
Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Transmigrator 1: "Tang San, you reincarnated by seizing someone else's body, how despicable!" Slap! Tang San slapped him back and scolded: "You are the one who reincarnated and awakened your previous life's memories, and I am the one who seized someone else's body, right?" Transmigrator 2: "Tang San, you are so hypocritical! You actually told Dugu Bo the worst way to treat his poison, and stole his immortal grass." Slap! Tang San slapped him again and said: "Were those immortal grasses planted by Dugu Bo? No? Then in this fantasy world, killing and robbing is very normal, right? As long as I am strong, then everything I do is right!" Transmigrator 3: "I'd rather be Xiao Yan's lackey than Tang San's brother!" Bang! Tang San smashed his head with a Sky Hammer and said: "You like Xiao Yan so much, why did you transmigrate to Douluo Continent? I am kind-hearted, I'll send you to Douqi Continent!" In his previous life, Tang Chuan transmigrated to Tang San, without any cheats, he wanted to follow the rules, practice Xuantian Gong diligently, and break through the hundredth level by researching his martial soul. He didn't expect that transmigrators would come one after another, and each one of them was a "moral model". Tang San said: "You guys are bored, right?" ****** Power Stone Goal: 200PS = 1 CHAP 600PS = 5 CHAP Have early access to over 25 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/ZeroMoney Announcement: For every 5 patron that join my patreon before 1 Feb I will mass release 15 chapters. patreon.com/ZeroMoney This is a translation.

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Chapter 165: Return to Tian Dou Royal Academy

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The appearance of the camera box piqued the interest of Huo Wu, Yu Tianheng, and others. Their sharp minds realized that this gadget might change the way information was recorded.

From the perspective of the Soul Master Competition, this equipment capable of photography could capture every match, allowing for more comprehensive analysis afterward.

If reconnaissance personnel used this camera box, it could greatly aid in intelligence gathering and information recording, making it a significant asset, like adding wings to a tiger.

"This type of soul tool is very suitable for reconnaissance in warfare," Yu Feng remarked.

"Warfare? No, the initial purpose of this gadget was simply to record images, disseminate information, or perhaps for showing movies," Tang San explained, returning the camera box to Guang Ling and smiling as he clarified.

Its fundamental purpose was mainly to expand the influence of the Soul Master Competition.

"What's a movie?" Huo Wu asked.

"Opera, have you heard of those?" Tang San used operas existing in the Douluo Continent as an example. "So-called movies are stories similar to operas, but instead of going to an opera house, you only need a projection screen and a soul tool capable of recording. Then you can find actors, make recordings, and play them back, providing mental enjoyment to people."

"So, that's what a movie is."

Opera, Huo Wu and the others naturally knew about it.


"Why isn't it called light-shadow? Or soul-shadow?" Huo Wu wondered. "After all, it uses soul power as energy, utilizes light and shadow, so why 'electric'?"

"Because electricity, as an energy source, is much simpler than soul power. After all, the number of Soul Masters on the continent is extremely limited... Moreover, 'movie' sounds smoother when read." This was a habit from Tang San's past life. Since he had the authority to name it, he didn't need to consider others' opinions.

Regarding this, Huo Wu and the others didn't pursue further questions. After all, compared to soul tools, they were more inclined to train their bodies and enhance their soul power.

And fortunately, the first soul tools manufactured by Guang Ling were not meant for attack, otherwise, these people might not have accepted them.

Everything needed to progress gradually.

After the camera box was manufactured, Guang Ling spent her time either practicing or improving the camera box, enhancing two types of camera boxes.

One type could only take photos, with a special long slot on top to insert stiff paper, input soul power, press the shutter, and capture an instant image.

The other type could record moving images, with wind and lightning basic soul runes added, combined with light and darkness. With Tang San's assistance, they conducted numerous experiments and finally improved it to a soul-guided camera box capable of recording sound.

Subsequently, Guang Ling used soul-guided cameras and camera boxes to record the daily life scenes of the Tian Dou Royal Academy's team at the Star Luo Royal Academy.

Huo Wu and the others witnessed themselves in the photographs. Compared to their actual selves, they were identical, except for the lack of movement, and their expressions at the time were vividly depicted.

"This thing will make many painters unemployed."

Huo Wu put away the photos and commented, "How expensive is it? It must be quite costly, right?"

"At the moment, they're handmade, with San Ge responsible for crafting the parts, so they're a bit pricey. However, once these gadgets can be mass-produced like the soul tools on the market, the price will drop, similar to soul-guided lamps and soul-guided fans," Guang Ling explained. "After all, the materials themselves aren't expensive."

As for whether this thing would render painters on the continent unemployed?

Guang Ling stated that it had nothing to do with her.

