
Double Comparison: Golden Sasuke made the whole Ninja World numb!

The Chūnin exam, comparing the live broadcast room to the ninja world, showing the completely different lives of two Uchiha Sasuke! Sasuke from the original world: Deceived by Uchiha Itachi, fooled by Uchiha Obito, brainwashed by successive Hokages, always kept in the dark; Relying on the paths arranged by Uchiha Itachi and Sage of Six Paths to improve his strength; Seal Kaguya to save the ninja world, but finally leave Konoha alone with a broken hand; There is only one daughter with glasses and the Uchiha's bloodline is about to be cut off...The Chūnin exam, comparing the live broadcast room to the ninja world, showing the completely different lives of two Uchiha Sasuke! Sasuke from the Parallel World: Read and think, look for clues to find out the truth, and liquidate all enemies! Improve your own strength and get Sage Body, Rinnegan, Tailed Beast Power, and even Rinne-Sharingan! Unify the ninja world with absolute power, sweep Ōtsutsuki, bring real peace to the ninja world. =========== Update: Daily Timing: Evening (IST) Dm for Pic removal

IWhoMustNotBeName · Anime & Comics
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10. Golden Sasuke Won The First Place, But Started To Worry

Orochimaru: "It's normal. Without a good teacher, that's the result."

Uchiha Fugaku: "Well, if only we were still around.."

Hatake Kakashi: "With Sasuke's talents, most of the time spent in ninja school was wasted."

When he just graduated from ninja school this year, Sasuke didn't even know the practice of climbing trees.

Sharingan doesn't work either!

But now, time has not passed at all!

Two Tomoe Sharingan!

Not long ago, he also learned his Chidori, and also mastered the method of stimulating the body with the thunder attribute Chakra to speed up.

The strength increase is very large!

On the other hand, Sasuke's strength improved very slowly during those years in the ninja school.

Sasuke has already mastered what the ninja school teaches.

The rest of the time is wasted.

[Sasuke looked at the heirs of the major ninja tribes in the same class, and was very envious that they had guidance.]

[But there is nothing he can do.]

[He can only cultivate by himself.]

[Continuously practicing those ninjutsu that have been proficient for a long time.]

[In the Ninja School exam, Sasuke has always maintained the first place.]

[Until the age of 12, graduated from ninja school.]

Namikaze Minato: "These few years are really important. I was guided by teacher Jiraiya at the time, and my strength improved very quickly."

He was valued by Sensei Jiraiya when he was still in the ninja school.

Usually find time to teach him.

Therefore, when he graduated from the ninja school, he already had the strength comparable to Jōnin.

When he was still in the ninja school, Kushina was kidnapped by Cloud Shinobi Jōnin, and he rescued Kushina by himself.

And Uchiha Sasuke.

When he graduated from ninja school at the age of 12, he was considered an excellent Genin at best.

Orochimaru: "Uchiha Sasuke, if you want to improve your strength quickly, you can come to me. I am confident that my teaching ability is better than Jiraiya."

Hatake Kakashi: "Sasuke, don't be fooled, Orochimaru can't be so kind!"

Uchiha Sasuke was silent.

Naturally, he wouldn't need Orochimaru's teachings if he'd been able to get a powerful reward for going through the question-and-answer session.

Silver framed screen playback paused.

The gold framed screen starts playing.

[Sasuke in the parallel world works harder in training, and spends most of his time in practicing every day.]

[Other things, save as much as you can.]

[Prepare the daily food, please leave it to

Sakura and Ino.]

[Ninja school homework, you only need to say a spell:]

["Arigado Sakura-chan!"]

[Then the tool guy Sakura will be very happy to help complete.]

[Practical assessment of the Ninja School.]

["Go Sasuke-kun!"]

["Sasuke-kun is number one in the world!"]

[Almost all the girls are cheering for Sasuke.]

[The male students are very dissatisfied.]

[Uzumaki Naruto, Inuzuka Kiba, etc., are clamoring to show Sasuke a good look.]

["Next set, Uchiha Sasuke vs. Uzumaki Naruto."]

[Teacher Iruka announces.]

[Sasuke came to the stage, looked at Naruto who was full of disbelief, and frowned.]

[Looking at the stands, Sasuke starts roll call:]

["Kiba, Shikamaru, Chōji, and that one from Aburame's house, you all come together."]

["Fart Sasuke, what do you mean?!"]

["Asshole, do you look down on us?"]

["It's so troublesome..."]

["Okay, finish the game early and have a rest and eat early."]

["...My name is Aburame Shino."]

[Under Sasuke's aggressive words, Uzumaki Naruto and other five people will fight against Sasuke together.]

Uzumaki Naruto: "It's too arrogant, it doesn't take us seriously!"

Inuzuka Kiba: "Make His face swollen, see if there are any girls cheering for him!"

Nara Shikamaru: "I have a bad feeling..."

[The battle begins.]

[Naruto and Kiba attack from two directions at the same time.]

[But in front of Sasuke's Sharingan, the speed of the two is the same as in slow motion.]

[Slightly dodge and push, and Naruto and Kiba collide together.]

[Jump up to avoid Shikamaru's shadow sneak attack.]

[Rear Chōji curls up into a ball and rushes over.]


[Sasuke's Two Tomoe Sharingan freezes suddenly!]

[Chōji runs straight towards Shino who is in the corner.]

["Chōji, you are under the illusion, Sasuke is not there!"]

[Shikamaru hastily reminded.]

[Chōji changed direction, but bumped into Kiba and Akamaru again, and the two collided with each other.]

[Naruto also fell under the illusion, harassing Shino frantically, leaving the latter helpless.]

Iruka: "The gap is too big to see."

Hatake Kakashi: "Two Tomoe Sharingan is abusive at ninja school."

Orochimaru: "This is the limit of blood inheritance. The gap in talent is not so easy to make up."

Nara Shikamaru: "The strength gap between the two sides is too great. Even if we formulate tactics, it may not work at all."

Aburame Shino: "And there is not enough cooperation yet."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Damn! That Sasuke is even more annoying than our Sasuke here!"

Uchiha Sasuke: "???"

[It didn't take much effort at all, Sasuke easily settled the combination of five people.]

[In the actual combat test, he won the undisputed first place.]

[There was a burst of girls' cheers from the audience.]

[Naruto and Kiba are very frustrated.]

[But there is no happy look on Sasuke's face.]

[On the contrary, I am very anxious!]

[Naruto and the others became more and more upset after watching it, thinking that Sasuke was pretending.]

[But Sasuke is really anxious.]

[Several students from Ninja School who can see through the strength, join hands to achieve this strength.]

[He will stay at the ninja school for five years.]

[In those coming five years, will you have to fight like chicken, pecking at each other with Naruto and the others?]

"Chickens? pecking at each other?"

Inuzuka Kiba was itching with hatred.

Sasuke over there is too irritating!

Orochimaru: "Hehe, I don't know how this Sasuke will practice next, I hope it will be different."