
Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Transmigrator 1: "Tang San, you reincarnated by seizing someone else's body, how despicable!" Slap! Tang San slapped him back and scolded: "You are the one who reincarnated and awakened your previous life's memories, and I am the one who seized someone else's body, right?" Transmigrator 2: "Tang San, you are so hypocritical! You actually told Dugu Bo the worst way to treat his poison, and stole his immortal grass." Slap! Tang San slapped him again and said: "Were those immortal grasses planted by Dugu Bo? No? Then in this fantasy world, killing and robbing is very normal, right? As long as I am strong, then everything I do is right!" Transmigrator 3: "I'd rather be Xiao Yan's lackey than Tang San's brother!" Bang! Tang San smashed his head with a Sky Hammer and said: "You like Xiao Yan so much, why did you transmigrate to Douluo Continent? I am kind-hearted, I'll send you to Douqi Continent!" In his previous life, Tang Chuan transmigrated to Tang San, without any cheats, he wanted to follow the rules, practice Xuantian Gong diligently, and break through the hundredth level by researching his martial soul. He didn't expect that transmigrators would come one after another, and each one of them was a "moral model". Tang San said: "You guys are bored, right?" ****** Power Stone Goal: 200PS = 1 CHAP 600PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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Chapter 247: Evaluation and Enhancement Suggestions for Gu Yuena's Abilities

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The diameter of this man-made lake exceeds fifty meters, making it more of a pond.


Damn capitalists!

Huh? Wait, am I the rich person here?

Never mind then.

With a slight touch of sentimentality, Tang San refocused his thoughts and asked Gu Yuena, "You said you were chosen by a silver dragon, and your spirit rings form naturally without the need for hunting. So I assume your spirit abilities are predetermined, which means I can't provide much guidance."

"You may not be able to help with the spirit rings and abilities, but everyone here calls you a master of martial spirit theory. You must be skilled in other areas, right?" Gu Yuena mimicked Tang San's signature gesture, rubbing her chin and pretending to be deep in thought. "For example, the timing of using spirit abilities or physical combat techniques."

"A master of martial spirit theory primarily studies martial spirits. Other aspects, such as physical techniques and the timing of using spirit abilities, aren't typically within the scope of a martial spirit theorist's expertise," Tang San corrected Gu Yuena's misconception. Then, he added, "However, I can certainly train physical techniques and help a spirit master understand the best moments to use their abilities."

"Narcissist," Gu Yuena turned away with a light snort.

"I'm confident," Tang San chose not to argue with the seemingly ageless "old child" and got to the point. "Have you obtained your spirit rings? Show me."

Upon hearing this, Gu Yuena released her martial spirit. She transformed into a dragon maiden, and two pale golden spirit rings floated around her, an extraordinary sight.

"Pale golden spirit rings? That's quite remarkable." Although he didn't know the exact age of these spirit rings, they were at least in the million-year range.

Impressive, having a side account really has its perks.

"Of course," Gu Yuena seemed quite pleased with Tang San's praise. She placed her hands on her hips and laughed heartily.

"What are the spirit abilities?"

After Gu Yuena finished her laughter, Tang San continued his questioning.

"The first spirit ability is Water Element Control!"

"The second spirit ability is Fire Element Control!"

Gu Yuena raised her hands, and the elemental forces of water and fire gathered into her palms. She manipulated them into various forms, clearly enjoying herself.

"Is it the same in the state of your Silver Dragon Spear?" Tang San asked curiously.

"Exactly." As soon as she finished speaking, the dragon scales on Gu Yuena's body detached and formed a spear that was disproportionately large for her six-year-old frame. The water and fire elements turned into a blue and a red gemstone, embedding themselves in two of the twelve slots that covered a third of the spear's head.

To Tang San, this Silver Dragon Spear resembled a staff for controlling elements more than a traditional spear.

"This one is a natural-born magician!" Electrolux marveled, "However, her use of elemental energy is still purely instinctive. Despite her impressive control, she's similar to most current spirit masters—she just layers on elemental energy without engaging in more precise manipulation."

"Maybe it's because she's been working behind closed doors... No, this one can't even be described as working behind closed doors. If the settings in your memory are accurate, she was severely wounded by the God Realm Committee right after her birth, fled to the lower realm, and has been in hiding to heal... She's only just awakened!"

"Looking at it this way, it seems that aside from inheriting part of the Dragon God's memory, her personality is just like a little girl who is mature in some aspects but still young."

Listening to Electrolux's fair assessment, Tang San nodded silently and said to Gu Yuena, "I understand your spirit abilities now. I suspect future spirit rings will grant you control over other elements, similar to Guangling."

"Guangling? That spirit master with the bow?" Gu Yuena realized, "Indeed, I sensed four elemental forces in her: metal, light, lightning, and ice."

The Silver Dragon King controls elemental forces, but she doesn't fully command metal and lightning elements.

In this aspect, Guangling has an advantage.

Moreover, Guangling's spirit abilities are arrow-based, providing penetration power that surpasses Gu Yuena's elemental manipulation. Even if Gu Yuena could control the elements in Guangling's arrows, she couldn't manipulate their spirit power.