Huo Wu and the others witnessed themselves in the photographs. Compared to their actual selves, they were identical, except for the lack of movement, and their expressions at the time were vividly depicted.

"This thing will make many painters unemployed."

Huo Wu put away the photos and commented, "How expensive is it? It must be quite costly, right?"

"At the moment, they're handmade, with San Ge responsible for crafting the parts, so they're a bit pricey. However, once these gadgets can be mass-produced like the soul tools on the market, the price will drop, similar to soul-guided lamps and soul-guided fans," Guang Ling explained. "After all, the materials themselves aren't expensive."

As for whether this thing would render painters on the continent unemployed?

Guang Ling stated that it had nothing to do with her.

  The soul-guided camera only recorded images. It was essentially used to record information, not to draw pictures. In terms of artistry, it couldn't be compared with the artist's unbridled imagination.

  However, if you find the right angle and environment, the portraits captured by the soul camera could be as beautiful as the artist's paintings.

  It's hard to say that these two things would give rise to new art.

  "That's right."

  Huo Wu bought a soul guide camera and a soul guide camera from Guang Ling, and so did everyone else. After all, these are extremely novel gadgets, and they were purely handmade by Tang San and Guang Ling. Collection value.

  The students of Star luo Royal Academy noticed the photographic soul guide and photographic soul guide in the hands of the people from Tiandou Royal Academy and wanted to buy them, but they were fooled by Huo Wu and others.

  Although the main function of the Soul Guidance Camera and Soul Guidance Photography Box is to record images, their detection value in war is not small, so naturally they cannot be disclosed to the Star Luo Empire.

  Xu Xing understood what it was, but he couldn't make it. He also knew the principle of small hole imaging, but he couldn't make a camera without the specific drawings.

  Although the Xingguan Sect has a great family and a great business, it will not let a genius disciple waste his talent on studying some kind of camera, and he himself does not know the specific production method and working principle of the soul-guiding camera.

  He also saw the twelve basic runes made by the soul guide at that time and took note of them, but studying those things was a waste of energy, and the people of the Star Crown Sect did not allow him to waste his good practice time on studying those unknown things. Soul guidance lines.

  The soul guidance mecha at the Golden Ancient Tree is indeed powerful, but the elders of the Star Crown Sect believe that it is not something that a soul master can create at all. If they spend time studying it, they will most likely get nothing.

  This is a cognitive issue.

  Although Xu Xing is a time traveler with extraordinary talents, he comes from a large sect, which means that he needs to adapt to the environment within the sect and cannot have too many free ideas.

  In short, it is still the same sentence: the most important thing for a large sect is the continuation of the inheritance, not taking risks.

  You, Xu Xing, are born with a lot of soul power. If you don't work hard to cultivate, quickly become a titled Douluo, inherit and prosper the Star Crown Sect, you are instead researching soul guidance devices and the like. Isn't it a waste of your excellent cultivation talent?

  The older generation in the sect basically all think like this, and the younger generation, influenced by their elders, have similar ideas.

  Xu Xing wanted to study it, but he couldn't really do it.

  After all, the elders and sect leaders of Xingguan Sect all hope that he can serve as the leader, how can they allow him to lose his ambition by playing with things?

  "Times are changing. Is this Tang San going to completely mess up the plot?" Xu Xing was helpless and finally gave up on the idea of ​​studying soul guides and prepared to work hard in cultivation.

Strength is fundamental.

He must quickly reach the level of Titled Douluo to cope with the unpredictable future...

In the blink of an eye, the exchange between the Tian Dou Royal Academy team and the Star Luo Royal Academy team came to an end.

During this six-month period, Tang San primarily focused on researching and perfecting the Windswept Body, which he then passed on to Xiao Wu and Guang Ling. Through the training at the waterfall, his bones in his limbs and shoulders had completely transformed into jade, leaving only the torso, spine, and skull unfinished, while his soul power had reached level forty-four.

Xiao Wu's bones in her thighs had become jade, with her palm bones being next, and her soul power also reached level forty-four.

Guang Ling, having fully practiced the Jade Bone Method, had completed training her palm and foot bones, achieving a balance similar to Tang San. Her soul power had reached level thirty-five.

Part of her time was spent on researching soul tools, so she missed some training time. However, with Tang San's assistance, she was not inferior to other Soul masters, and it was expected that she would become a Soul Ancestor before the age of fourteen.

Huo Wu's soul power reached level forty-six.

Yu Tianheng's soul power was at level forty-three.

Dugu Yan's soul power was at level forty-two.

Ning Rongrong's soul power was at level thirty-six.

Bai Chenxiang's soul power was at level thirty-four.

Oslo's soul power was at level thirty-seven.

Ye Lingling's soul power was at level thirty-nine.

