
Double Comparison: Sasuke is a broken character!!!

During the Chunin exam in the leaf village an unprecedented event occurred, a live broadcast appeared in the sky, comparing the lives of Uchiha Sasuke, both in this world and in a parallel world. Sasuke from the original world: Deceived by Uchiha Itachi, deceived by Uchiha Obito, manipulated by the Hokage and the village's advisory group, kept in the dark. His strength increases along the paths laid out by Uchiha Itachi and the sage of the six paths, he saved the ninja world by sealing Kaguya, only to leave Konoha alone, with only one daughter, the Uchiha lineage is on the brink of extinction. Sasuke in the parallel world: Engaged in critical thinking and research to discover the truth, determined to overcome all obstacles, he increased his power independently, acquiring Sage Mode, Rinnegan and the power of the tailed beast for himself. He united the ninja world through incomparable strength, defeated the Otsutsuki, and ushered in true peace. Hello everyone, this work is originally a Chinese fanfiction named: 双对比:海王佐助,全忍界麻了, I decided to bring it to this platform because I liked the concept they use in the story, as well as a practice for my English, As you know, MTL novels are complicated to read, so I edited all the parts with wrong names, and I took the liberty of editing and changing some things so that they were more by the dynamics of the characters, as well as with the plot, Any comments or corrections you have, I will gladly read them and take them into account. Thank you in advance for reading and joining me in this project.

Literary_Mind · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 18: The clan land has been invaded?! One step closer to the truth!

Hyuga Hanabi: "Huh? So my sister was soft on me?"

Hyuga Hiashi: "..."

The current head of the Hyuga clan couldn't help but sigh slightly, as a Hyuga patriarch, Elite Jonin, how could he not notice that Hinata wasn't using her full strength?

But that made him even more angry!!

As the heir of the Hyuga clan, Hinata's temper is too weak, so she scolded Hinata, hoping that Hinata would become serious, however, it had no effect.

Instead, Uchiha Sasuke from the parallel world, a stranger, entered Hinata's heart and made him change his mind.

Hyuga Hiashi feels at this moment that what he did as a father is a failure...

Hyuga Hinata: "Don't worry sister... besides I didn't hold back much either... "

Hyuga Hanabi: "I have decided! I will work harder in the future and strive to protect my sister!"

Hyuga Hinata: "..."

Hinata couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile, but, although she was happy for Hanabi's concern, she couldn't allow having her little sister protect her all the time, that's her responsibility as an older sister.

'Do you have to practice a lot and become stronger to protect the people you want to protect...'

Hinata looked at Sasuke with a soft smile on her face. the golden framed screen, remembering the words he taught his version in another world, thanked him silently.

He knew what he should do in the future:

"It's incredible, if I were that Hyuga Hinata, I couldn't. bear it!"

Samui: "I agree."

Karui: "I think so too."

What girl can resist a handsome boy to whom you can explain your worries in a low voice?

I'm afraid I couldn't help but confess on the spot!

Uzumaki Kushina: "It seems that this little girl named Hinata has fallen, tsk, little Sasuke is mighty."

Uchiha Mikoto: "As expected of my Sasuke!"

Yuhi Kurenai: "…"

Kurenai couldn't help but scratch her head, after all this Uzumaki Kushina, seemed to be Naruto's mother, right? If she knows that Hinata is actually in love with Naruto, She doesn't know what she will think...

Sasuke is about to kidnap the future daughter-in-law in another world.

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[After the touching event with Hinata, it can be said that Sasuke's attention now has another one in his sights.] 

[However, with Hinata's temper, It is still impossible for her to take the initiative to approach him in public.]

[Only Sasuke took the initiative to talk to Hinata. ]

[The students also noticed more about this little girl who seemed invisible until just a few days ago.]

[Gradually, under the active contact of Sakura, Ino, and others.]

[Hinata began to open up more to her classmates, even her temperament boring and introverted was improving, allowing her to have more friends]

[Hinata is happy with the changes in herself and is increasingly grateful to Sasuke.]

[And this feeling of gratitude is gradually deteriorating, transforming into a warm feeling, which Hinata didn't know how to explain.]

[Hinata was thinking about something, and suddenly her face turned red.]

[While on Sasuke's side, picking up girls, reading books, and training were everyday things, just part of his routine.]

[Time flies, and now Sasuke is 9 years old.]

[One day in the school library, Sasuke looked at a sentence in a book 'If information is missing and the situation is unclear, a good way to start is to think who could benefit from something who could be the promoter of the corresponding event.']

[Like a bolt of lightning! Sasuke instantly thought of many things.]

[Death of White Fang, the rise of the Fourth Generation, Nine-Tails rebellion, the defection of Orochimaru, the genocide of Uchiha!]

[Behind this series of important events, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen always has existed and has always had the power of Konoha.]

["Behind these events, what role did the Third Hokage play...?"]

[Sasuke couldn't help but think, This Hokage, who has been in power for more than 30 years, should not be underestimated!]


[Sasuke couldn't help but doubt, these are just his conjectures, unfounded theories based on evidence, how to prove the conjecture?]

Orochimaru: "Hahahahaha! I just To say that Sasuke is a genius, he thought of the key!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Orochimaru, don't talk nonsense here!"

Onoki: "Hahaha it seems they have you cornered Hiruzen!"

Fourth Raikage: "It's over, the image of a good old man of the Third Hokage is going to be lost!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Everyone, don't listen to his nonsense! A group of Kages from other villages and a rebel are slandering Konoha and are trying to provoke an internal fight!"

Shimura Danzo: "That's right, don't be fooled by his rhetoric!"

Danzo also came out to support Sarutobi Hiruzen, this is not the time for him and Sarutobi to fight for power if Sarutobi's reputation is rotten like that! his assistant couldn't be better!

In the chat room, all the Shinobi of Konoha were silent.

They are hesitating, does Uchiha Sasuke's guess make sense?

After so many years of education and beliefs, they instinctively resist this idea. If the Third Hokage is behind these incidents... Well, Konoha is too dark!

Thinking of this possibility, they couldn't help but tremble!

The screen continues playing.

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[Thinking for a long time. ]

[Sasuke suddenly thought of something: "Land of the Uchiha Clan!"]

[After the disappearance of the Uchiha clan, he only returned once from the beginning.]

[How is the land of the Uchiha family now? Who occupies it?]

[If you go and take a look, will you be able to get the answer?]

----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

real world.

Sarutobi Hiruzen broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and joked, "Sarutobi Sensei, does he seem nervous?"

"Silence Orochimaru!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen glared at Orochimaru, looking at the screen with a golden frame, his heart couldn't stop trembling.

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[Sasuke moves immediately.]

[After two years, he returned to the Uchiha clan once again.]

[The corpses and pools of blood that were once everywhere have disappeared. ]

[Now it's full of shops and houses, Sasuke walks around the entire ancient Uchiha clan with an expressionless face.]

[In many shops He saw the same family emblem.]

[He once saw it in a book, it was the emblem of the clan Sarutobi!]

[The crest of the third Hokage family Sarutobi Hiruzen!]

[He walked alone to the edge of the lake and sat at the place where he used to practice the Great Fireball.]

[Looking at the clear water.]

[The Sharingan of three Tomoe suddenly appeared in Sasuke's eyes: "Apparently the identity of my enemy is becoming clear little by little... Sarutobi clan...]

"Hello everyone, I hope you continue enjoying this story, any comments, suggestions or corrections are welcome, so let's continue enjoying this story together!!!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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