
Chapter 336 The Hands-Off Manager

The new home's affairs were entrusted to Liu Jin to manage, and Xiao Li was asked to assist; meanwhile, Wufu himself borrowed a horse from them.

"Miss, are you playing the role of an absentee landlord?" Xiao Li couldn't help but to smile bitterly at his master.

He was following Master Li's orders to come and help her sort things out. After all, in this house, the elders were nearly on their deathbeds, and those who remained were little more than children. There were no other servants, and the other real master, Wufu, didn't seem to bother with anything at all.

Xiao Li was at a loss for words. Was she genuinely lazy, or did she just have great trust in others? It was as if he were her own servant, at her beck and call.