
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

There Might be a Third Party

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"I need you," Laotian said as soon as his call connected. It's a simple phrase but it's something Laotian rarely used that when the receiver heard it, he suddenly couldn't believe what his ears had perceived. It was the exact phrase he had been dreaming to hear from his older brother ever since he was little. Laotian may have said the same phrase to him before but this was the first time that the Alpha had said it so genuinely, it caught Hanlu off guard.

"I also need to go and see my son," Hanlu said after recovering from his stunned reaction. Of course, he too just received the news and he and Ian are currently preparing to go back as soon as possible. As much as he wanted to help his older brother like he did before, he can't be missing when his son needs him the most.

"I'm asking you to go after," Laotian said, as he halted his walk when one of his men handed him proper clothes to cover his bandaged-filled upper torso. "Daniel needs me, I can't go missing," Laotian added, his tone sounding defeated, making Hanlu unable to talk back. The image of Laotian when Daniel got into an accident more than three years ago flashed in Hanlu's mind and his heart fluttered in pain. Back then, when he saw his older brother at his lowest, Hanlu promised he wouldn't want his older brother to be that way ever again. Mo Laotian might not be the greatest brother to him but knew Mo Laotian cared for him despite him not showing it.

"I want to help you, but--"

"That is all I need to know," Hanlu was just about to say that he would help him depending on Lan's situation but he wasn't able to finish it when Laotian already interrupted him.

"I haven't finished talking yet," Hanlu said, slightly frowning.

"I know. You wanting to help me is enough," Laotian said softly, making Hanlu tremble. His frown deepened as his mind turned wild.

"W-Who are you and what did you do to my brother!? Depending on your answer, I will let you live unscathed. Make mistakes and I will find you wherever you are on Earth!" Hanlu said, alarmed. His brother had never been gentle when talking to him, it was always in a demanding or bored tone. No matter what the situation is, he would never accept that the Alpha could change this much, so there must be someone posing as his older brother. Maybe trying to make him come so they could catch and kill him.

"Hanlu," Hearing Hanlu's doubtful response, Laotian's voice went cold as he called the younger Alpha.

"Y-Yes?" Straightening his back, Hanlu heard his older brother's usual irritated monotonic voice and he couldn't help but shiver.

"I'll see you back home and discuss this further," Laotian said and quickly hung up. He then looked at his assistant now standing next to him. "Prepare to fly back as soon as possible," Laotian said and started to walk again. Since his and Gouta's enemies had been desperate to put him to rest after knowing that the man was a huge threat in the upcoming election, the place they're at now was most likely surrounded. If they leave now, they'll most likely be ambushed. Laotian had to think of a plan to escape and fly back to Daniel.

"Yes Sir," the assistant replied, nodding. Gouta heard Laotian's command and even though he understands that the Alpha should go back as soon as possible for his family, their current situation just doesn't allow that.

"Mr. Mo, I understand your reasoning, but it'll be dangerous for you to go out, especially when you're still healing," Gouta mentioned, highlighting the fact that the Alpha just got over a fever due to infection. For the past days that he met Mo Laotian, his impression was that the man was very calm. He takes time to think of his plans, he's very meticulous, and hardworking. He does not see the Alpha as someone who would decide on something impulsively, especially when their safety was involved.

"No need to worry, I won't do something impulsive," Laotian assured before starting to walk again. He already has a plan on how to trick and divert their enemies' attention so he had to prepare that. Of course, Gouta will have to help as well.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Gouta sighed deeply and said in defeat. "Okay, if you have a plan, then I will do my best to help you," He knew his words were useless against the Alpha.

"Good, because I'll be needing your help."

* * *

At the same time, after Lan was saved from his kidnapper, Mo Chendong proceeded to the hospital where Daniel and Luangmin were admitted. As they arrived, he also admitted Lan to check if he was okay. Thankfully, twenty minutes passed and he woke up without a problem, along with Luangmin. They mostly didn't have memories of the event, so there was nothing wrong with them at all emotionally, aside from Lan who suffered from slight bruising on his arms and legs. Daniel, on the other hand…

"Oh My God! How are they, Doctor?" Laura, accompanied by Tian Zi, asked as soon as they arrived at Daniel's hospital room. After they heard the news, Laura especially was impatiently waiting since she couldn't do anything while her husband helped with the rescue. When she heard about Daniel being suddenly sent to the hospital again, she quickly informed Diane and Armand, as well as Gabriel, George, and Ronald, before she hurriedly left. It was then when Mo Chendong contacted her that Lan was saved and on the way to the hospital as well.

"Both the Young Masters have already woken up, but they're resting in the next room. Mr. Daniel, on the other hand, we had to give him pain relievers. We requested his previous medical records and I'm afraid that he will need to stay in the hospital for further monitoring." The doctor said, holding onto his ledger. He just finished reporting to Mo Chendong, but since Laura asked as soon as she arrived, he patiently repeated the same information.

