
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 46

Chapter 46: Garp Stays

If it is said that after the rewards are distributed, who is the most frustrated person in this sea?

That must be the Five Elders.

Not to mention the rewards are not for their Celestial Dragons.

The revolutionary army has one more Four Emperors combat power.

The answer to the prize quiz directly reveals that Garp is going to help Roja's Revolutionary Army against the Celestial Dragons.

It would be nice if it was just another world.

The point is that the Five Elders remember it clearly.

It was clearly stated in the voice that appeared at the beginning.

As the viewing progresses, the two worlds will gradually interact.

According to the development speed of the Roja Revolutionary Army in the other world, coupled with the strength of the Dragon's own Volunteer Army, their combination may be able to overthrow them in the other world.

When the two worlds interact, will they be able to resist?

No matter how worried the Five Elders are, all they're actually doing right now is watching movies.

In other words, this is an established fact that has already happened in another world.

At this moment, all they can do is hope that the development of Roja's revolutionary army will be hindered.

After the question and answer, the image on the giant screen was restored.

[Facing the vigilance of Fujitora and Naguri, Roja is very calm]

[And Garp also smiled and pressed his hands, signaling them to relax: "I don't mean any harm, everyone."]

["I am here this time, not on behalf of the Kingdom of Goa, or the mission of the World Government. I am just an ordinary Marine, returning to my hometown for a vacation to relax."]

[Garp can understand Fujitora's nervousness. He has heard a lot about this Gray Terminal from Dadan and everyone in Windmill Village. ]

[With his wisdom, plus the information he got, and the well-equipped armed team in the camp holding guns]

[Garp can easily judge that this is a force completely independent from Goa Kingdom. ]

[That is to say, the people in the capital are used to being superior, and they can't avoid the gray terminal here. In addition, the surrounding garbage mountains have not been cleaned up, which has led to the fact that they have not noticed any changes here. ]

[In the end, the two will definitely have conflicts. ]

[From the standpoint of Garp Marine, he should have stood on the standpoint of the kingdom of Goa, a member country. ]

[But with his temper, he hates nobles, especially corrupt nobles. ]

[So he is more supportive of the camp established by Roja]

[At least with the confidence he has gained, and what he has seen and heard so far, Roja is definitely not that kind of ambitious war fighter. ]

[Garp's words did not make Fujitora and Naguri relax their vigilance]

[Although Fujitora's knowledge perception can feel that Garp is not lying, he can't guarantee that his perception is correct, after all, the other party's attainments in Haki are better than his own. ]

["Don't worry, Mr. Issho, Mr. Naguri, Mr. Garp is not an enemy."]

[It wasn't until Roja spoke that Fujitora and Naguri relaxed, but they still had basic vigilance. ]

["I thought it was a rumor before, but I didn't expect that you are really the leader here."]

[ Garp looks at Roja in surprise. ]

[In his opinion, Fujitora and Naguri are not weak, especially Fujitora, who is so young but so strong, and the future is limitless. ]

[However, a person of this level is also impressed by this young boy]

[This can only show that this boy is much stronger than he imagined. ]

["Let's sit and talk somewhere, Mr. Garp, Mr. Kuzan." Roja invited with a gentle smile on his face. ]

[Not long after, everyone in Roja has arrived at Roja's residence, a house built by himself]

["I have to say, you really shocked me. The gray terminal, I also tried to change it but failed. However, it took you only half a year to transform this place successfully."]

[Garp sat down and said with some emotion. ]

[From Garp's narration, Roja also knew the efforts Garp had made. ]

[Different from the orphan Naguri who grew up in the gray terminal, Garp grew up in Windmill Village, so he still has feelings for Goa Kingdom. ]

[With the justice in his heart, he once thought about changing this gray terminal, but failed. ]

[He was just a commoner at the beginning, and he wanted to change this place with his strength, but he failed. Later, he became a high-level Marine and was also busy hunting down pirates. ]

["Can you tell me how you did it?" Garp asked sincerely. ]

[What he heard from Dadan and everyone in the Windmill Village was just superficial stuff. What he wanted to know was the whole process of Roja. ]

[Roja didn't hide it, and told all the regulations he made at the beginning. ]

["Is it that simple?" Kuzan asked in surprise. ]

["It's that simple." Roja spread his hands: "The people really don't want that much, but the key is that sometimes those in power really don't treat them as human beings, not even cattle and horses."]

["It seems simple, but it's not easy to think about it. It's even more difficult to think about it, have the courage, and have the ability to do it." Garp looked at the teenager in front of him and praised: "You are really amazing, Roja. "]

[He now knows why Fujitora and Naguri are impressed by this boy. ]

[After a brief exchange, even he was somewhat convinced. ]

[Not because of strength, but something deeper. ]

["Thank you for the compliment." Roja smiled gently, and was not complacent about Marine hero's compliment. ]

["Can I stay here longer?" Garp asked. ]

["Of course no problem, we always welcome friends like Mr. Garp." Roja said sincerely. ]

[Garp's justice has its limitations, but he is kind, and he is not afraid of power. This kind of person can become a friend of the revolutionary army, or even a comrade. ]

["Then I won't bother." Garp laughed and stood up. ]

[After walking out, Aokiji asked puzzledly: "Why did you stay here for a few days, Mr. Garp, the headquarters is still urging us to capture Roger."]

["I always feel that there is something more important in this camp." Garp mused. ]

["Something more important?"]

["Yes, the mental outlook of the people here is a bit too good." Garp said: "In terms of material adequacy, they are far from being ample here. The living environment and supporting facilities are very simple."]

["But everyone here has a smile full of hope and vitality, which cannot be achieved by simple environmental transformation." Garp looked at the people here and said with a smile. ]

["As for the orders from the headquarters, don't worry about them. Anyway, I'm not Admiral, and I have a high degree of freedom."]

["Let Roger take a breather for now."]

[Garp laughs, and behind him is Aokiji who is full of admiration]