
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs

chapter 128

Chapter 128 Slave, Slave, Sabaody Archipelago

[In the restaurant, Roja and Tesoro talked about many things. ]

[Tesoro also doesn't know why he trusts Roja so much. It's obviously the first time he meets him, and neither him nor his companions look like good people from their appearance. ]

[But inexplicably, he has a special aura about him that makes people involuntarily want to get close to him and trust him. ]

[Perhaps it was because his tone of voice, body movements, etc., were not so condescending, but had many similarities with lower-level people like him, which made him feel cordial. ]

[After a while, Roja learned from Tesoro about the so-called money-saving incident. ]

[It turned out that Tesoro had been hanging out in the casino in Sabaody before. One day he lost the bet and was sold into the hands of human traffickers. He desperately escaped from the hands of the traffickers. ]

[But at this time, he met Stella at the human selling market. ]

[Stella was the only one who treated Tesoro's singing sincerely. Tesoro decided to let Stella gain freedom, so he gave up gambling and worked hard to make money, hoping to buy the slave from the slave traders. ]

["Human selling market?" Roja frowned and asked: "Sabaody Archipelago has a market dedicated to selling humans?"]

["Yes, right at the No. 1 mangrove tree." Tesoro replied. ]

["Isn't it an underground black market?"

["No." Tesoro's face is also a little gloomy. ]

[ Roja's face completely darkened. He had previously known about the slave trading incident on Sabaody Archipelago, and had heard some information from Naguri and Aokiji. ]

[But whether it is Aokiji or Naguri, it is obvious that they do not know much about this aspect. ]

[ Roja really thought it was an underground black market selling slaves at first. After all, slavery has not been completely abolished in this world, and the laws of the World government do not explicitly prohibit the keeping of slaves. ]

[But human trafficking, this kind of anti-human thing, should be banned in itself and should be severely cracked down. "But in Sabaody, it is actually stated openly?"]

[The slave trade in Sabaody seems to be more serious and rampant than he imagined. ]

[This is definitely not something that can be summed up by a simple sentence of Sabaody's lawless zone. Roja thought of the Lvneel Kingdom. The coal miners were thrown away like garbage when they died, and the World government would replenish slaves every once in a while. ]

["World government, Celestial Dragons." Roja whispered, and everyone could hear the anger in his voice. ]

["Can you take us to the slave market? Tesoro." Roja suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Tesoro: "Don't worry, we will pay you accordingly."]

["No, no, no, you just saved me, how can I ask for your money?" Tesoro waved his hands repeatedly: "It's just a small thing to take you there, it won't take long."]

[Tesoro wanted to refuse Roja's reward, but in the end he accepted it. On the one hand, Roja forced it on him, and on the other hand, he really needed the money. ]

[After all, he is still a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. At this moment, he took Roja's money and felt quite sorry. He took the initiative to help Roja and the others pick up the purchased items, and even took the initiative to ride the bubble car. ]

[This is a simple and enthusiastic young man. Roja has a very good impression of Tesoro. ]

[Because of his tragic childhood experience, he did not receive a good education and took many detours. However, he was able to look back in time, which shows that he is kind in his heart. ]

[Mangrove Area No. 1. ]

[Slave Trading Market, when Tesoro brought Roja and the others here, Roja was already mentally prepared. At this moment, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils and clenched his fists. ]

[I saw this huge market. Looking around, I saw that there were large iron cages one after another. ]

[And what is locked in the cage are not cats or dogs, but living people. ]

[Some are fishmen, some are pirates, some are strong human beings, and some are beautiful women. Here, people are real goods, locked in cages, and marked with prices.]

[In the past, Roja always said that the people were treated like horses and livestock by the nobles. ]

[Now in Sabaody Archipelago, people are really no longer human. They are shackled and collared, and locked in iron cages like real livestock. They may be clean or dirty, but without exception, the look in their eyes, all lost their light. ]

[They are locked in cages like livestock, and the people who keep them here have become real beasts. ]

["These bastards." Aokiji looked at the scene in front of him and was extremely angry. ]

[His right hand, shrouded under the cloak, has completely turned into frost, and his whole body is filled with cold air. ]

[He rarely comes to Sabaody. In the few years since he joined the Marine, he spent most of his time chasing pirates. Moreover, Marine senior officials generally told them not to go to Sabaody, especially the lawless zone. ]

[What I heard from my Marine colleagues about the darkness of Sabaody Archipelago was just hearsay. Only when I saw the scene in front of me, I realized why the Marine senior management did not let them come here. ]

[They are afraid that some Marines will take action regardless of the situation and kill all the bastards here. ]

[Even when facing some pirates, Aokiji has never been so angry, because the pirates are on the opposite side, and his mission is to hunt down the pirates. ]

[And the Sabaody Archipelago, an island covered by World government laws, actually has this completely anti-human market that has always existed. ]

[The anger in his heart would only make the chill on his body even colder. But at this moment, a hand directly grabbed his hand, abruptly interrupting his ability. ]

[Aokiji looked to the side and saw Roja. ]

["Don't take action at this time."]

