
Chapter 26

Dominic drove to their house and parked his car. Stacy(Anna) was wowed at the mansion she was looking at. Her parents house was like a palace, bigger than Alexa's own. Her parents and Olivia were living large. She came out of the car slowly and stared at the mansion. Danielle noticed and walked towards her saying, “This is where we live Anna. This is your house.”

Anna smiled, “Yes mom, too bad I never lived her for 20 years.”

Olivia came down from the car and said, “Mom, do you mind....I wanna take Anna to our room.”

Danielle nodded, “Of course, do take her and show her her baby bed.”

Olivia nodded and turned to Anna, “Come with me.” Anna nodded and they went upstairs.

Dominic said, “Isn't is good the way Olivia's getting along with Anna.....I never thought it would happen.”

Danielle laughed, “Olivia has a soft heart, she just tries to hide it...but I'm her mother and I know her.”