
Chapter 23 ~The Soccer match~

"Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fear."

Iris's POV

Oh, Fridays!!!

I woke up today feeling kind of giddy, which is very weird. After performing my usual boring morning routine, I took a quick breakfast.

I walked to my car, placing my backpack in the passengers' seat before connecting my iPod to my car's speaker. I listened to Jireh by Chandler Moore Ft. Justin Bieber.

It's always nice to start your day with some Gospel Jamz.

I parked my car at the closest parking lot.

My car! It has a nice ring to it.

I got out of the car with my backpack and ignored the looks from the crowd around as I trudge into the school's hallway. I walked up to my locker and rolled my eye at the couples making out beside my locker.

Seriously, Why me?

I placed my thumb on the fingerprint detector, and it made a sound indicating my locker was open. Something feels weird, it feels like I'm forgetting something.

"Irisssss!" I heard the shrieking voice of Lizzy as she ran up to me with an annoyed Treasure walking behind her. She stopped right in front of me breathing heavily as she bent down placing her hands on her knee.

"Gosh! you are so dramatic". Treasure rolled her eyes and Lizzy just glared as she stood up to her full height.

"So why were you screaming my name, literally everyone here heard you," I stated as I motioned my hands around.

"Yeah, why?". Treasure asked, monotonously.

"I was looking for you, why didn't you go with Chris?"

"Oh!, I forgot to tell you. I finally fixed my car." I facepalmed myself.

"Damn girl!" Treasure gave me a high five and I smiled.

"Don't mind Lizzy, she just meet Chris for her early morning kisses." Treasure teased and we both grinned like Cheshire cat as she goes crimson.

Chris finally asked Lizzy to be his girlfriend, just a week ago. Turns out he has been nervous for a whole month. Anytime he felt like asking her, he would eventually chicken out.

"No, I did not." She said quickly.

"Iris, I wish you were there. You would be wondering if she's still our Lizzy. I am supposed to be the bad and rebellious girl of the group, but Lizzy beat the record today. She was enjoying herself." Treasure smirked and Lizzy turned into a darker shade of pink.

"Treasure, I think it's okay before she kills us. Look at her face." I stated making Treasure and I laugh.

"Whatever." Lizzy rolled her eyes and Treasure kept poking her pink cheeks.

"Wow! Treasure I love your hair. I am just noticing." I smiled as I ran my hand through her tiny box braids.

"Oh thank you." She beamed and flipped her hair, dramatically.

"Show off," Lizzy muttered and flipped hers too.

"Enough with the flipping." I deadpanned.

"So, are you excited about today?" Lizzy asked expectedly.

"What's happening today?" I asked and they both stared at me like I have grown two heads.

"I feel like I am the mother of this group." Treasure stated and facepalmed herself and I rolled my eyes.

She continued. "Today is the soccer match between our school and our rivals Crown lake Academy." She explained word by word like she was talking to a child.\

No wonder things felt weird today.

"I am so excited and guess what?" Lizzy asked.


"The Principal said there shouldn't be any classes today. Everyone must watch the match." She bounced on her feet.

"Ooh, I am so excited," I remarked sarcastically.

"I feel you are not." Treasure retorted.

"Duh!, if I had remembered that today's the match, I would have stayed at home."

"Such a buzz kill," Lizzy said.


* * *

Finally, it was time for the soccer match, I am so excited.

I'm not.

I had to change my shirt into an oversized sweatshirt that had Charisma High School written on it. Apparently, our Principal wanted everyone to have and portray the school's spirit, and besides, I didn't want to be the black sheep.

Most students were wearing one clothing or the other with the school's name on it. Some students even painted their faces with royal blue and yellow colors.

Talk about school's spirit.

I trudged into the school's enormous Soccer field. I gasped at the sight in front of me. At one corner, you could find the Cheerleaders practicing their routine and at the other corner, I gawked at our Soccer Team.

Treasure yelled my name, waving her hands in the air like a maniac. I jogged and joined her. I smiled cheekily at Lizzy and Chris. He had his arms wrapped around her waist as he hugged her from behind. She lent into him and blushed at whatever he whispered into her ear.

Umh! There are single people here!!!

"Hello, love birds." I smiled and greeted them and they greeted me back.

"Anyways, why are you guys not sitting at the bleachers?" I asked as I surveyed my surrounding.

Chris stood up to his full height wrapping his arms on Lizzy's shoulders instead.

"Ask her." He gestured towards Treasure sipping her coke.

"I just wanted to admire what God created." She smirked as her eyes were on the soccer team discussing some things with Coach.

"Gosh! you always crave men like they are food." Lizzy teased and I laughed.

"Anyways, we have to go. We have to look for the best spot to sit and watch the match." Chris stated and I nodded.

"Okay, save a spot for us."

"Yeah, and don't do anything unholy please." Treasure teased and as usual, Lizzy blushed and they both left, leaving Treasure and I.

I turned towards the Soccer team and my breath hitched as I stared at Zander, he looked good in his uniform. As if he could sense someone stalking him, his eyes found mine. We just stared at each other, daring the other to look away.

After what seemed like forever, he smirked as he raised one of his perfect brows. I involuntarily blushed and looked away.

Jeez, Iris! You are losing focus.

"Are you okay?" Treasure asked as she eyed me, sipping her coke and making an annoying sound with it.

"Y-yeah." I croaked and she just shook her head.

Before she could say anything, from the corner of our eyes, we spotted Zander, Lucas, and Aspen walking towards us. I scanned the area for both Henry and James, I shook my head when I spotted them making some cheerleaders laugh, hysterically.