In a confrontation, Guang Ling would undoubtedly win.

This is because Guang Ling's spirit power level is over twenty ranks higher than Gu Yuena's. Plus, she has also mastered Tang San's non-spirit techniques. Even though Gu Yuena is a Soul Master, defeating Guang Ling wouldn't be easy.

"In the future, you could consult her more often. For the patterns and reconstruction of elemental energy flows, Guang Ling is currently the true expert," Tang San suggested. "As for me, I can teach you physical techniques and train you in combat to refine your control over your power."

Although the Silver Dragon King focuses on elemental control, her physical strength surpasses all soul beasts on the continent.

Her inherent strength is evident. The so-called lack of proficiency in power is only relative to the Golden Dragon King sealed in the God Realm. On the Douluo Continent, she could still crush Di Tian with a single claw.

Even though Gu Yuena is just an avatar, her physical strength is far beyond ordinary.

Therefore, learning some martial arts isn't a bad idea. The main goal is still to deepen her control over elemental forces and refine her manipulation skills.

"Is that so? How about we have a duel?" Gu Yuena's eyes sparkled with a fighting spirit, eager to gauge the gap between herself and Tang San.

"Sure," Tang San glanced at Ling Meng standing nearby, signaling her to move away to avoid getting hurt by Gu Yuena's potentially uncontrolled attacks.

"Here I come!"

Gu Yuena held the nearly three-meter-long Silver Dragon Spear with both hands and charged. Her speed was surprisingly fast, and in just a blink, she was in front of Tang San.


The distance between Tang San and Gu Yuena was only about seven or eight meters.

Facing the thrusting spear, Tang San reached out with two fingers and pinched it.

"Hehe, gotcha!" Gu Yuena's eyes gleamed with mischief. She activated her spirit power, and the water and fire gems on the Silver Dragon Spear transformed into two serpents, spiraling towards Tang San's head.


However, Tang San merely inhaled through his nose and gently exhaled. The resulting airflow dispersed the water and fire elements, and the wind generated even caused Gu Yuena to stumble backward. She had to revert the Silver Dragon Spear back into her beast martial spirit and attach it to her body to stabilize herself.

"You lost."

"Hmph, it's only because I'm younger," Gu Yuena muttered, turning her head away. She was annoyed that Tang San's mere breath almost knocked her over, but she was also deeply impressed. It was unbelievable that a mere Soul King could achieve such a feat, especially with three martial spirits. The third spirit, a five-clawed golden dragon with a unique spirit ring, seemed to be from a species even higher in rank than the Dragon God.

"Indeed, you are still young," Tang San smiled. "From now on, I'll train with you every day, using less strength and even suppressing my spirit power to your level, so you can improve faster."

"Just wait and see. One day, I'll have you bowing at my feet!" Gu Yuena felt provoked and boasted confidently.

"Oh? Then do your best." Tang San nodded nonchalantly. He then signaled to Lingmeng to come over for a detailed examination.

Lingmeng's martial spirit was a black cat, which had fused with her body, turning her into a cat girl.

"I don't know your age yet," Tang San said, squeezing Lingmeng's arms, legs, neck, and shoulders to assess her physical strength while also distracting her.

"My lord, I am fourteen years old," Lingmeng replied, blushing furiously as Tang San's examination, though respectful, made her feel shy. Despite her experiences in the slave market and auction house, no man had ever been this close to her. Her value had been preserved to sell her first night for a higher price.

"Fourteen? Same age as me," Tang San remarked, focusing on the cat ears atop Lingmeng's head. He reached out to pinch them, discovering they could move like real cat ears, which made Lingmeng blush even more.

"My lord, could you please not touch the ears?" Lingmeng asked, her cat ears being highly sensitive. While she would typically get angry if someone touched them, Tang San's touch felt different, almost magical, stirring her emotions.

Tang San let go, not noticing Lingmeng's fleeting expression of longing, and said, "I have a theory about your condition. Based on my examination, your physical strength is close to that of a Soul Elder. You must have been diligently meditating to enhance your spirit power all these years, correct?"

"Yes," Lingmeng admitted, feeling a mix of hope and frustration. "My lord, do you think I can continue to cultivate? I have innate full spirit power, but because my martial spirit fused with my body, I became a cat girl, and my innate spirit power merged with my body, preventing me from obtaining spirit rings. Do you have a way to stop my spirit power from merging with my body after reaching ten levels?"

"I do," Tang San nodded.

To prevent spirit power from merging with the body, Tang San had a method—creating a space within the body specifically for storing spirit power.

Tang San couldn't achieve this alone, but with Electrolux's help, it was feasible. Electrolux had extensive knowledge of the human body, and creating a storage space for spirit power was well within his capabilities. The principle could even borrow from the current soul power storage devices found in household soul tools.


"Simply storing spirit power isn't ideal for you. I have a better method that will allow you to continue cultivating," Tang San explained. "It could even pave a new path for cultivation."

"Would you like to try it?"

"Yes," Lingmeng responded with determination, eager to explore this new possibility.

(End of Chapter)