
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 88

Chapter 88.

["My suggestion is to leave, Charlotte Linlin's strength is very strong, she and the pirate group formed by Whitebeard back then, just went to sea, and it was completely famous because of its terrifying combat power."]

[ "At that time, she was even a teenager, and now that she has experience from the Rocks Pirates, another ten years have passed, and I can't judge her true strength, which may not be weaker than the admiral of the Navy." ]

[ "If you call Mōri, you may have a fight." Naguri said. ]

[Fujitora didn't say anything, he just turned his head to Roja. ]

[The latter has been silent since he got the information of this investigation, as if thinking about something.]

["Mr. Issho, what do you think? "]

[Roja found that Fujitora "looked" at him, so he asked with a smile. ]

["Huh? Me?' Fujitora obviously did not expect that Roja would ask, and after being stunned for a while, he shook his head: "I don't have any opinion, I don't want to know too much about pirates like Mr. Naguri." ]

["I have not fought BIG MOM, I don't know her true strength, and this investigation report is too brief, we don't know anything about the enemy's forces."]

[Fujitora doesn't have any conclusions. ]

[Roja shook his head: "From this brief data alone, I really can't see anything, and what I want to ask is not your opinion on Charlotte Linlin, a pirate, but whether you have seen the essence and the essence of the development of the world situation through this simple report."]

["I can't see it." Naguri took the simple report and flipped through it twice, but he didn't see anything.]

[Fujitora is the same, he heard the information of this report from the beginning to the end, and he didn't miss anything, but he really didn't find anything very profound. ]

[Of course, with Fujitora's understanding of Roja, he can say this, he must have found something, just like the closed and open problem he saw at a glance when he was at the Red Line. ]

[Seeing the nature of the world from small things, Roja has always been sharp and terrifying in this regard. ]

[However, he really can't do it, for a moment, Fujitora feels as if he is still a student who knows nothing, and in the face of the teacher's question, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks can not pay attention to what the very simple essence of the teacher's mouth is. ]

[Originally, he thought that after following Roja for so long, he had grown a lot, but it seems that he is still in the same state as when he was in the Red Line. ]

In the chat room at the moment, it is basically the same as Fujitora's expression.

Roger: Hahaha, what did he see again?

Kaido: Brainy things, really not for me.

Rocks: Roja started thinking again, and every time he started thinking, the bastards of the world government started to have a headache.

Garp (nose picking): Roja, this kid, always likes to sell passes, was in the Red Line, and still is, before saying it, you always have to ask first, is it not good to say the answer directly?

Zephyr: I seem to have seen the tingling expression on the scalp of the five Elders, hahahaha.

A winter island somewhere in the New World, snow falls all year round.

Inside the warm cave.

Red-haired Shanks looked at Ben Beckman on the side and asked with a smile.

"Can you guess what Roja had in mind? Beckman." The redhead couldn't guess it himself, but he still believed in the wisdom of his right hand.

Ben Beckman is the smartest man he's ever met.

"I can't guess." Beckman frowned: "This is just a simple investigation report, as Mr. Roja said, there is nothing in the information recorded on it, the important thing is to see the essence of the matter."

"What is the essence?" The other members of the red-haired pirate group also looked reluctant to use their brains and asked curiously.

"I just said it, I don't know." Ben Beckman rolled his eyes: "Mr. Roja is not an ordinary person, his perspective on problems is often very sharp, and his understanding of the essence is also very profound."

"I can't compare to that." Ben Beckman said helplessly.

"If I could reach at Mr.Roja's level, I would probably have been able to create an organization larger than the revolutionary army led by Monkey D. Dragon."

Ben Beckman has always had great admiration for Roja.

"Can't think of it."

Kamabakka Kingdom, the dragon sighed.

He has been studying Roja hard and wants to become a leader like Roja, but when he really encounters problems, he finds himself becoming the Fujitora next to Roja.

At this moment, everyone in the chat room is like a puzzle game, deeply wanting to know what the mystery is.

And Roja in the giant screen did not sell much.

[ "Look at this report carefully." Roja picked up the simple report. ]

["Two key points, first, Totto Land Island always has a group of powerful pirates who want to occupy the development power here, so they are fighting each other here."]

