
Doted by the Alpha (S1&S2)

In an alternate world where evolution has given the male species the ability to get pregnant, a young man named Daniel Sullen had his life turn 180 degrees when he discovered he wasn't what he was supposed to be. He discovered the secret of his birth and upon knowing comes along an evil twin sister that wants to ruin his life every chance she gets to and parents that don't even consider him as their own. The only person on his side was his grandfather who favors him more than anyone until that fateful night. Maybe it's good karma but who would think he'd end up being pregnant with a billionaire's child??! ... This is a work of fiction. It has no connection to real individuals groups or events. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or transmission (Including websites) of this work, in part or in whole is prohibited and punishable by the law. All Rights Reserve. lesson101 2018 ... Disclaimer: The picture used in the book cover is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. If you are the owner of this art and wish for me to take it down then my DM's are always open and I will remove it immediately. Or you can email me on lesson101.lightnovels@gmail.com

lesson101 · LGBT+
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237 Chs

Meeting (1)

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"Don't be too late, okay?" Daniel reminded. He sounded like pouting as he pulled Laotian forward and kissed him whilst softly caresses his cheeks.

If it was not because the Alpha needed to go out to meet someone from his work despite being on leave, Daniel would not have agreed to let him go. The Alpha was supposed to leave earlier but Daniel wanted him to eat dinner at least so now Laotian's schedule was delayed by three hours, he didn't care though. As long as he could make Daniel happy.

"Hmm, I won't. I will be home quickly. Be good, okay?" Laotian assured as soon as their moisten lips separated regretfully. Recently, he had noticed Daniel being slightly clingy. Laotian already guessed it was because he was pregnant and his Omega pheromones messing with his personality. 

Laotian chuckled internally thinking how this time his beloved wife's pregnancy was different from when he had been pregnant with Luangmin and Luangmie.

When Daniel was pregnant for the first time, he was more independent. He was okay being alone in the house, even when Laotian had unplanned meetings, Daniel wouldn't complain and simply lets him go. Now, aside from his moods being all over the place, Daniel was acting like a spoiled wife. But truthfully, Laotian couldn't deny that he liked it. He can't deny he approved Daniel being demanding.

"Okay I will, but I won't sleep until you arrive home," Daniel replied forming another pout on his pinkish lips. Laotian laughs at the sight and briefly pinched the Omega's plump cheeks.

"I just said be good. You have to sleep early. I will be home before you know it." Laotian cooed, his fingers comb Daniel's silky hair affectionately. 

"Nope. I'll definitely wait for you." Daniel insisted shaking his head in disagreement. If the Alpha comes home late, he will be worried and by then he can't sleep so he will just have to wait for him. Seeing how Daniel was being insistent, Laotian leaned forward and kiss his disobedient forehead.

Meanwhile, while all of this was happening at the foyer. Tian Zi impatiently crossed his arms together looking at the two lovebirds whose physical intimacy with each other doesn't seem to end. Instead, he felt like their public display of affection had intensified recently.

The two had been standing at their spot for a supposed to be send-off session but it had been more than 15 minutes now and they still haven't ended. Tian Zi glanced at his watch and his brows raised realizing they are now late for more than three hours. Tian Zi wondered if Remi Long and Ethan Morris were now feeling impatient, but then again, they didn't actually have a choice but to wait.

"Okay now, be good." Laotian at last said leaning forward to give Daniel another kiss earning a soft whine as their tongue dance together briefly before they separated with Daniel having yet another pout.

"Hmmm, okay. Stay safe." In spite of his objection, Daniel replied obediently. His cheeks tinted with a soft pinkish color and his luscious lips became redder than before. Laotian was almost lured by it again but he held back this time as their bodies draw away from each other at last.

Daniel waved his hand goodbye watching the Alpha enter his service with Tian Zi. He only removed his eyes from the dark road when he was sure the car had disappeared. Finally, after 3 hours and 20 minutes. Mo Laotian and Mo Tian Zi left the estate in silence. 

In the car, no words were exchanged between Mo Laotian and Mo Tian Zi. Even when 30 minutes gone by as they trailed the way to their destination. Each of them remained busy with their own thoughts. Mo Laotian was initially a man of few words while Tian Zi only talks when he wanted and needed to.

Additionally, Tian Zi was slightly reluctant to talk now after what he had witnessed earlier. He was still not used to it despite seeing the same event almost every day.

The only reason really why things around the Mo household gets a little lively is because Mo Hanlu was a very chatty person, most of the time, his constant bickering with Laura Mo and Tian Zi turns the Mo Estate a little energetic.

"Young Masters, we have arrived." The chauffer mentioned parking the car directly in front of a massive three-stories building. From the way the building looks outside, it is as if the whole building was devoured by vegetation by the way the vines fixed themselves on the walls like it had always been like that from the very beginning. Its design and style made it so that the massive infrastructure almost camouflaged with the forest at the back. It's like it shied itself from the public's view.

Nodding as a reply, Laotian glanced at the window and saw his men and servants lining up to greet them, already bowing their heads in respect. On cue, after the driver unlocked the car door, one of the men waiting for the Masters' arrival opened the door for Laotian greeting the boss a good evening. At the same time, Tian Zi received the same greeting as they both stepped out of the vehicle almost in sync. 

Laotian and Tian Zi briefly fixed their clothes. Both their enigmatic handsome features and stance screamed dominance. The way they marched towards the building even without saying anything gave off the feeling that they were not humans but Gods posing as humans.

