
Double Life of CEO's Wife

As the illegitimate daughter of the Montrose family, the richest family in S City, Natalia is often overlooked by her father and scorned by her half-siblings and their mother. But when the richest family in Z City reaches out, suggesting a marriage between their sickly son and one of the Montrose daughters, Maxwell Montrose chooses Natalia to be the one married off to the eldest son of the Black family. When the wedding day comes, Natalia finally meets her spouse. Standing at the altar is Sebastian Black. After they are married, he brings her back to Z City with him. In the Black family household, she is treated well and begins to believe that her life can take a turn for the better. When she discovers that Sebastian has lied and faked his illness for over ten years, he threatens to reveal her identity as an illegitimate daughter to his family. Forced to choose between her in-name-only husband and being casted out, she decides on her husband. But what nobody knows is that Natalia is the leader of the largest crime syndicate in the country. With many people loyal to her, she can find information on whatever or whomever she wants and has an unfathomable amount of money to her name. And yet, as she starts to fall for her husband, her double life risks being found out. Will she be able to balance her two true identities... or will her career as a criminal land her in deep trouble? *Original story *Copyright @TMHT

TMHT · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

"Mother" and "Daughter"

Elina's eyebrows shot up. "M- Montrose..."

Natalia released her and stepped back. "That's right. Don't you remember? You left me on the doorstep of the Montrose family mansion twenty-four years ago. Since then, I've grown up under my father's indifference and his wife's and children's scorn and hatred. Did you think leaving me with the Montrose's was for my benefit? I was beaten, whipped by a belt, and treated worse than a servant. For twenty-four years, I've waited for this day. This day to confront you and ask you: Why?"

Her birth mother's bottom lip quivered. "I- I didn't know..."

She scoffed. "Didn't know? You fled U Country soon after abandoning me. Didn't know? Don't pretend like you care about me."

Spinning on her heels, she turned and returned to her seat. Resting her forearms on the armrests, she glanced at her half-brother.

"Aren't you going to greet your older sister?"

The fifteen year old just turned his head, refusing to speak. Her eyes blazed in anger. Phillip glared at her.

"You're psychotic! Stay away from my wife and child."

"Psychotic? Tell me, Mr. Raston, did you grow up unloved? Did you have to join a crime syndicate to fight for your rights? For your freedom and future? Have you been physically and mentally abused by those who you call family?"

He frowned. "What happened to you is no excuse for your actions now. Kidnapping people and stealing them away to a whole other country is illegal."

"I've done a lot more illegal things than this. And what, am I not supposed to avenge myself? Am I not supposed to stand up against my bullies?"

"If you have a roof over your head and food on your table and a good education, then how can you say you've had it bad? You're a Montrose, for gods' sake. How hard can your life really be? You're nothing but a spoiled, little brat."

"How can I be spoiled? I'm the illegitimate daughter of the Montrose family. A stain on their pristine reputation. I'm nothing more than dirt to them."

Her hands clenched tightly into fists, knuckles turning white. Ian suddenly heard something through his earpiece and leaned over.

"Ma'am, we have word Talia has returned to the Black family villa."

She took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Alright. Anything on my father and brothers?"

"They're still trying to fix the situation."

"Then drop the stocks another fifteen percent. I want them to quake in their shoes. I want them to come pleading for money."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Ian turned and left the main hall through a side door. Once he was gone, she turned towards her birth mother and step-family.

"I can make your lives hell. I can reach into E Country and ruin everything. So give me one good reason why I shouldn't, Mother."

Elina stammered, "P- p- please, don't! I- I'm sorry. I- I never should have left you with Maxwell. That's my fault."

"Then, did you ever regret it? When you had your son, did you think about the daughter you gave up on?"

Her birth mother's eyes welled with tears before she exploded, "My career was ruined because of you! I never should have had you. Maybe then, I could still be a model."

Stunned by the outburst, Natalia sat frozen for a moment. When she recovered, she drew her handgun from the holster on her waist and levelled it at Elina.

