
Chapter 10~Saved~

"We are meant to rescue each other."


Let go of me, you pervert!" I screamed but he laughed holding me forcefully. With one hand he held my wrists and with the other, he grabbed my jaw, while his partner was looking out for him in case someone shows up. I kept screaming but seems no one could hear me due to the loud music.

Oh lord, I have been a good girl, please just save me.

My fighting instinct came into play, I kicked him with all my might at his hardened bulge. He groaned in pain and was lying on the floor. Unfortunately for me, the other guy noticed what I had done and ran to me and held my neck with one hand, holding a pocket knife at the other, and stabbed me slightly at the lower region of my abdomen.

I was already weak and I didn't even know when I began to cry. I shut my eyes and mentally prepared myself for what would happen next.

Please lord!

But nothing happened. His grip on me loosen and he was already on the ground with blood oozing from his nose due to the impact of the punch, with his partner still groaning in pain. I don't know if it is my imagination, but I think he just saved me.

End of Recap.

Zander's POV.

"Yo! Zander, are you enjoying the party?. Wait why ain't you drunk yet?" Aspen asked gulping another shot.

I am surprised though, this is his 5th shot and he isn't drunk yet, like usual.

"Dude, loosen up," James said and I rolled my eyes.

"I never wanted to come to this party in the first place, so respect my decision," I stated in a very depreciating harsh tone which shut them up.

I know you are wondering why the Almighty Zander Miller Wayne is not crushing the party. Well, even I don't know why, so keep asking yourself why.

"Ooh, Iris you made it," Aspen said giving her a tight hug. Wow! she cleaned up well, even with very little makeup.

"Whoa, someone is looking good today." James complimented eyeing her dress, I could sense she was feeling uncomfortable

"Umh, thanks?"

I kept staring at her.

What? Don't blame me, I'm a guy.

She turned in my direction, but I looked away real quick. I could sense the awkwardness.

"Hey, have a drink."James requested with a slight smirk.

"I... I don't drink". She stuttered slightly and adjusted her glasses.

"Aww! baby girl needs to tell her mommy before she drinks," Lucas said and they all laughed. I don't know why I was even mad at them for persuading her to drink.

"Just one please," James begged and she held onto her pendant. This is one of the things I have noticed she does when she is either scared or self-conscious.

"Dude, she said she doesn't want to leave her," I stated harshly glaring at James.

"You know what, I am gonna drink." She said and I was taken aback but I didn't show it.

Why am I even caring about her and her damn decisions?

"Yes, that's our girl," Aspen said.

I banged my fist so hard on the table, and I walked out.

"Yo Zander! Zander wait up." Henry called out, following me right outside the house.

"Dude are you okay? why are you so worked up on that girl, don't even act like you care about--"

"Will you just shut up!" My blood boiled as I yelled at him.

He raised his hands in a surrender motion. "Calm down man. I'm sorry." I mentally counted to ten to calm myself down.

"Okay, can we just get back inside?" He pleaded and I nodded mutely. We stood outside for a little while before we went back inside.

"Guys, where is Iris?" Henry asked as I scanned everywhere with no sign of her.

"I don't know after she took like two cups, she left," Lucas said nonchalantly and shrugged.

"Why would you leave her to go on her own, don't you know it's dangerous."

"Dude! why do you even care if---" Aspen said but Henry interrupted him.

"Don't worry, we are gonna find her," Henry assured and we all went searching.

I searched for about five minutes, I couldn't find any trace of her. Suddenly, I heard screaming from a feminine voice. I could hardly hear the voice, due to the loud music banging everywhere.

I scanned everywhere and then I saw a guy lying on the ground in pain holding onto his crutch. Suddenly my eyes drifted to her small and weak body, the other guy had already stabbed the lower region of her abdomen and she was already bleeding slightly.

Without wasting any seconds, I pounced on him, hitting and punching him with all of my might.

How dare him lay his hands on her, on a lady. I can't let this happen again, not on my watch...never!

"Please, stop." She screamed but I continued.