"Michael C. Hospital holds more data on Mr. Daniel's pregnancy, so I highly suggest transferring him there when he's capable so he can just continue his previous treatment. Of course, we could take over, but I'm afraid Michael's has something that we lack that will greatly help Mr. Daniel's recovery." The Doctor further informed them. It would have been such an honor to have Daniel Mo in their hospital but he also has to be honest. Their hospital is only small and lacks the necessary equipment and specialists.

"That aside, I'm really afraid this time that the twins Mr. Daniel is carrying are both in danger. I assume Mr. Daniel was prescribed to rest and avoid stressful events?"

"Yes, we were told to carefully help him avoid stress," Laura nodded, causing the Doctor to nod as well. He heard about Lancel Mo and Mo Luangmin being kidnapped while the Omega was watching them. Not being able to do anything, the Omega must have been so stressed, emotionally and physically.

"Mr. Daniel is emotionally unstable and it is greatly affecting his condition, causing him to have painful vaginal bleeding. We will do the best that we can to stabilize his condition, but for now, he needs more rest. We can transfer him when he has calmed down," The doctor said. As soon as Laura heard it, she gasped, nodding.

No one had hoped for today's event, but she regretted ever inviting the Omega to go with Lan today instead of her.

"That will be it for now," The Doctor excused himself before he left with the nurses.

"Why is this happening to us?" Laura uttered as her voice cracked. She covered her face with his hands crying, making Mo Chendong and Tian Zi sigh. Both quickly comforted Laura, Mo Chendong hugged his wife soothingly while Tian Zi patted his mother's back as if saying it'd be okay.

"I'm sure they'll be okay," Mo Chendong cooed while Laura sobbed. Meanwhile, seeing their situation, Tian Zi was even more determined to wrap up his investigation. He had no time for distractions, he had no time to play games. He had names but he felt like he missed something; he didn't want to report without being sure so he'll validate the current information he has. Before both his older brothers come back, he shall have the answer to this mystery.

"Hmmm, I'm sorry. I was just being too emotional. I'm actually glad nothing serious happened," Laura said, wiping her tears. She had always been tough and optimistic, but with all that had happened to Daniel and both her grandchildren, she couldn't help but get emotional.

"It's okay, Honey," Mo Chendong said with a smile. As Laura pulled away from her husband's embrace, she nodded at him and then smiled at Tian Zi, indicating she was fine now, before her gaze went to Daniel's sleeping form.

"Laotian will have to explain himself to Daniel," Laura said almost in a whisper. When she married Mo Chendong, she already knew he did illegal things. Laura would be lying if she said she wasn't afraid at first, but Mo Chendong was one of the only people who helped her when her father removed her inheritance and kicked her out of the house. For Daniel, it's different, that's why she always reminded Laotian to tell Daniel soon.

"If he still doesn't do it, then I will be the one to tell Daniel," Laura added, her eyes turning into a glare, making both Chendong and Tian Zi smile nervously.

"I-I'm sure Eldest Brother has his own reasons, Mother," Tian Zi said.

"Reasons!? Nonsense!! I already told him so many times what the consequences of his secret…" Laura slightly yelled before she stopped and sighed frustratingly. She was already stressed out, she didn't want to let her emotions get the worse of her, so she took a deep breath and sighed again. "I'll go check Lan and Minmin for now, Diane and Armand should be on their way," Laura said before she walked towards the door and disappeared behind it, leaving both Mo Chendong and Tian Zi standing alone in the room.

"So, who do you think did this?" Tian Zi asked the moment Laura left the room, while Mo Chendong trailed the way to the chair he was previously sitting in before his wife and son arrived.

"That'll be difficult to say, your brothers have too many enemies," Mo Chendong said.

"Do you think it's the same one?" Tian Zi asked again. What he meant was the one who was behind Veronica Chime. Although Tian Zi believed that the method wasn't as sophisticated as he thought, it could be that the enemy had become desperate. Hanlu and Ian's departure was leaked to social media, as well as the information that they left Lancel Mo for their honeymoon. The enemy used that information to quickly plot for revenge. They knew they couldn't touch Hanlu or Laotian so they focused their attention on Lan, who was currently studying in an unsecured facility.

"No, I highly doubt that." Mo Chendong replied. He also thought of the possibilities but his gut was telling him this was not the same person.

"But there's a possibility that there's a third party," Tian Zi thought, which made sense. There is also a chance that the one behind Veronica Chime could also manipulate the kidnapper. According to Daniel's bodyguard and driver, he heard Daniel and the kidnapper's conversation and the kidnapper said that Mo Laotian and Mo Hanlu ruined his life, causing him to plot revenge. But what could drive him to plot his revenge now unless someone tipped him off?

"Hmmm, that's a possibility. I'm still having it investigated. I'm sure both your brothers would need the information," Mo Chendong said. He was open to all possibilities. For now, he needs to find out who the culprit was to appease both his sons. This time, Mo Chendong thought, this kidnapper would not escape death.