
Dou Po: I will have many wives

I will have many wives who will bear me many children and I will dominate the nine heavens. patreon.com/DivineCultivationHub

Arius_Nayrb · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

"Sensei's Promise: Yun Yun Faces the Challenge of Saving Xiao Bai"


After getting Yun Yun's consent, Xiao Bai began to activate Kun Zi Jue and thousands of thoughts flooded his mind.

In an instant.

His palms were covered with a layer of pale golden divine glow.

Amidst the intertwined shadows, Xiao Bai's slender fingers kept changing. Accompanying Xiao Bai's techniques, a touch of gentle power poured into Yun Yun's body, helping her to warm her damaged body.

With the changes in Xiao Bai's techniques, Yun Yun's eyelashes continued to tremble slightly.

The noble phoenix hair ornament on the top of her head has also quietly scattered, looking less elegant, more feminine and lazy.

Yun Yun's beautiful eyes looked at the young man in front of her who had his head down and was massaging her earnestly, the woman's eyes were full of shyness and sadness.

It's all like a dream!

Xiao Bai's technique is very skillful and the power he exudes is extremely gentle.

This power went straight to the depths of the soul. Yun Yun frowned slightly and let out a soft hum of comfort from her pretty nose.

Yun Yun's wounds are also recovering quickly with an unimaginable recovery amidst the gentle humming.

This is nothing short of a hellish test for Xiao Bai!

Under Xiao Bai's excellent techniques, Yun Yun's beautiful face was covered with a seductive crimson color.

The originally lively eyes became blurry at this moment. Xiao Bai looked down and discovered that even Yun Yun's slender and beautiful neck had turned red.

His eyes continued to move down, looking at Yun Yun's silky and beautiful body, Xiao Bai couldn't help but swallow.

"Don't... don't look around" Yun Yun's red mouth opened slightly and a voice as soft as a stream came out.

"When I performed this technique, my eyes were covered in fog and I couldn't see anything."

Xiao Bai said seriously.

Of course he can see it, and Yun Yun also knows that he could see it, but saying it like this can effectively alleviate the embarrassment between the two people.

Indeed, after hearing Xiao Bai's words, Yun Yun relaxed a lot.

Thus, Xiao Bai's work can be done more easily and his techniques become more and more unrestrained.


[Xiao Bai's weapon automatically revealed its true form, which was a spear that glowed with yellow light].

Yun Yun seemed to be aware of the weapon's existence. At first he was surprised. Then, when he saw that Xiao Bai still fussed carefully and made no further moves, he blushed and looked at it curiously.

[That weapon is so strong that it looks like it can pierce heaven and earth!]

This was the first time he had seen such a weapon, and he was inevitably a little curious.

Xiao Bai seemed to be aware of Yun Yun's gaze and couldn't help but blush.

But fortunately he was well equipped.

Even if Yun Yun stares at his spear fixedly, he would show no signs of hiding it!

Just look at him, as long as you don't bite him, everything is fine!


I don't know how much time has passed.

Xiao Bai finally finished a series of Kun Zi Jue.

At that moment, his forehead was covered with sweat, he had consumed too much and his brain felt extremely dizzy.

After this, an indescribable feeling of warmth came out of the Dantian and spread instantly.

[The spear seemed to be enveloped by infinite energy at this moment, becoming more and more powerful. ]

 "Something's wrong!"

Xiao Bai was startled, he noticed the abnormality in his body and immediately realized that it was a side effect.

What a cheating system!

It's true that the original intention never changed!

He clung to his conscience and looked at Yun Yun in front of him, only to find that there was nothing unusual about him and that his wounds were mostly healed. ˆ

This certainly meant that the system didn't lie!

But the problem is that he now feels very uncomfortable!

"Xiao Bai ~ are you okay?"

Yun Yun noticed something strange about Xiao Bai and quickly stood up and approached Xiao Bai. Her delicate jade hand was holding Xiao Bai's arm.

Her beautiful eyes were fixed on Xiao Bai's body, fearing that something might happen to him.

Xiao Bai's body was like a burning flame, extremely hot. Yun Yun's pretty face condensed slightly and exclaimed, "You are too hot!"

"Could it be that the skill backfired?"

Yun Yun didn't have time to think too much and quickly hugged Xiao Bai. His Dou Qi circulated through his body, preparing to use his delicate body to help Xiao Bai cool down.

Originally, Xiao Bai was still conscious and could barely hold his body, but Yun Yun's embrace almost made Xiao Bai break through his defense.

Yun Yun is now like a peeled orange!

Such close contact was tantamount to adding fuel to the fire!

Almost completely unconsciously, she prepared to break away from Xiao Bai, but was surprised to find that Xiao Bai had already reached out his arms to embrace her.

The strong feeling of strength in her arms prevented her from breaking free for a while.

If she uses fighting spirit, she could naturally break free, but that might hurt Xiao Bai.

The moment she hesitated, Xiao Bai had already kissed her.

He bit Yun Yun's pink lip very skillfully and his hands were not idle.

Yun Yun's delicate body softened for an instant. After noticing Xiao Bai's thoughts, a flash of pallor suddenly appeared on her pretty face. She clenched her silver teeth and whispered with difficulty, "Xiao Bai ~ wake up..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiao Bai kissed her again.

This made Yun Yun, who had never experienced a kiss before, almost faint.

But her strong will still allowed Yun Yun to retain some sanity. She found the right moment and escaped from Xiao Bai's arms in an instant.

Yun Yun's pretty face is red and her jade hands change in front of her body, forming a characteristic frost formation covering Xiao Bai's entire body.

Get ready to use the power of ice to help Xiao Bai cool down and get rid of the evil fire!

"Xiao Bai~Hold on please!"

"Don't let external things erode your will!"

Yun Yun cried out anxiously, her beautiful eyes filled with worry.                                                                             --

At this critical moment, Qinglian's inner fire suddenly surged.

The terrifyingly high temperature instantly suppressed the power of the frost that Yun Yun had gathered with the help of the magic circle.

"No good, the strange fire automatically protects the master!"

Yun Yun bit her red lips hard, her pretty face flickered in and out, she had no choice but to continue to strengthen her fighting spirit and suppress the power of the strange fire!

At this moment.

Suddenly, a divine light pierced through Xiao Bai's ring.

Then, a terrifying and boundless crimson flame shot out from the ring and surrounded Xiao Bai, instantly defeating the power of the frost released by Yun Yun!

Under the cover of the green lotus earth core fire and red lotus karma fire.

 Xiao Bai completely lost control, and rushed at Yun Yun.

When Yun Yun dodged it, he was surprised to find that the evil fire had already burned near Xiao Bai's heart veins, and he feared that it would damage his heart veins in no time.

At the very least, your cultivation will be ruined, and at worst, you'll be killed on the spot!

Looking at Xiao Bai behind him, crystal tears suddenly fell from Yun Yun's beautiful eyes, and a vague voice came from the red lips:

"Xiao Bai~you.... you can't die, your sensei will save you!"


+70 chapters on my patreon


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