
Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Transmigrator 1: "Tang San, you reincarnated by seizing someone else's body, how despicable!" Slap! Tang San slapped him back and scolded: "You are the one who reincarnated and awakened your previous life's memories, and I am the one who seized someone else's body, right?" Transmigrator 2: "Tang San, you are so hypocritical! You actually told Dugu Bo the worst way to treat his poison, and stole his immortal grass." Slap! Tang San slapped him again and said: "Were those immortal grasses planted by Dugu Bo? No? Then in this fantasy world, killing and robbing is very normal, right? As long as I am strong, then everything I do is right!" Transmigrator 3: "I'd rather be Xiao Yan's lackey than Tang San's brother!" Bang! Tang San smashed his head with a Sky Hammer and said: "You like Xiao Yan so much, why did you transmigrate to Douluo Continent? I am kind-hearted, I'll send you to Douqi Continent!" In his previous life, Tang Chuan transmigrated to Tang San, without any cheats, he wanted to follow the rules, practice Xuantian Gong diligently, and break through the hundredth level by researching his martial soul. He didn't expect that transmigrators would come one after another, and each one of them was a "moral model". Tang San said: "You guys are bored, right?" ****** Power Stone Goal: 200PS = 1 CHAP 600PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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Chapter 198: Xu Xing Wears the Star Crown: I Am the Lord of the Stars!

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As Tang San emerged from the Law Enforcement Hall, Xiao Wu, Guang Ling, Yu Tianheng, and Huo Wu gathered around the entrance, anxiously inquiring about the situation inside.

"San Ge, are you alright?"

"Did the Martial Soul Hall people give you trouble?"

"What about those two from Canghui Academy?"

"When we encounter them next time, we must thrash them thoroughly!"

Listening to their concerns, Tang San chuckled, waving the gold card in his hand. "Of course, I'm fine. I even received a reputation compensation of one hundred thousand gold soul coins."

Then, Tang San proceeded to explain the details of what happened.

"That Huo Yuhao is truly despicable, trying to prevent you from participating in the competition like that," Yu Tianheng cursed. "Even with two hundred-thousand-year soul rings, it's just luck."

"Look, there's Huo Yuhao and Shi Nian coming out," Huo Wu noticed as Huo Yuhao helped the battered Shi Nian out of the Law Enforcement Hall. Unable to resist, she teased, "Why do you both look so miserable?"

Xiao Wu mocked, "Probably barking too much and got beaten up."

Guang Ling's gaze turned sharp as he chimed in, "Xiao Wu is right!"

"Kill with honor, don't endure humiliation!" Huo Yuhao gritted his teeth, feeling for the first time how despicable the members of Tian Dou Royal Academy were - indeed, following Tang San, they all became nauseating and hypocritical.

"Oh, you guys with twisted minds still have the nerve to speak about us?" Huo Wu flexed her wrist, sneering, "It's only because fighting isn't allowed here; otherwise, I'd render you incapable of self-care."

"Let's go, ignore them," Shi Nian didn't want to offend the key members of the Tian Dou Royal Academy's team. He dared to scheme against Tang San not only because Tang San was strong, possibly leading to Canghui Academy's team's defeat, but also because Tang San was of common birth, lacking any official status despite being the captain of the Tian Dou team.

Huo Wu, Yu Tianheng, and the others personally didn't have official titles from Tian Dou, but they all came from prominent families, especially Yu Tianheng, whose family was one of the Three Upper Sects, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Family.

They couldn't afford to offend.

Moreover, he now realized that Tang San had good relations with these people, even bordering on intimacy... He should have investigated the information beforehand.

Watching the disheveled figures of Huo Yuhao and Shi Nian leaving, Xiao Wu clapped her hands, saying, "Brother San, those two look just like a pair of dogs."

Tang San sighed softly, "I still prefer their unruly appearance."

Yu Tianheng, Huo Wu, and the others: "..."

"Let's go, let's watch the match." Tang San called out, leading the way to the competition venue.

When they arrived, the fourteenth round of the first round was just starting.

Competing sides: Tian Dou Botanical Academy vs. Star Luo Botanical Academy

Venue: Desert

Well, the venue wasn't favorable for either side.

"Tian Dou's Botanical Academy. I remember it was one of my pre-selected advanced academies within the Barak Kingdom." Tang San reminisced about his considerations back in Nuoding City.

"Oh, if Captain went to the Botanical Academy, our Tian Dou Royal team would have become a stepping stone for the Tian Dou Botanical Academy." Without holding back, Shi Mo actively joined in the conversation.