Men and woman who came to greet the magnificent figures remained bowing in respect. Each time the Master passed by them one by one, it almost as if their breaths had been taken away. It felt like if they were so to move, they would receive God's judgment.

It was not until both Masters stepped inside the building that they straightened their backs in synchronization. And it was then that they were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"They have been waiting, sirs," Aldrin informed after Laotian and Tian Zi stepped inside the main hall of the building. Laotian nodded again without saying anything and continued to walk towards where he knew Remi Long and Ethan Morris should be waiting. 

It didn't take too long until they arrived at where the two were waiting. The second the door of the room opened, Remi set his eyes on both Laotian and Tian Zi. She stood up almost immediately at their sight while Ethan remained sitting stubbornly even though he felt the oppressing air from the two dominant Alphas.

Despite being both Beta, Remi Long and Ethan Morris knew Mo Laotian and Mo Tian Zi were on a different level than other Alphas out there.

"G-Good Evening Mr. Mo. It's our pleasure to finally meet you." Remi greeted as if it was not her being abducted yesterday and been kept as a prisoner up until now. Laotian nodded to her and sat on his chair comfortably. Tian Zi also finds a nice spot for him to sit on as well. 

"I will not drag this on considering I do not have much time." Laotian started already thinking he needed to come home early. Remi nodded and nervously sat on where she was sitting earlier. Ethan also paid attention without much resistance observing the Alpha's manner. It is his first time to meet an elite Alpha after all.

"I should not have needed the two of you here to get rid of Veronica Chime if she's acting on this alone. However, what I am truly after is the man behind her." Laotian monotonously stated. It was a surprise that he's trying to explain but the way he said it felt like he was not interested in explaining.

Furthermore, the way he started it was off that even Tian Zi frowned listening to him.

"The man behind Vicky?" Remi repeated confused.

"If you don't need us here then why did you have us taken? Also, what do we care about the man behind that bitch." Ethan asked frowning, he was very much okay plotting his own revenge against Veronica until this man asked someone to kidnap him and now he's saying he wasn't needed actually.

"E-Excuse me, Mr. Mo. I don't quite understand what you're saying. I'm guessing that you already know that Vicky is lying?! So as you have said, why don't you just get rid of her? Wouldn't that also mean you can get rid of the person behind her if there was really someone?" Remi asked confused. She really didn't get why do they have to get involved. It didn't make sense to her.

"Yes, you are right. I could do that if there was not someone trying to get rid of the evidence." Laotian replied looking at the two with the same monotonic expression he gives off to everyone except his beloved wife.

"I do not simply want to keep the enemy away. I want to catch him and fully get rid of him. And I cannot do that if I get rid of Veronica Chime. That is where the two of you come in. Ethan Morris being the father of that woman's child, I simply do not want my enemy to get rid of you like they initially did."

"So you want to secure me because of that!?" 

"Yes. Veronica Chime is a public figure so are the Mo family. We have images to keep." Laotian said shifting his position by crossing his legs forming a number four. 

Hearing the Alpha's reply Remi becomes even more confused. If the Alpha was worried about his family's reputation then why did he say it was easy to get rid of Veronica if she was acting alone?! If that was the case then wouldn't he be needing them to appease the public? But why did he said he didn't need them?

Remi thought and felt like Mo Laotian was giving her very little information. There were so many holes in his explanation. She also felt the Alpha didn't want to even talk to them. And then she wondered if Elites normally talks this way? 

It's like he already assumes that they already know what he's talking about.

In reality, Remi Long was right. Laotian normally talks to people who had higher IQ like Mo Hanlu, Laotian is used to assume that by saying a few key things, that someone should already figure out what he meant to say.

Confusion covered Remi Long and Ethan Morris' expression that Tian Zi had to step in.

"If Veronica didn't publicize this in the first place, it would have been easy to get rid of her. It would also been easy to find evidence to prove her lies or simply shut her up forcefully like we normally do. But since Veronica Chime was not acting on alone, meaning someone was manipulating her behind. She may be instructed to put her lies in public, which put us in a hot spot."

"With the media on our backs and enemy eliminating the evidence of Veronica Chimes lies to support her, if the Mo Family simply gets rid of her without explanation, people will take it badly. Every little thing we do from now on will be viewed by the public. Veronica Chime is a Movie star after all." Tian explained clearly that Remi's question was slowly being answered.

"And as I have said since she had someone powerful backing her up, it had been difficult to find the truth. Especially finding you. If you had died that day or had not woken up from your coma, it would have been difficult to get rid of her when the time comes. Thankfully, they now thought your dead so you don't need to worry as long as you don't show yourself and be killed again." Tian Zi added looking at Ethan Morris.

"Anyway, the person behind Veronica Chime is not a simple one, they managed to manipulate everything even Veronica Chime's personal background. I won't be surprised if they could manipulate a simple DNA test result as well."

"And even if they don't for instance manipulate the DNA result, the public would not simply believe and it will damage our company's reputation." Tian Zi continued. He raised his hand and quickly Aldrin walked towards him handing two folders. Tian Zi then gave it to each of them.  

Remi Long and Ethan Morris accepted the files. Tian Zi urged them to read through the folder. As they did flipping through the pages and read through the false information on the papers, both of them grimaced in disbelief. Questions were visible on their faces that Tian Zi could almost read it.

"Yes, that's Veronica's personal background now." Tian Zi replied knowing the question on their minds.

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