
Chapter 9

Alexa closed Olivia's door and sighed heavily. She wondered how Olivia was influenced by Letty's lie. She looked at the door again and said to herself, “I hope she doesn't regret this.” Then she went downstairs. She was at the living room when she met the Nanny, Betty.

Betty asked, “Is there anything you need my dear?”

Alexa shook her head saying, “No ma'am. I just want to go home.”

Betty dropped the napkin and said, “If you are a homesick person, you really didn't have to come.”

Alexa rolled her eyes, “I'm not homesick. I just have to go home. Duty calls.”

Betty noticed her accent and said, “Oh, you're the British one. Alright, do sit. I'll go call Danielle.” Then she went upstairs.

Betty knocked on the door but no response. She was about to knock again when Dominic who was behind her asked, “Is there a problem?”

Betty turned to face him saying, “One of the kids wants to go home. The British one.”

Dominic sighed, “Was Danielle supposed to take them back home tonight?”

Betty answered, “Well from what I heard her saying, she's supposed to take them home, but I don't think it's tonight.”

Dominic nodded. “Thank you. I'll take her home, Danielle's asleep.” Betty left and he went into the room to change.

He came downstairs some minutes later and found Alexa looking at pictures on the wall.

“Beautiful right?”

Alexa turned immediately and said, “Yes sir.”

Dominic held his keys and asked,“What's your name and why do you want to go home now? Can't you wait till tomorrow?”

Alexa maintained her posture saying, “My name is Alexa and I want to go home. Duty calls. I'm sorry if it's inconvenient.”

Dominic nodded, “Let's go.”

They went into the car and Dominic drove out.

As they were going Alexa asked, “Can I ask you a question sir?”

Dominic nodded. “Of course.” Then she continued, “I noticed Olivia's picture on the wall. There was a girl beside her that looks like her, or is that a clone?”

Dominic sighed and she said, “I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have asked.”

Dominic smiled saying, “That is not a clone, but Olivia in a different person. Olivia has a twin sister, but she couldn't meet her cause she was kidnapped the night she was born.”

Alexa looked at him. “I'm really sorry about that sir. I've heard cases of that from my parents. It's not a good experience.”

Dominic continued, “Yes it's not. It took Danielle years to get over it. It wasn't easy.”

Alexa nodded and asked, “What would happen if you eventually find her? Would you transfer all your love to her and leave Olivia? Would you not have time for her?”

Dominic laughed, “Seems like you're interrogating me young lady. Anyway, we would love both of them equally. We loved them that way before they were born, when they were born, even when Anna was taken away. Nothing will change that even if we find her now.”

Alexa said to herself, “What has Olivia done to herself? This is a father that loves them equally even when Anna isn't here.”

Dominic drove into Alexa's house and she got down from the car. Her mom, Margaret came out asking, “What are you doing here Alexa? Is the slumber party over?”

Alexa smiled, “No mom, just wanted to come home.”

Margaret looked at Dominic saying, “Thank you for bringing her home.”

Alexa looked at him, “I hope you find her sir.” Then Dominic drove out of their house.

Alexa walked inside with her mom and Margaret scolded, “The next time you try this, you would be grounded. Now go to your room.” Alexa ran upstairs with tears forming in her eyes. She shut her room door and slumped on the bed. She couldn't get over the fact that Olivia his her twin sister from her mother and also what Dominic said. She took a paper and wrote;

“I can't allow Olivia do this to herself. I'm making a promise that I'll find Anna no matter what and bring her home.”

She folded the paper and put it in her glass jar. Then she slept.

The next morning, Olivia was still asleep. Letty and Julia were downstairs waiting for Danielle when Julia asked, “How did you convince Olivia to take your advice? Olivia doesn't have people make decisions for her.”

Letty laughed, “Easy, I just told her I've been there. That I've been a victim of that.”

Julia was shocked and said, “You lied to Olivia that you had a twin sister like that. Damn! You are good.”

Letty smirked, “Oh please I had no choice. Look at it this way, if she found her sister, no more slumber parties and I'll be stuck at home. I'm just using her to my advantage.”

Julia was about to talk when Danielle came downstairs saying, “Alright kids, it's time to go. Learnt Alexa went home last night. I wonder why. Come on!!”

They followed her to the car and she drove off.

Stacy was having her breakfast with Shannon when Lucille and Bob entered smiling. Shannon looked at them and asked, “What's with you too, you never smile this way. Spill it.”

Lucille looked at Bob and she said, “Stacy would be going to a new school!”

Stacy dropped her spoon saying, “Really mother, a new school?”

Lucille went to meet her saying, “We waited a long time for this moment.”

Stacy hugged her,“Thank you so much mom.”

Shannon smiled, dropped her plate and went inside her room. Lucille noticed that and followed her after signaling Bob to stay with Stacy.

Shannon was sitting on her bed when Lucille came in asking, “What's wrong my dear?”

Shannon had tears forming in her eyes and said, “I'm just happy with the way you are treating Stacy. I mean when I was her age, I couldn't go to school cause you couldn't afford the money.”

She sniffed and Lucille moved close to her saying, “Shannon, I understand and I want to thank you for accepting Stacy as your sister.”

Shannon hugged her and said, “At least I made it now. I later went to school even if the road was rough.”

Lucille pulled out of the hug saying, “Come on, wipe your tears, let's go out to the living room.”

As they came out, Stacy ran to hug Shannon saying, “Thank you Shannon.”

Shannon patted her head and said to herself....

“Not for long.”