"Speaking of which, the first time I met Captain was in the Barak Kingdom's Barak Soul Hunting Forest," Ning Rongrong squinted, smiling mischievously. "At that time, you had just obtained your second soul ring, a thousand-year one, which left a lasting impression on me."

"Oh, really?" Huo Wu was surprised. "That's earlier than when I met him."

"That was indeed our first meeting, but not exactly a friendly one," Tang San smiled.

"Blame it on Mu Tian, that guy had a big ego and insisted on challenging you, only to be defeated by you. Now, he's far behind you..." Ning Rongrong was also talkative, recounting the first encounter between Tang San and Mu Tian and even describing Mu Tian's near failure in absorbing the second soul ring. She practically revealed all of Mu Tian's dark history.

The listeners were captivated, realizing the importance of hiding their own dark pasts.

Just as the conversation shifted from the competition between the two botanical academies to past dark histories, the fourteenth round ended.

In the end, Star Luo Botanical Academy emerged victorious.

Because two of their team members' martial souls were Cacti and Cactuses, their adaptability to the desert environment far surpassed that of other botanical soul masters.

And the fifteenth round of the competition began swiftly.

The opposing sides were:

Star CrownAcademy Team.

Martial Soul Hall Academy Team.

"Martial Soul Hall team is up; now we can see what they're capable of." Yu Tianheng and the others ceased their off-topic discussion. "Since your theory was published, Captain, in the previous two sessions, the Martial Soul Hall team has relied on the team's reasonable arrangement to win. This time, with the addition of diverse competition venues, it will test the adaptability of soul masters. We don't know how this Golden Generation will strategize."

"Or maybe they'll just rely on their formidable strength to crush the competition?"

After all, Yu Tianheng and the others already knew that two members of the Martial Soul Hall team possessed martial soul fusion skills, almost reaching the level of Soul Douluo.

The diverse environments of the competition venue were ultimately not real external environments. With strong enough strength, they could change the venue without considering its impact on themselves.

"It's probably the latter." The trump card naturally comes out last. But for those with extreme confidence, even if they reveal their trump card from the beginning, others would be helpless.

For example: Tang San revealing his hundred-thousand-year soul ring from the start.

Tang San believed that the arrogant Martial Soul Hall team was no exception.

However, Tang San also cast a glance at the Star Crown Academy team, because there was a familiar face there: Xu Xing.

He was also a transmigrator.

Their first meeting was in the Oasis of Hope in the Infinite Desert.

The second time was at the Star Crown Royal Academy.

Initially, Xu Xing was expected to become a member of the Star Luo Royal Academy's second team or even a substitute for the first team, but unexpectedly, he ended up representing Star Crown Academy in the competition.

It seemed that there were no rules explicitly forbidding students from changing academies.

As the match unfolded, the members of Star Crown Academy formed a formation resembling the Big Dipper, and all seven of their martial souls were imbued with the power of stars.

The dazzling starlight, even in broad daylight, was exceptionally bright.

"A martial soul fusion technique involving all seven members?" Hu Liena, having witnessed the fusion technique of the Canghui Academy team, looked at the members of the Star Crown Academy team, their martial souls shining with the brilliance of stars, and sneered, "You don't need to intervene. This time, let the world see the trump card of our Martial Soul Hall!"

After saying that, Hu Liena communicated with Yan through soul transmission, "Just in case, if something goes wrong, you lead the team to take action. If they use the martial soul fusion technique, their soul power consumption will be enormous."

A fox is always cunning.

"Don't worry, Nana, I'll be vigilant," Yan smirked, keeping his eyes fixed on Xu Xing—this guy was the core of the martial soul fusion technique. If Nana and Xie Yue have any mishaps, he'll blast this guy out first.

Then, Hu Liena and Xie Yue exchanged a glance, clasping their hands together. The flow of their soul power merged, and as they approached the Star Crown Academy team, their two figures also merged into one.

Martial Soul Fusion: Enchantress!

A completely new figure, bearing a striking resemblance to Hu Liena, was covered in silver armor, holding a crescent blade in each hand. Nine fox tails, each about five meters long, grew from its waist, also covered in silver armor.

The fluctuation of soul power throughout its body almost reached the level of a Soul Douluo, and its imposing aura even caused the air to ripple, blowing across the nearest spectator seats.

"Soul power at the level of a Soul Douluo!" Some powerful individuals in the spectator seats had their expressions change.

Although the martial soul fusion was powerful, is it not too exaggerated to leap directly from Soul Emperor to Soul Douluo?

Even if two Soul Emperor-level White Tigers and Spirit Cats were to fuse, their strength could only reach the level of a Soul Saint at most, and they would never touch the level of a Soul Douluo.