"So, it seems I've learned a very important truth today. I wasn't wanted by the man I call father or the woman who gave birth to me. Fine. Then, I'll destroy both of your lives."

She swiveled her arm at the last moment and pulled the trigger. A circle of red started to blossom on Warren's shoulder. Elina screamed, and Phillip ran at her. Bored, she raised her gun again. He froze momentarily.

"If you come any closer, I will shoot you dead. Make your choice. Do you want to avenge your son or live and be a father to him? What do you care about more, family or revenge?"

He grumbled but turned to worry about his son. Seeing the sight, Natalia gave a cruel laugh.

"What a sight! This family has chosen each other. It seems I'm the only one seeking revenge. It seems, in this life, no one will ever choose me. It seems this meeting was worthless," she sighed and stood. "Get out. Leave the headquarters immediately. I never want to see any of you ever again."

The three quickly scurried out. Elina didn't even bother to give one last look back at the daughter she had forsaken. Seeing this, Natalia collapsed into her chair.

Everyone either hates me or fears me. Perhaps there's no one in this world to love me.

She pinched the bridge of her nose and propped her right elbow on the armrest. When Ian came back in, he was met with the sight of her, alone in the main hall.

"Ma'am, we've crashed their stocks again."

"Very well. I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. Have someone drive me back in the morning."

"Ma'am, how did it go with your mother?"

"She's not my mother. I have no mother and no father in this world."

- - - - -

The next morning, Ian drove Natalia back to Z City. When he pulled up to the gate at the front of Elderplains, she climbed out.

Just before she shut the door of the black sedan, he said, "Ma'am, if you need anything, just let me know, okay?"

She nodded. "Thanks, Ian."

After shutting the door, she turned and walked into the gated community. As she leisurely strolled down the sidewalk, a multitude of thoughts floated around in her mind.

I'm truly alone in this cold, cruel world. My father doesn't want me. My mother blames me. My so-called husband is always gone. The only thing I have to rely on is the Black Rose syndicate. Perhaps I should give up being Natalia Montrose Black and return to the headquarters permanently. But my in-laws treat me nicely at least. So maybe I can survive in the Black family household. I'll give them a trial period of six months. After six months, I'll be able to tell what their real opinions of me are. By that point, if they've failed my expectations, I'll fake my death and ruin the Black family.

When she finally reached the villa, Natalia climbed the stairs and typed in the code on the pinpad. A moment later, the burgundy door beeped as it unlocked. She entered and closed it behind her. Just as she was about to head upstairs to shower, a smooth baritone voice rang out from the living room.

"I come back after being gone so long only to find that my wife is not at home. Has my wife already found someone to keep her better company?"

She froze and slowly turned. A figure rose from the settee and stopped in the doorway, raising his arm and leaning on the white, wooden frame.


Natalia shook her head. "Not at all. I- I just..."

"Just what?"

"Went back to S City and made sure everything of mine had been brought over. I stayed overnight and just came back this morning. The taxi driver dropped me off at the gates."

"And if I called your father, would he attest to your claim? Because Talia thought you had come back here and was worried when you hadn't."

"I snuck in and out so Adrianna wouldn't yell at me. No one probably ever knew I was there. All of my belongings had indeed been moved, so there's was nothing for me to bring back."

He sighed and finally relaxed. "Next time, just tell me if you're going somewhere. I'll have Mr. Parker drive you wherever you need to go."

I doubt you'd have Mr. Parker drive me to the Black Rose's headquarters.

"Alright. I'm sorry for making you worry."

He reached forward, and she instinctively flinched. His hand froze in mid-air. Seeing his expression, she quickly explained herself.

"S- sorry, I'm just used to Adrianna, Spencer, or Alex raising a hand to me whenever I disobeyed them. No matter how much I apologized, I'd still be left with a sore palmprint on my face."

He quickly lowered his hand and shook his head. "I won't hurt you. No one in this villa will hurt you. I promise."