["Why, Mr. Roja, isn't it our revolutionary army's job to solve this kind of problem?" Aokiji lowered his voice, his voice full of anger. ]

["If we act now, we will only alert the enemy. Do you know how many slave trading markets there are in Sabaody?" Roja looked at Aokiji and whispered. ]

[Aokiji wanted to say something else, but when he saw Roja's eyes, he froze. ]

[Roja's eyes were deep and terrifying, as if they contained hot magma, and there was an invisible power that seemed to be condensed on his body, making Aokiji feel a little hairy and did not dare to say anything more. ]

["Wait a minute, I will definitely uproot the slave trade on this island, no, in this world." Roja let go of Aokiji's wrist and walked forward. ]

[ Aokiji flicked his wrist and looked at Roja's back, his eyes a little confused. What was the terrifying pressure he felt at that moment? It flashed by, as if it was an illusion. ]

["It's not an illusion." Fujitora said beside Aokiji. ]


["It should be that Conqueror's Haki is about to awaken." Fujitora doesn't rely on his eyes. His perception is much sharper than Aokiji. He can feel Roja's explosion at that moment. ]

["Conqueror's? Do you have this kind of oppression before you awaken?" Aokiji murmured in a low voice. ]

[Looking up, Roja and Fujitora were already gone, so he quickly followed them. ]

[ Roja and the others were following Tesoro. They saw many slaves in cages along the way. The more they looked at them, the more they became extremely heavy-hearted. ]

[Aokiji is no longer so excited and reckless at this moment, but there is still a murderous aura in his heart at this moment. ]

["Stella, I'm here to see you again." Tesoro finally walked to a slave selling shop. In the window here, there were all human girls, and they were the prettier ones. ]

[And Stella is one of them. She is a very beautiful girl who looks about the same age as Tesoro. ]

[I have this golden hair and those beautiful eyes, but they are always a little sad. Also, how good can the eyes of a person who is put in the window as a slave commodity be? ]

[More people have already lost their light and hope of living. Stella's condition is relatively better. ]

["I will definitely save enough money to buy you out. Wait for me, Stella." Tesoro said to Stella through the window. ]

["I always believe in you, just don't forget to smile, Tesoro." Stella faced Tesoro and squeezed out a smile. ]

[This smile is quite fragile. ]

[Roja looked at the couple who loved each other but couldn't be together. ]

[After Tesoro and Stella finished speaking, Roja walked forward, looked at Stella in the window, and said in a gentle voice. ]

["You will definitely be rescued, Stella, so, always have hope."]

["Thank you." Stella heard Roja's words and looked at Roja's dress. She was stunned for a moment, then showed a smile and thanked her. ]

[This is a very good girl. She is gentle and polite, but combined with her current situation, she looks even more miserable. ]

[After leaving Stella, even Tesoro, who had been full of motivation before, had a heavy look on his face. ]

[Anyone with a little bit of humanity will find it difficult to relax in this environment. ]

Chat room.

Everyone saw this scene on the Sabaody Archipelago.

The sight of putting people in iron cages and selling them in public really shocked the hearts of many people.

Golden Lion: The island closest to Naval Headquarters looks like this. It's really eye-opening. Garp, Sengoku.

Saint Peter: Isn't this all a good thing you pirates did?

Rocks: This dirty water really has no technical content. Five Elders, pirates don't need slaves. How many slaves do you Celestial Dragons need every year? Nobles are proud to buy slaves. Isn't that what you learned from Celestial Dragons?

People from non-member countries have no human rights. Aren't all the lawless places created by your world government?

Doflamingo: Without the protection of people above, there is no way the pirates can open up a slave market in Sabaody.

The Five Elders said nothing more.

The world government has the greatest demand for slaves, much more than anyone imagined.

The Kingdom of Lvneel, the Kingdom of Bridges, and the replacement of slaves below Marie Geoise, because there are too many places where Slaves are needed.