Lan Yinzi's soul power was at level thirty-six.

Yu Feng's soul power was at level thirty-seven.

Zhi Mo's soul power was at level thirty-eight.

Shi Mo's soul power was at level thirty-eight.

Over the past six months, everyone had made significant progress. When the Elite Soul Master Academy Competition opened across the continent, they would all likely reach the level of Soul Amcestors, and even Huo Wu and Yu Tianheng might become Soul Kings.

Although Bai Chenxiang's soul power level was slightly lower, in terms of control over soul power, her progress was even faster than Huo Wu's, second only to Guang Ling.

This was because her martial soul was the Needle-Tailed Jay, renowned for its speed, and her reaction capability was at its peak. In terms of controlling soul power, she was the strongest besides Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Guang Ling.

After all, such fast speed, if not controlled properly, could result in serious injury.

Qin Ming saw everyone making remarkable progress under Tang San's leadership, especially Austro, Ye Lingling, Yu Feng, Zhi Mo, and Shi Mo, whose soul powers were approaching level forty. They were expected to become Soul Ancestors within the year. As long as these five did not slack off before the start of the competition, even the one with the lowest soul power should be able to reach level forty-three.

This generation of the Tian Dou Royal Main Team were all exceptional talents!

"Tang San, I won't lose to you in the competition."

During the six months, Dai Weisi had also challenged Tang San, but Tang San had not even used his martial soul abilities, relying solely on soul power to contend with him.

This made Dai Weisi develop a strong competitive spirit towards Tang San.

Although he is a prince, he is also a Soul Master, and considering the fierce nature of the Star Luo Empire's people, there is genuine respect for the strong.

"I look forward to it," Tang San shook hands with Dai Weisi, feeling that this person was more open-minded than Dai Mubai.

"I won't disappoint you," Dai Weisi laughed heartily and then turned to Yu Tianheng, "Yu Tianheng, how about we have a match then?"

"No problem," Yu Tianheng was also eager. Over the past six months, he had clashed with Dai Weisi, with victories and losses on both sides.White Tiger's king aura was no less formidable than Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon's dominance.

"Oh, there's something I need to ask you guys to do," Dai Weisistepped aside with the members of the Star Luo team, allowing the youthful and busty Zhu Zhuqing to step forward.

"You all know her, Zhu Zhuqing. Her Martial Soul, the Dark Spirit Cat, has awakened the true power of darkness, deserving the name 'Darkness'," Dai Weisi introduced her.

"Now that she has lost her martial soul resonance with Dai Mubai, their engagement has been dissolved..."

"Now, for the sake of the alliance between Star Luo and Tian Dou, we, the Star Luo Royal Academy, have decided to send her to study at Tian Dou Royal Academy. What do Mr. Qin Ming and the members of Tian Dou Royal Academy think about this?"

Qin Ming immediately responded, "This is certainly our honor. However, has your academy sent relevant documents to Tian Dou Royal Academy?"

"Of course," Dai Weisi smiled, "Two months ago, a letter sealed by my father and three members of the academy's board was sent out."

Zhu Zhuyun walked to Zhu Zhuqing's side and said with a smile, "Sister, cherish this opportunity, after all, you fought for it yourself."

"Okay," Zhu Zhuqing remained aloof as always, but in the past six months, Zhu Zhuqing's attitude towards her had improved significantly. Between the two of them, they had also rekindled the deep sisterly bond they had before they were six.

Although six years of estrangement could not disappear in half a year, at least there were no conflicts of interest between the two, and they were close to each other, which was inevitable.

"Mr. Qin Ming, if you happen to see my incompetent brother, you can tell him to come back. He has lost the qualification to compete, and Father is ready to arrange for him to join the White Tiger Sect."

Davis leaned close to Qin Ming and whispered, "Although the competition in our Star Luo royal family is fierce, we won't exterminate the descendants who are not competitive. After all, we can't produce two 'Darkness White Tigers' every generation, can we? Members of the White Tiger Sect are mostly royal heirs who are incapable of competing, which is also a precautionary measure."

Qin Ming understood and nodded, feeling relieved.

The biggest issue regarding whether Shrek Academy could join Tian Dou Royal Academy was Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

Now, Zhu Zhuqing's encounter had awakened the true power of darkness, and she had lost the possibility of merging her martial soul with Dai Mubai, making her incapable of competing.

Zhu Zhuqing could go to Tian Dou Royal Academy for exchanges, while Dai Mubai could return to Star Luo and join the White Tiger Sect. With the problem solved, it could be said to be a win-win situation.

"Please rest assured, Prince. I will definitely inform Dai Mubai," Qin Ming assured.

"Haha, Mr. Qin Ming, don't be so serious."

Dai Weisichuckled, "My brother, he's really a handful.