Could it be that the compatibility between these two martial souls is even higher than that of White Tigers and Spirit Cats?

Dai Legao's expression was uncertain.

But Bibi Dong understood why their martial soul fusion was so strong.

Firstly, the two were siblings, growing up together from childhood, blood-related and understanding each other, they naturally had great tacit understanding.

Secondly, although they didn't inherit the same martial soul, the enchantress was alluring and delicate, while the moon blades were strong and sharp. According to Tang San's theory of "Three Major Classifications of Martial Soul Fusion," their fusion was like one being soft while the other was firm, complementary in nature, just like two blocks of complementary building blocks.

And thirdly, according to Tang San's theory, Soul Power Fusion, Soul Skill Fusion, and Martial Soul Fusion, these three classifications could also be seen as a way to gradually increase the compatibility of martial soul fusion. It was a method for soul masters with no martial soul resonance but complementary attributes to try and adapt to each other, creating the gateway to martial soul fusion techniques through mutual attempts and adjustments.

Although it didn't describe how exactly it should be done, Soul Power Fusion, Soul Skill Fusion, and finally Martial Soul Fusion indicated the correct direction.

And if Tang San were to explicitly reveal how to attempt it in his theory, it wouldn't be a theory, but rather a secret technique that could found a sect, and it certainly couldn't be casually published...

However, Bibi Dong had already considered the issue of the types of martial souls themselves. Unless there were special circumstances, even if their attributes were compatible, they could only achieve Soul Skill Fusion at most.

Just like the Martial Soul Fusion technique of Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo: the Two Poles Still Domain, it had to be classified as Soul Skill Fusion.

And the Martial Soul Fusion technique of Hu Liena and Xie Yue was the ultimate Martial Soul Fusion.

Moreover, after undergoing Soul Power Fusion and Soul Skill Fusion training, their subsequent fusion triggered Hu Liena's fox bloodline, turning her into a Nine-Tailed Fox after the Martial Soul Fusion, which was the reason why their Martial Soul Fusion could reach the level of a Soul Douluo.

Star Crown Team.

The seven formed the Seven-Star Array, turning their soul power into the power of stars, condensing it onto Xu Xing's crown, turning it into an extremely dazzling crown—

Entirely purple-golden in color, with ancient patterns engraved on it, divided into three layers. The first layer was covered with countless stars, the second layer depicted the moon in all its phases, and the third layer was a golden sphere, bright and majestic, like the sun.

The seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique: Star Crown!

"The sun is a star, the moon is a star, and the myriad stars in the night sky are also stars!"

"I am—"

"The Lord of the Stars!"

With Xu Xing's majestic voice, the star crown descended onto his head, as if there were supreme deities crowning him.

Watching this scene, the spectators held their breath.

But a few people revealed a meaningful look.

For example: Dai Legao, Dai Weisi.

Although Xu Xing's actions were just a martial soul fusion technique and didn't carry any other meaning, as the Emperor and Crown Prince of Star Luo, they instinctively found it irksome to see others wearing crowns.

The Star Crown Sect would inevitably have unwarranted thoughts in the future.

As for wooing Xu Xing and crowning him...

Although there was talk of conferring kingship in the Star Luo Empire, no king had been conferred for three hundred years. The main power was concentrated in the Dai Family Imperial Family.

This was a gradual means of making the Star Luo Empire a world under the Dai family's control.

Now, if they were to confer a king due to Xu Xing's talent and strength, wouldn't that mean relinquishing power?

This must not be the case!

Even if Xu Xing were to achieve great feats for the Star Luo Empire in the future, it wouldn't be permissible. The rewards for subjects of Star Luo mostly involve promotions, wealth, stipends, and land.

The throne...

Unless one day the Star Crown Family directly defeats the Dai Family head-on, or saves the Star Luo Empire from peril and seizes the imperial throne, their Dai Family's White Tiger lineage might be demoted to kingship due to accumulated merits from their ancestors.

In other words, titles like prince or duke could only be bestowed upon them after their Dai Family relinquishes the throne.

It's impossible for Xu Xing of the Star Crown Sect to obtain a title like prince.

Unless he directly defeats the Dai Family and seizes the throne!

After all, the Xing Luo Empire is governed by military power, and strength is paramount. As long as the appropriate family members can challenge and defeat members of the Dai Family and Zhu Family in front of the major families, they can certainly seize the throne. This is a ancestral teaching left since the founding of the Star Luo Empire—since the Dai Family and the Zhu Family are one, if one wants to challenge, they must fight two to one against members of the Dai Family and the Zhu Family who are using martial soul fusion techniques.