The slave trade in Sabaody Archipelago was originally allowed by them. Otherwise, how could anyone in the legally protected Sabaody Archipelago create lawless zones under the eyes of the Marine garrison.

"It's really ugly, Kizaru."

Egghead, Vegapunk looked at the slave market on the giant screen and said to Kizaru.

"You should also know that Marines have nothing to do with this place. Moreover, after our management, the slave trade in Sabaody is much better than it was twenty-six years ago."

Kizaru said.

Marines don't have much confidence.

From a slave market to a slave shop and auction house, it can barely be considered an improvement.

On a Marine warship in the New World.

"That's why you're not allowed to go to Sabaody Archipelago."

Tsuru stood on the bow of the ship and sighed, then said to Gion and several female Marine Rear Admiral next to her.

"The situation in Sabaody is very complicated. It is not a simple problem of pirates and human traffickers. Even we at Marine cannot intervene."

"Sister Tsuru." Gion looked at Tsuru and sighed softly.

"Actually, I quite envy Kuzan from another world."

Tsuru didn't speak, just sighed softly.

Naval Headquarters.

"This is Sabaody Archipelago." Garp sneered with a heavy face.

"The place where justice is dusted."

Sengoku didn't object.

Yes, the place where justice is covered with dust.

Stationed on the Sabaody Archipelago, there are basically few strong men from the headquarters.

Although Sabaody is very close to Naval Headquarters, under normal circumstances, the headquarters will not let the Vice Admiral go to Sabaody for vacation.

That is a place where true justice is covered in dust. No matter how firm a Marine is about justice, if he goes there and witnesses the true darkness, he will become confused about justice.

Once Garp and Sengoku specifically told Aokiji to not go to the Sabaody Archipelago.

In Sabaody, human trafficking is secondary. If you encounter Celestial Dragons, it is enough to make all Marines with righteous hearts despair of justice.

"Do you think the revolutionary army will really take action? Garp." Sengoku couldn't help but ask.

Sabaody Archipelago is very close to Naval Headquarters, but this time it is very different from before.

Once the revolutionary army is determined to be in Sabaody, they will be faced with Marine's thunderous strike.

"Do you think they won't take action? Sengoku." Garp asked.

If they don't take action, they won't be a revolutionary army.

["Let me go, you humans."]

[While Roja and the others were investigating information in the slave trading market, a loud roar sounded. Roja heard the sound and looked around, What he saw was an extremely strong fish man.]

[This fish-man seems to be a shark-fish man. He is three meters tall and powerful. He is currently being tied by several iron chains and being pulled into a large iron cage. ]

[More than a dozen strong men were unable to pull him. Instead, he casually pulled the chains and made the chains rattle. But that was all he could do. He was covered in chains. It's hard to exert force if you're clinging to it. ]

[A slave trader couldn't see it, so he swung a huge whip and hit him all over the face. This slave trader was quite powerful. When the whip was struck, there was a deep blood mark And the blows were very accurate, and they were all hit in the face. ]

[After a while, even though the fish-man was strong, he couldn't help but scream repeatedly. ]

[But the slave trader, as if he was getting pleasure from the screams, whipped him one whip after another, whipping harder. ]

[Anyway, fishmen have strong vitality, Immune to Death. ]

[ Roja couldn't stand it anymore and was about to step forward to stop him. ]

[But someone has already taken the lead. This is also a tall figure wearing a cloak, even taller, five or six meters tall, looking like a little giant. ]

[His big hand stretched out from under his cloak, lifted the slave trader high, and then smashed it out hard. ]

[The slave trader hit several iron cages one after another, and then hit the far wall. The cracks spread and the wall dust rustled down. ]

[The slave trader twitched several times and looked like he would not survive. ]

["Fishman?" Roja saw the palm of the cloaked man just for a moment. It was the hand of a fishman. ]

[No wonder he couldn't stand it and stopped the slave trader's whipping. No wonder he was covered under clothes as Roja and the others. The fish-men are one of the main targets of slave traders in Sabaody.]

[The cloaked fish man ripped off the iron chain on the slave. At this time, several figures were also surrounding the slave market. ]

[The slave market in Sabaody can be so large, so people will not kidnap slaves so easily. ]

[However, it is only at the level of the first half of the Grand Line. The cloaked fish man is extremely powerful. After a few rounds, he can easily deal with the people in the slave market. ]

[Then, before more people surrounded him, the cloaked fishman quickly left with the fishman slave. ]

[ Roja thought for a while and followed. ]