[Second, five years ago, the BIGMOM Pirates arrived, ended the chaotic war here with a strong force, unified the Totto Land Islands, established the Totto Land Kingdom, and became the only ruler here."]

[Roja said this, clicked on this part of the report, and said: "From these two points, we have two questions, first, did Totto Land Islands have a kingdom before? "]

[Second, why has it always been pirates, and the Navy has never thought of establishing a base here? "]

["Third, Charlotte Linlin, as the remnant of the Rocks Pirates, whose bounty is very high, a danger to the world government, and the arrest priority is also very high, why has no navy come to attack her on a large scale in the past five years?" ]

[ After hearing Roja's words, Fujitora and Naguri fell into deep thought. ]

[When Roja didn't say, they still didn't have a clue, and now it's like breaking a layer of window paper, and they have a direction to think about. ]

[ "Mr. Roja, do you mean that the world government is deliberately allowing this to happen?" Fujitora thought thoughtfully. ]

[ "No, I would suggest that you change your intentional permissiveness to powerless interference." Roja said. ]

["First of all, let's start with the first question, has there been a kingdom here before? My personal feeling is that there should be." ]

["It's just that it is likely that after the number of pirates, the original kingdom was destroyed by pirates a long time ago, purely from the perspective of closed and open, although the surrounding sea area of Tota land is calm, but beyond, the climate of the new world is very bad." ]

[ "Totto Land is like a closed archipelago, and the armed forces here are simply no match for pirates who can cross the storms of the New World. "]

[ "And, although there are no charts, but follow our course in the New World. ]

[It can be roughly inferred that Totto Land is not close to the Red Line, and it is most likely a non-allied country, a closed, little-known archipelago kingdom, and a country that was only discovered in this era of navigation." Roja speculated. ]

[ "It is precisely because they are closed and far from the center of world power that they are easily destroyed by pirates."]

[ "And the study of the first question can also explain why the Navy did not come to Totto Land to establish a base here." Roja said. ]

["Because the Navy is a subordinate agency of the World Government, his base is established on the huge organization of the World Government, and the supply depends on Mary goisie of the Red Line and the allied countries." ]

["Even if there is no navy of the New World, the power map of the allied countries, I basically speculate that the allied countries of the New World, the naval branch bases, are generally established near the Red Line." ]

["Of course, a lot of this is my speculation, if there are conditions, the follow-up must be strictly verified, don't take my words, just use it." Roja reminded. ]

["The first two problems are thoroughly studied, then the third point, why the Navy does not attack the BIGMOM pirate group here will be very simple."]

["Unlike Garp's pursuit of Roger's pirates, if you want to attack here, you must have a large-scale navy fleet."]

["The BIG MOM Pirate Group itself is very strong, if you can't destroy the BIGMOM Pirate Group and let alone let BIG MOM go, then the attack will be meaningless."]

["Unless the navy can arrange the combat power of the Admiral level, plus a large army, stationed here, and this, basically impossible, there are many pirates, the power of the navy still has to protect the four seas, the paradise is already a little stretched, let alone a more dangerous new world."]

[When Roja said this, Naguri was still a little confused, and Fujitora on the side had already begun to think about something. ]

[Having said that, Roja did not continue to sell Guanzi, but simply made a bold speculation. ]

[ "So, this information from the Totto Land Islands can basically be extended to the entire New World. In the next two or three decades, the new world will be a new world of pirates, and the new state of pirates with divided forces will appear in large numbers in the new world." ]

["And after a period of chaos, the pirates of the New World, will appear as several "rulers"."]

["They will be different from ordinary pirates, they occupy a large number of territories, even much larger than ordinary allied countries, develop power, and eventually become a large pirate armed separatist force that the world government is afraid of."]

["At that time, unless there is a huge increase in the power of the world government, it will be difficult for them to enter the new world. "]

[After Roja's analysis, it instantly made Fujitora and Naguri, as well as the soldiers of the revolutionary army, feel like a cloud, and the mouth suddenly opened. ]

[ "It's not hard to test my speculation." Roja looked at the calm sea in the distance and smiled. ]

[ "We just need to send a message to the navy and reveal our whereabouts to them, and as for these few days, let's live here." ]

[ "If my speculation is correct, even if the navy gets the news, I am afraid that it will basically not send troops here to arrest us." Roja said with a smile. ]

And at the same time, outside the chat room.