"Please, stop! You are gonna hurt him, I don't want you getting involved in any of my problems, please stop." She pleaded as she winced in pain while holding unto her injury and I released my grip on him. I wasn't satisfied with what I did with him.

Is she for real? I'm here trying to beat the hell out of the guy who is trying to assault her and she is pleading on his behalf, thinking about my welfare.

What's wrong with her?

It was not long before Lucas and Henry came into the scene, even without me talking they already knew what they would do to these guys.

I turned towards Iris, still groaning in pain, she could barely stand on her own.

Suddenly, Aspen and James came to the scene with a curly hair girl.

What's her name again...ooh yeah Treasure.

"Oh my gosh, Iris are you okay?" Treasure asked and I rolled my eyes but kept my mouth shut from insulting her.

Is she that clueless? Isn't it obvious that she is definitely not okay!

Iris chuckled weakly. "Yeah, I am fine. It's just a slight injury that's bleeding way too much."

"I think it's better we get her out of here, she doesn't look too good right now," James suggested and we nodded in agreement, while she just rolled her eyes again.

"Please No! I can't go home like this, I don't want my dad to be worried about me." She pleaded as she adjusted her glasses.

"Well, it's not possible for her to stay with me, cause my parents are gonna ask a lot of questions, and I couldn't find Lizzy or Chris anywhere." Treasure said and shrugged.

"Umh! then I guess I will take her to my place," I suggested and they all stared at me like I have grown two heads.

"What? we've got no other options." I said and they nodded. Iris was already weak, and I'm sure she wasn't even paying attention to what we were saying.

"Try to contact her parents or whoever and tell them she is spending the night with you, so they wouldn't get worried," I said and she did as I instructed. I ripped the sleeves of my shirt off and tied it around her abdomen to stop the bleeding before I carried her bridal style to my car passenger's seat and buckled her seat belt.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She stupidly asked with her eyes closed while she held her pendant again.

I didn't respond, I just kept on driving.

"Why did you save me from him. I was handling it myself, I never said I needed a Knight in shiny armor." She stated and I sighed.

"You know for someone with little mouth, you talk a lot, and if I didn't come right on time, who knows what those bastards would have done. I am even surprised you handled the first guy." glanced at her before focusing on the road ahead and I was happy she didn't say anything again.

The ride to my house wasn't that long.

"Wow! Its s--so big." She muttered and I shrugged. This is one of the smallest properties.

I opened my house door with one hand as I held her with the other.

"It's so dark in here and why is nobody here." She whispered as we entered the house.

I went straight to the kitchen cabinet to get my first aid kit.

The house is usually empty, except when the guys are around, I hardly go to my parent's mansion.

She kept rambling about how huge my house is.

"Can you just shut up! You are really annoying. Can you just sit down so I could clean your wound before it gets infected?" I groaned as I opened the first aid kit while she sat on the stool beside the white marbled counter.

"Jeez! Someone got a stick stuck in their ass." She scoffed.

"What did you just say?"

"I am very sure you aren't deaf, so don't act like you didn't hear me."

"Wow! You got an attitude, I guess that's why this happened to you, and if you don't shut that hole you call a mouth, you might as well clean your wound yourself."



"Yes, fine. I can clean this myself, I don't need help from you or anyone. I have been through far more worst. This right here is not something I can't handle." She stated and I was taken aback again, here I was expecting her to beg me.

"You are really stubborn."

"Ooh! I have heard that before, any other new compliments left in that brain of yours?" She smirked and stood up.

"Where the hell do you think you are going to?"

"Looking for the bathroom duhhh! So I could clean this shit, I feel so tired already since a certain someone is being an arrogant asshole." She kept on walking as she took the first aid kit with her.

"Ooh, found it!" She entered the bathroom and shut the door.

* * * * * * * *

Yo!!!..its ibby again

Sorry about the late update

Anyways here is another chapter, in Zander's POV

So y'all should make sure to vote, comment, and share this story....it means a lot to me.

Love ibby