
double chaos: SILVER

My name is silver, pretty weird name right well my life is quite a peaceful one ( do not believe me) and complicated ,my mom left me at a very early age , well I don't blame her she did it to protect me now all I have to do is to train to become stronger than anyone I could ever imagine, plonder the heavens and make the world go on its knees for me  I know I can't do it alone that's why I tagged along a few of my friends; Leo and Xander don't be deceived by their looks they are two heck of a monster and together we shall grow and defy the heavens.

immortal_dragon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

chapter 14 : rude meeting

" So what about him?" Silver asked nonchalantly as he turned his attention back to what he was about to start" he is a weird guy although handsome , he had been looking at me since he arrived and it's irritating" Alexa said looking at him In a worried way and this surprised silver since he knew Alexa very well and she never cared about how others looked at her and he found it seriously odd " well it's odd now you care about the way people stare at you" silver said looking at her with an hilarious impression as he had never seen her in such a state ever " where are you heading to?"Alexa asked with a weird expression " well you never cared about how people look at you , so I find it extremely strange that you now care about how the new guy stares at you" silver said with a weird smile which made her give him an even more surprised look.

" I don't care how he is...…. ( Interrupted) I know what you want to say that you didn't care " silver interrupted Alexa who was in the middle of saying something and this made her land a heavy knock on his head which made his eyes spin " seriously you don't have to make jest of me when you see the opportunity" Alexa said pouting her mouth looking angry while silver nursed his swollen head

if he knew why she was annoyed with him he would have tried avoiding the topic in the first place , she liked him more than just a friend but still had to stay in the friend zone so as not to spoil their relationship, she was afraid that approaching him would make him start avoiding her and that was the last thing she would ever wish for , she regarded it as the worst kind of hell she would ever step into

" Please mind your strength I could die from that you know" silver complained holding his head in pain it was as if he was having a noisy festival going on inside his head, " you didn't die , so get up and let's go to class" Alexa said getting on her feet but silver didn't understand what she said since classes were hardly held in the academy and they was an examination coming up so it didn't make sense to him" I don't understand" silver said looking at her now and for some reason he didn't know he felt his heart skip a beat, as if he was seeing her for the first time and it was seriously odd he quickly Snapped himself out of it so as not to look like an idiot.

" Well the principal said we would be having classes for three hours daily and I feel like I'm going to die because they are usually boring" Alexa said with a grumble and silver felt her pain as he was used to it having such feeling beforehand


Silver and Alexa walked into the lecture hall which was already crowded with many of the students who were either chatting with each other or look for a comfortable seating position, as soon as the duo stepped Into the hall eyes immediately flew their direction and silver could guess because of his changing looks which was making him more attractive and walking with Alexa was another bonus to be added. " That's him " Alexa whispered to silver as they walked to a good seat at the middle row , silver traced her hand and noticed the guy who was giving silver a dangerous look, he was a very handsome boy who could easily rival him in a little aspect . He had a red short hair with dark eyes and a tall starture and steady build which added to his smooth and handsome face made him girls dream over.

" So that's The guy , he is sure good looking" silver had no other option but to say the truth and agree to it , while they made their way to their seat the vampire also was making his way to meet them . " Help me handle him" Alexa said in a low tone hiding behind him in a weird manner avoiding him and silver found it strange and amusing at the same time " well here goes nothing, he shouldn't be that weird" silver thought as they crossed path " hey they my name is...…" silver was about to say something when something weird happened

The vampire walked straight to him and before silver could finish his statement he was sent flying with a small push which caused him to crash into the chairs in the lower row's and he was pissed off seeing what happened he didn't even know when it happened , the only thing that he remembered was crashing down the rows , Alexa on her own part had no different emotions she felt a deep rage burning inside of her

" Silver don't...." Lola's voice sounded inside his head as she was monitoring him mainly all the time but before she could say complete her statement silver appeared Infront of the vampire with a sudden speed that supriced everyone in the all since they knew he didn't have any awakening and couldn't control essence like many of them. With a single punch he sent the vampire flying across the hall crashing into the seat's in the row , this sudden action shocked Alexa to the core not expecting what happened Infront of her , she tried replaying what happened in her head but it too fast for her understand" looks like you are going to be among my hate list bastard!" Silver cursed out angrily before taking her hand to the seat they picked . The whole hall had their eyes on him and they were shocked beyond anything " what in the world just happened?" Alexa managed to ask as they got seated in the seat they choose " well I awakened sometime ago but can only use my normal essence to fight" silver replied as he was doing a very deep prayer for the lecturer to walk in so he can avoid unnecessary question and it was answered as the lecturer walked in and noticed the kind of mess the class was already in " could someone explain to me what happened here?" The teacher asked and everyone turned their eyes to silver and now he had to regret making such a prayer

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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