Everyone is stupid.

Is this really just something that was analyzed through that bit of intelligence?

Obviously, the intelligence is so simple, you can actually see this layer, the key is that the analysis is also counted, actually all of it?

The navy, pirates were stunned.

What Roja said was really exactly right.

After the Battle of Edd, Shiki the Golden Lion was defeated, and the Golden Lion Pirate Alliance collapsed.

In contrast, there is the carnival of the New World.

A large number of pirates began to find suitable territory and began to develop their own power.

BIGMOM later established a Kingdom in the Totto Land Islands, and Kaido established his own powerful power in the Land of Wano and controlled the export of sea prision stones, making a lot of money.

Whitebeard occupies the largest land, and the land is spread everywhere.

Even the red-haired Shanks, who is most like Roger, the red-haired pirate group he leads has formed a big force because of the convergence of some forces.

The later Four Emperors, as Roja speculated, completely controlled the New World.

Except for a few branch bases built near the Red Line, the navy basically has no ability to compete with the Four Emperors in the New World.

Although in the New World, the world government also has allied countries.

But more often, these allied countries still have to look at the faces of the four emperors.

If they offend the world government, they may be fine, but if they offend the four emperors, there is a high probability that something will happen to their country, especially Kaido and BIG MOM.

But they know this on the basis that it has already happened completely.

And the time when Roja made these speculations was twenty-seven years ago.

Twenty-seven years ago, the Battle of Edd had just ended, Roger had not yet become the recognized Pirate king, Whitebeard was still adventuring, and Kaido had just settled in the Land of Wano.

Shanks was only an intern and never went to sea.

It is such an era, a time when the new world is still extremely chaotic.

With only a simple report, Roja speculated about the situation in the next twenty or thirty years in the New World.

This vision, to be honest, is enough to shock everyone in the world.

Even those who are already at the top of the world, the kings who control the power of the people, are the same.

Ivankov: Every time I watch Mr. Roja's analysis, it's a pleasure, hip-hop, insight into the whole world in the smallest detail, this kind of thing, only Mr. Roja can do.

Whitebeard: I'm a little pitiful now, and to be an opponent with such a monster, gurarara, whoever is an enemy with Mr. Roja, it will be really miserable.

Crocodile: Can this really be judged? How exactly does his brain work? Damn, if I had this insight, Alabasta would have been mine.

Crocodile, like Dragon, has been studying Roja seriously.

However, unlike Dragon, Crocodile, a complete careerist and conspirator, did not learn how to revolutionize and help the advanced class replace the power of the backward class.

He learned how to rebel better and how to build a large organization and armed group faster.


And unlike everyone else.

Behind the five Elders, a cold sweat broke out.

Roja's speculation is basically all correct, and the judgment about the world government is extremely accurate.

Without the ascension of great power, it is difficult to encroach on the new world.

This sentence basically explains why they started the marineford war, because from the time of the Marineford war, their strategy has begun to expand to the new world.

If only there were people like Roja in this world.

I am afraid that a simple war launch can launch their strategic shift, and then further speculate about the great power they are about to gain.

Even the five Elders have no doubt that if Roja has enough information, he can further speculate that it is the scientific and technological power of Vegapunk.

This kind of person's insight, analytical ability, has reached a very terrifying point.

Really, as Whitebeard said, being an opponent of such a person is really a very scary thing.

The five Elders brought in by themselves, and they all shuddered.

As bait, they do focus on arresting Roja rather than continuing to investigate the revolutionary army as an organization.

The follow-up analysis made them feel as if the world had been completely seen through in the eyes of this teenager.

They sweat for the world government of another world, and can only pray that the coming interaction will not be so great.

[Seven days have passed since the news was sent to the Navy, and during these seven days, Roja conducted a rough survey of the Totto Land Islands and gained a lot. ]

[And seven days have passed, and the navy still has not moved. ]

[ "That's true." Roja boarded the ship: "Let's go, our purpose has been achieved, it's time to leave and head to Ohara." ]