feet."

- - - - -

Over the following week, Natalia looked over financial reports and moved around her deployed people. She returned to the Black family household and waited for her husband to return. Six days later, on Saturday morning, Natalia was just about to leave the villa when the front doors opened and Sebastian walked in, coughing.

His gaze fell on her black, floor-length, tulle dress with black lace sleeves and a plunging V-neck. Kohl rimmed her eyes, and cinnabar red lipstick outlined her sweetheart lips. She froze, immediately noticing how disheveled his hair was and the tiredness in the bags under his eyes. She reached out and grabbed his brown leather messenger bag, relieving him of the weight of his computer, papers, and other files.

"Going somewhere?" he asked sourly.

"Just to see the Montrose's." Not a complete lie.

"You dress up so well to meet people you hate. How can I not doubt your true destination?"

"We've not even been married a month. Do you really think I've already committed an affair?"

"You're the one who said it."

She scoffed. "You're one to talk. You leave your own wife to spend all night with another man's wife. Why did you need to stay at the hospital? President Taftin's wife could've waited on her own."

"I..." his voice trailed off.

Natalia spun and walked up the stairs, three inch, black, strappy, stiletto heels clicking as she went. Sebastian followed her. When they entered his bedroom, she set his bag down on his bed.

"I need to go now. Shower and get some rest. You look as if you haven't slept for days."

As she started to leave, he grabbed her wrist. "Natalia, I know this is just an arranged marriage, but I am trying here. Could you at least give me a chance?"

Her eyes met his, and she said seriously, "I'm not having an affair. Romance is sought by others, but not me. I've never envisioned myself happily in love."

She broke free from his grasp and strolled out of the room. She descended the stairs and exited the villa. From his bedroom window, Sebastian watched as a black SUV with fully tinted windows pulled away from the house.

Natalia, oh Natalia, what secrets are you hiding from me?

At that moment, his loyal secretary entered the room. "Sir, the shareholders have approved of the transfer. When do you want to announce your ascension as the CEO of Arcana Tech?"

"It can wait a bit, Martin."

"Sir, your wife, she-"

Sebastian held up a hand, silencing him. "I don't wish to doubt her. Let her go unfollowed."


He turned to look at Martin. "To her, this is just an arranged marriage. As such, I'll let her have her freedom."

"That woman is a curse! Sir, have you not heard? The Montrose's stocks have fallen by over twenty-five percent! No one wants to marry Mira or Tallulah Montrose now. What if she brings the same fate to the Black family?"

"No matter what, Natalia is my wife. I'll choose to trust her until she gives me a reason not to."

- - - - -

When Natalia and Ian arrived at the Black Rose's headquarters, they entered the building. Chloe came up and saluted respectfully.

"Ma'am, the Montrose's are already in the main hall."

"Good. Ian, come with me."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Chloe, send someone to keep an eye on Sebastian Black. I want to know if he sent anyone after me."

"Yes, Ma'am."

She bowed her head and walked off. Ian turned to Natalia.

"Are you ready?"

"This is three years in the making and revenge for twenty-four years of hell. I'm more than ready."

He nodded and started for the main hall. She followed, determination setting in her eyes. Maxwell Montrose... meet your demise.

When they arrived at the double wrought iron doors, she swallowed. "I can't believe this day has finally come. I'll finally be able to avenge myself."

"Ma'am, you've suffered at their hands. But now, you won't have to ever again."

Her eyes narrowed. "From this day forward, I will have nothing to do with the Montrose family."

She stepped off to the side, and Ian entered first. The doors didn't fully close, so she could hear Tallulah's gasp of shock.

"You? What are you doing here?"

"Lulu," Maxwell began. "Do you know this man?"

"Yes, Father. I think he and the wench used to be a thing."

Natalia choked. What?!

Ian frowned. "Miss Montrose, you're mistaken. I'm just a loyal friend of Natalia's. We've never been together and never will be. Or have you forgotten that she's married to Sebastian Black, the CEO of Arcana Tech?"

Adrianna's heels clicked on the stone floor, obviously having stumbled backwards in shock. "W- what? That sickly man was made CEO?!"

Natalia hadn't trusted the shareholder's meeting to not discuss something important, so she had sent someone to listen in on it. Thus, they had quickly learned that her husband was going to be announced as the next CEO.

Ian nodded and said, "That's right. What? Did you think the position would pass to one of his brothers? He's the eldest, and we're not in ancient times where princes fought and killed each other for the throne. Of course the position should go to Sebastian Black."

Mira growled. "We underestimated her! She tricked all of us, that b*tch!"

Maxwell cleared his throat. "There's no time for this now. Second by second, we're losing money. Young man, are you the one we need to speak with, the Head of the Black Rose syndicate?"

Ian chuckled, "No. I'm just a Captain, second only to the Head."

Adrianna snapped, "Then where's the Head? We're not going to wait for forever!"

"If you don't want to completely fall from grace, Mrs. Montrose, then the Black Rose is your only option. If I were you, I wouldn't be standing here so haughtily. We can give you a loan to make up for the loss, but you need to convince our Head to do so. And if you make our Head mad, then you won't get the money and you won't be able to salvage your societal status."

"You-!" she screeched.

Maxwell sighed. "Adrianna, this young man has a point. Let's calm down first and wait for the Head to arrive."

"There's no need." Natalia's voice rang out as she entered the main hall. The Montrose's spun and gaped at her. Seeing her lavish outfit, they wondered just how much her new husband was spoiling her.

"N- Natalia," her "father" stammered. "W- what are you doing here? You should be with your husband."

"My husband will soon take over as CEO. He has no time to waste on me. Hence, why I am here."

She walked through them, aiming for her throne-like seat. Tallulah frowned.

"Where do you think you're going? Isn't that chair reserved for the Head of the Black Rose syndicate?"

Natalia ignored her for the moment and stopped in front of the chair, turning to face her former family. Ian followed and stood beside the chair. Raising an eyebrow, she sat down. Ian bowed his head.

"Maxwell, Adrianna, Mira, and Tallulah Montrose, I have you all to thank for who and where I am today. Because of your scorn and ill-treatment, I sought a way to fight back and avenge myself. It's not my fault for being born illegitimate, but it's all of your faults for treating me as if I'm nothing more than dirt and unworthy to bear the Montrose name. Fine, then. I won't be a Montrose anymore." She looked out over the four of them, hatred brewing in her heart. "I'll just be the Head of the Black Rose syndicate for the rest of my life instead."