''Hey, ladies." Lucas bowed and smiled cheekily. We murmured greetings back and he ran to meet James and Henry.

"Iris, I thought you said you weren't coming. Hmm, I guess my convincing act worked." Aspen said.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, I forgot the match was today and the Principal made it compulsory." I retorted.

Treasure excused herself to answer a call while I chatted with the two boys, well it was just Aspen. Zander would occasionally nod and his stare on me was pretty intimidating.

I breathe a sigh of relief when Treasure walked back to us.

"It's just my mom." She rolled her eyes and laughed. She always complained about African Mothers especially Nigerian Moms and how they are so extra.

Zander directed his head to Treasure and Aspen nodded in return.

"Umh! Treasure can I talk to you for some minutes, in private?" Aspen asked nervously scratching the back of his neck.

Treasure looked at me and I just shrugged.

"Ooh okay sure." She answered as her forehead creased.

They both walked to another part of the field that was secluded and quiet. I turned to face Zander who was already looking at me.

I cleared my throat. "So, why does he wants to see her and don't lie to me, I know you know," I stated.

He tossed his head back and laughed while little strands of his hair fell on his forehead and I felt like running my hands through his hair.

Calm down girl, your hormones are playing tricks on you right now.

Wait why was he laughing?

"What's so funny?" I frowned.

He shook his head. "You always want to know everything, it's not your business, cupcake." He answered and tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and I immediately turned scarlet.

I knew it! something is really wrong with me today.

He smirked and stared at me.

"W- Whatever, I just wanted to know as a good friend." I retorted avoiding eye contact with him while fiddling with my pendant.

"Okay, cupcake. Besides, you are the reason he's doing what he is doing right now. So, later you will find out." He said and my face contorted thinking about what I might have said to him.

"Anyways, Good luck on the game." I smiled a little and he just studied before a little smile was plastered on his face.

"So no good luck kiss?". He placed his hands on his chest and faked hurt, while his eyes twinkled. My eyes widened for a while.

I was brought out of my trance when Coach yelled his name.

"Anyways, I have to go." He ran up to Coach and his other teammates leaving me stunned. Just on cue, Treasure walked up to me with a lopsided grin plastered on her face.

"Hmm, someone seems happy." I nudged her shoulder playfully.

"Yeah." She smiled shyly.

"So what did you guys talk about, you seem happy"

"Umh! let's talk about it later". She smiled and her face turned crimson.

"I see," I smirked.

Maybe, just maybe, things will be okay between those two.

"Let's go and have our seat, the match is about to start and I am very sure both Lizzy and Chris are sucking each other's face off." I joked and she laughed. We jogged to the bleachers and sat beside Lizzy and Chris.

Shortly, the other team who were in red and white uniform trudged into the field confidently, like they owned the place. They all looked like they have already won the match. A random guy introduced them as The Bulls.

Finally, it was time for the match. I felt kind of nervous and I wasn't the one playing. The first half of the match ended with 1:1.

The players were given ten minutes break, while our school's cheerleaders, dressed in a matching royal blue and yellow uniform performed their routine. They performed a series of tumbles, dances, jumps, cheers, and stunts.

Cheerleading is really something.

It was now time for the second and final half of the match. I don't know why, but I kept watching Zander's every move. You could literally feel the tension in the atmosphere.

It's been thirty-five freaking minutes and the score was still 1:1. The players were tired, so was the audience.

"Oh God! this is so frustrating." Treasure groaned pinching my shoulders.

"Ouch!" I spank her hands. I agree with her, it's frustrating, none of the team is ready to back down.

"Ooh look" Lizzy tapped my shoulders. I watched as a brown skin guy passed the ball to Aspen, who was the second striker. The whole scene was so confusing, literally everyone was trying to get a hold of the ball. Time was going.

Suddenly, from nowhere Zander was running with the ball and was already at the opponent's net. He visibly used all his might, kicking the ball into the net. The Bull's goalkeeper dived and missed the ball. And just like that... We won with a 2:1.

"Goal!!!". The whole crowd screamed and cheered. Our school's team jumped up hyping Zander who was smiling like his face would tear off and they hugged each other.

Within seconds, the guys took off their shirts. They ran around and flew their shirt in the air like it was a fan. Our school was obviously in a cheerful mood, some people even ran out of the bleachers to congratulate the players. From the corners of my eyes, I could have sworn I saw Coach crying, obviously tears of joy.

The other team looked dejected, some of them even looked furious. But who cares, we won!!!

"Let's go!" Treasure shrieked as she grabbed my hands and we ran hand in hand to the field.

I spotted a smiling Aspen who ran up to Treasure and hugged her, making her giggle. I smiled at their display.

I guess things are working out...

"I guess your Good luck was sort of useful." I gasped placing my hands on my chest, as I turned towards the person that almost gave me a mini heart attack.

It's Zander, unfortunately, who has worn his shirt back.

"Jeez! don't do that." was about to punch him on his chest but he held my hands instead, and I couldn't resist the sparks from his touch.

Remember... Hormones!!!

I blushed and he released my hands. "You should be happy I granted you that good luck," I stated firmly.

"Well, I am. That's why..." He said and smiled. He leaned down and gave my cheeks a light kiss.

He continued and stared at me. "I am saying thank you". He smiled again and patted my head before leaving me.

I wish you could feel my heartbeat right now.


Hey guys!!!

It's me again :)

Anyways, I know it is not perfect but, we are getting somewhere.

Remember to vote, comment, give any constructive criticism, notify me of any error, share and follow.

Quick question: What's your favorite Soccer Team?