The carriage from Tian Dou Royal Academy set off.

A month and a half later.

Riding swiftly in the royal carriage, they arrived once again at Soto City, heading to Shrek Academy.

Upon learning that Zhu Zhuqing had dissolved their engagement and that he had lost his competitive edge, Dai Mubai was furious. "This must be fake, right?"

"Zhuqing, how could you dissolve our engagement?"

Although not competing with Dai Weisi meant Dai Mubai could live on, he still harbored aspirations for the throne, especially considering that Zhu Zhuqing was his fiancée!

Now that she had dissolved their engagement, and it was his father who had decided it... where was he supposed to put his face?

How would Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and the others look at him?

Perhaps with the threat to his life gone, Dai Mubai's pride took over his mind. He stared intensely at Zhu Zhuqing. "Do you have no feelings for me at all?"

"None," Zhu Zhuqing said coldly. "You left at the age of eight, and we only met once or twice. What feelings could there be? Besides, after I came to Shrek Academy, although you pretended to be something in front of me for a while, you still indulged in luxury, showing no intention of change. I couldn't even muster any good feelings towards you."

"Now, my Martial Soul has awakened the power of darkness by absorbing the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's soul ring. It no longer resonates with your White Tiger, so the marriage contract on paper naturally becomes void."

"This is actually a good thing for you. At least, your eldest brother won't target you anymore, and you can still live on. Strive harder, and you can aim for the position of Master of the White Tiger Sect."

Dai Mubai gritted his teeth. "Then where am I supposed to put my face?"

"As long as you're strong enough, no one will dare to question you. Moreover, except for the prominent families, no one else knows about the engagement. And those from prominent families wouldn't make jokes about the royal family." After saying this, Zhu Zhuqing ignored Dai Mubai and turned to Headmaster Flender. "Headmaster Flender, during my time at Shrek, thank you for your care. Due to the request from the Star Luo Empire and Star Luo Royal Academy, to act as a bridge between the two empires, I will be joining Tian Dou Royal Academy. I am no longer a student of Shrek Academy. I hope you understand."

Flender sighed deeply and then smiled, "It's understandable. After all, you haven't been at Shrek for long."

Yu Xiaogang, however, wore a pensive expression.

His focus wasn't on Zhu Zhuqing's identity, but on the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. He had only seen records of such a soul beast in ancient texts stored in the Martial Soul Hall and had thought it was just a legend. He hadn't expected it to truly exist. And, a single soul ring could awaken the power of darkness within the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. Could its corpse be studied?

So, he asked.

"Sorry, Master Yu," even though Zhu Zhuqing knew Yu Xiaogang's abilities were limited, she still gave him face, "the corpse of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger turned to dust and scattered with the wind after I absorbed the soul ring."

At the time, everyone who witnessed it was amazed.

Tang San was relatively calm, but he was also surprised that the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger didn't have the bead mentioned in the original work... probably because the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's lifespan was only three thousand years, and it hadn't condensed any inner core or similar objects.

"That's a pity," Yu Xiaogang sighed, but in his heart, he doubted whether Zhu Zhuqing didn't want to bring out the corpse of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, as legendary super soul beasts must be extremely precious.

Following this, Qin Ming mentioned Shrek joining Tian Dou Royal Academy. As long as Dai Mubai returned to the Star Luo Empire and joined the White Tiger Sect, the identity issues of the Shrek group could be resolved.

"I'm not going back!" Although Dai Mubai believed Zhu Zhuqing wouldn't lie about this, going back to the Xing Luo Empire meant facing Dai Weisi.

That big brother had left quite a psychological shadow on him.

Even if he didn't have to compete with him, Dai Mubai didn't dare to face him. Moreover, the White Tiger Sect also needed to obey the Star Luo Royal Family. Even if he became the sect master, he would still be suppressed by Dai Weisi.

Better to be a head of a chicken than a tail of a phoenix.

Here in Tian Dou, at least he had some freedom.

Now, everyone on the Tian Dou Royal team could see Dai Mubai's true colors—timid and cowardly.

Previously, they had thought it was normal to feel inferior and afraid of death if they couldn't compete. But now, with the threat to their lives gone, still being afraid to go back was simply wasting the potential of the "White Tiger," a soul beast at the King level.

"Mubai, how can you act like this?" Flender reprimanded, his aura as a Soul Saint causing Dai Mubai to regain his composure. Then he said to Qin Ming, "Qin Ming, you all can go back first. We'll reconsider."


Helplessly, Qin Ming could only take Tang San and the others back to the Royal Academy first, but he felt somewhat resentful towards Dai Mubai deep down—If it weren't for him, the other teachers and students of Shrek Academy could have joined Tian Dou Royal Academy.

(End of this chapter)