From this perspective, no one in the Star Luo Empire can directly seize the emperor's position from the Dai Family.

However, the current Xu Xing on the field indeed made Dai Legao extremely vigilant.

A seven-in-one martial soul fusion technique?

To Dai Legao, who had read Tang San's theory, this was soul power fusion, where Xu Xing absorbed the starlight converted from the soul power of the other six people, causing his Star Crown martial soul to undergo a transformation—

This meant that as long as Xu Xing's soul power advanced to the corresponding level in the future, his martial soul could also evolve into the appearance it had now.

Isn't this a challenge to the throne of the Xing Luo Empire?

What an extraordinary Star Crown Sect!

At this moment, Xu Xing, who wore the star crown, was unaware that he had been noted down by Dai Legao, Dai weisi, and others, and was feeling the power of the moment, shouting to the sky, "Now I am invincible in the world!"

"This kid is such a show-off, isn't he?" On the spectator seats where the Tian Dou Royal Family sat, Shi Mo couldn't help but comment, "Although his soul power is strong, does he really need to be so arrogant?"

"Understandable, after all, he's only thirteen years old, far from mature enough. It's normal for him to become inflated with power," Tang San said more objectively. "Besides, he does have that capital because his current strength has reached the level of a Soul Saint, and that star crown is also his true martial soul."

"More importantly, I feel that there is a special power inside him..."

"If my guess is correct, it's a domain."

"A domain!"

Huo Wu was startled and hurriedly asked, "Are you serious? Does Xu Xing have a domain?"

Yu Tianheng also said, "Impossible, right? According to the intelligence of our family, Star Crown Sect's Star Crown martial soul has never manifested a domain-type skill."

"Just because others don't have it doesn't mean Xu Xing doesn't."

Tang San shook his head, "After all—"

Xu Xing is a transmigrator.

The transmigrators he encountered all brought along some good things.

Like Yang Long, although he died, the dragon marks in the Dragon Mark Spear were indeed a good thing. It allowed the Blood Sword Norman to cultivate to the quasi-Soul King level in five or six years, and now it has become his third martial soul: Five-Clawed Golden Dragon.

Or like Mu Tian, whose martial soul was originally the rebirth body of Austin Griffin, but unfortunately, the deity of destruction representing the heavenly punishment actively left the other party and chose his Haotian Hammer as a vessel.

Or like Wang Chen.

The martial soul Reaper Scythe probably carried concepts like "death" and "soul" within it. With future efforts and finding ways to absorb the power of faith, it might not be impossible to achieve the position of Reaper.

Unfortunately, it seems to have been completely subdued by Qian Renxue now.

And the current Xu Xing, his uniqueness probably lies in something like carrying "star aura" or "emperor's aura," acting on his martial soul, causing it to change and give birth to a domain, which isn't surprising.

"The stars are shining brightly in the sky!"

"Sun and moon radiance transform into myriad!"

Only hearing Xu Xing stepping on the void, chanting, a circle of bright starlight spreading from the star crown, enveloping the entire arena, but the spectators outside could still see the scene inside.

Because the light barrier was transparent.


Bibi Dong blurted out, turning her gaze to Dai Legao, and sighed, "The Star Luo Empire is indeed filled with talents, and there will surely emerge an emperor who controls the stars in the future. It's truly remarkable."

"Just a mere Star Crown Sect shouldn't warrant such high praise from the Pope," Dai Legao was very sensitive to the word "emperor," but remained calm.

On the other hand, Tang San activated his Purple Demon Eye and recorded the trajectory of the stars within the domain, while Electrolux also recorded the energy conversion of the stars within the domain through Tang San's perspective.

"This world is indeed blessed with unique advantages," Electrolux sighed again, then said to Tang San, "Brother Tang, our previous speculation about the domain was partially correct. Apart from the powerful bloodline's innate characteristics, for others, as long as they adjust the frequency of their own state between themselves and their martial soul to the corresponding fluctuations, they can awaken their own domain. This requires the 'understanding' between people and their martial soul to reach one hundred percent."

"And those who are born with full soul power are those whose natural affinity between themselves and their martial soul has reached one hundred percent. They instinctively use their martial soul for themselves. This type of person, as long as they reach the corresponding strength required by their martial soul, has a high probability of awakening a domain."

"For those who are not born with full soul power, it depends on whether they can thoroughly understand their martial soul during their postnatal cultivation."

Tang San nodded slightly, "There's another unexpected joy, the energy conversion circuit of the domain and the flickering light of the stars can be incorporated into the Purple Demon Eye and the Mysterious Heaven Skill."

(End of this chapter)