
Dou Po: I will have many wives

I will have many wives who will bear me many children and I will dominate the nine heavens. patreon.com/DivineCultivationHub

Arius_Nayrb · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

"Queen's Reading: Queen Medusa reading Battle Through the Heavens."

Snake village, the palace of the queen.

Medusa wore an elegant purple brocade robe and sat on the throne.

The delicate body under the brocade robe is plump and luscious, like a ripe peach, exuding a touch of charm. Three thousand green hairs on her head fall casually from her shoulders, vertically between the slender willow waist.

Underneath the brocade robe, a violet snake tail was exposed, swaying slightly, with a wild and charming temptation that made people feel inexplicable warmth all over.

At that moment, she was biting her red lips with her white teeth and her jade hands holding the ancient book were trembling slightly!

If Xiao Bai saw the ancient book in Queen Medusa's hand, he would exclaim, "What a fool!"

"Battle Through the Heavens 1!"

 That's right!

 At this moment.

The ancient book in Queen Medusa's hand is the original version of "Battle Through the Heavens" written by a certain brainless guy!

It's just that the ancient book in her hand is only the first volume!

After all, the original work is over five million words long.

In this volume, the genius who just fell from the first chapter talks about the aftermath of the fusion of different fires in Chapter 592!

That's right, it's the chapter where Xiao Yan fucked her!

"Xiao Yan!"

Queen Medusa's eyes were red and her entire body exuded extremely powerful murderous intent and resentment!

As we all know, Xiao Yan and Medusa connected because of the strange fire.

But in the following years, the queen was completely deceived by her master and apprentice Xiao Yan. To obtain the so-called sixth-grade spirit-melting pill, he not only worked as Xiao Yan's thug for a long time but also was taken to the subway magma by Xiao Yan. thus losing his most precious thing.

But even so, Cai Lin did not get the spirit-melting elixir he wanted. In the end, Xiao Yan replied to the sentence, "Queen Medusa is stupid and sweet, and I have cheated her for three years with an elixir."

At that time, Queen Medusa, who had read the script beforehand, was naturally furious.

Outside the palace.

Xiao Yan, who was hiding in the darkness, suddenly felt his hair stand on end and a piercing chill instantly spread from the soles of his feet to his heart.

"What a terrifying killing intent!"

Xiao Yan muttered to himself, "Why did Queen Medusa suddenly go crazy!"

An ultimate Dou Huang warrior goes crazy, that's a very scary thing!

Although Yao Lao can deal with that, he will also consume a lot of soul power.

"There's a change in fate, and it's a sign of great misfortune! Go quickly!!!"

Yao Lao almost shouted.

He suddenly had a premonition that if Xiao Yan continued to stay here, he would probably die!

After hearing Yao Lao's words, Xiao Yan did not hesitate at all, he turned around and fled into the distance.

Before he ran very far, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

An ancient formation suddenly spread out all over the city with Queen Medusa's palace as the center.

This is an ancient formation that the snake people will choose to activate when their life or death is at stake or when they encounter a powerful enemy, I did not expect it to suddenly activate at this time.

Under the cover of this formation, all snake people will be protected, while outsiders will have nowhere to hide and will be directly exposed to the sight of Queen Medusa!

"It's too late!"

Yao Lao's face darkened and directly possessed Xiao Yan. The milky white soul power enveloped his body and his escape speed increased by hundreds of times!


Suddenly, a stream of light shot out from Queen Medusa's palace and, with the blessing of the ancient formation, quickly reached Xiao Yan.

The person coming is none other than Queen Medusa!

She looked at Xiao Yan with cold eyes and asked, "Who are you?".

Seeing that there was no way to escape, Xiao Yan could only smile bitterly and said, "Xiao Yan, I am an alchemist. I'm going to do some business here. I hope the Queen..."

"From the Xiao family in Wutan City?"

Queen Medusa stared at Xiao Yan closely, her beautiful face inadvertently revealed a hint of fairy-like charm.

"Do you know who I am?"

Xiao Yan swallowed saliva and said in surprise. ˆ

This is my first time coming to Tagor Desert, how can the other party recognize me?

Could it be that some of the elders of the Xiao family have come to the Tagor Desert?

Just as he hesitated, an indescribable and terrifying killing intent suddenly came into his body.


After spitting out the word, Queen Medusa went berserk and madly attacked Xiao Yan.

If Yao Lao hadn't been controlling her body at this moment, I'm afraid she would have suffered serious injuries right now!

"This Queen Medusa is crazy!"

Xiao Yan was frightened because Queen Medusa was fighting with all her might as if there was a deep hatred between the two of them!

"Snake Tribe Warriors, work together to kill this man!"

The cold voice of a queen echoed throughout the ancient city.

In a moment, several fighting kings of the Snake Tribe rushed over.

Xiao Yan suddenly fell into an endless siege.

"Has your Xiao family done something to the others, why are they so crazy that they want to kill you?"

Yao Lao was also a bit overwhelmed and asked helplessly.

It was hard enough dealing with the encirclement and killing of Queen Medusa and several fighting kings. Deep inside the snake village, he also felt that the aura of several fighting kings was reviving.

I think it won't be long before they rush in and try to kill us too!

 "I don't know!"

Xiao Yan was on the verge of tears, he had done nothing but was being directly pursued by the entire Snake Tribe.

Who can bear this aggravation?

Anyway, Yao Lao really can't bear it anymore.

"Let's go first, we'll talk about various reasons later! "After a moment of composure, Yao Lao decided to decisively retreat.

Because the power of the soul really can't be exhausted!

Yao Lao looked at the people fighting with him and waved his sleeves and a large ball of white flames burst out from his sleeves, forcing everyone to retreat.

Then, Xiao Yan's body suddenly trembled slightly and then strangely disappeared into thin air.

Yao Lao's disappearance did not move Queen Medusa's face, she slightly closed her eyes, held her hands like a bow, and then turned her body slowly, as if relying on her senses to find a target.

The sky was suddenly silent.

However, the silence did not last long and was suddenly broken. Queen Medusa's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened and she said in a cold voice, "With the old formation here, he can't get out! Everyone, search the entire city!"


On this day, the entire snake tribe united and almost turned this ancient desert city upside down.

Xiao Yan was hiding in a corner, trying his best to hide his aura, and his back was already drenched with cold sweat.

Yao Lao Lao's faint voice slowly came out, "I can barely hide your breath for half a month. You can only rely on yourself to escape this city in the future."

He initially consumed some of his soul power by suppressing Ling Ying and then carried Xiao Yan's body to the Magic Beast Mountains to rescue Xiao Bai. Although he was unable to save Xiao Bai, his soul power was still consumed.

After that, he spent half a point accompanying Xiao Yan in training, and now he is being brutally beaten, how can he still endure?

"Only half a month?"

Xiao Yan nodded indifferently, his eyes filled with solemnity.

If he can't escape in half a month, he might as well be dead.

What he couldn't understand was why Queen Medusa went crazy as soon as she heard that he was from the Xiao family in Wutan City.


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