
Called to Apologize

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"Laotian, what are you doing here?" Daniel exclaimed excitedly as he hastily marched towards his husband. The moment he reached him, as always, Laotian carefully caught him with his smile still plastered on his lips.

"Careful you," he whispered as they hugged affectionately. He was very delighted that finally after weeks of waiting and reciprocating, he could finally see and hug his beloved family.

"Why are you here? Are your wounds okay now?" Pouting as he frowned at Laotian, Daniel repeated his question before he carefully touched the area where he remembered Laotian's wound was.

"I'm fine. I received the doctor's permission. I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you," Laotian said while he caressed Daniel's pinkish cheeks, his eyes looked at his beautiful amber before it dropped on his lips. He wanted to kiss Daniel so badly but he suppressed himself thinking he shouldn't be so impatient now that Daniel is in front of him.

"Ahw, you should've told me so Mom and I could have prepared something for you," Daniel continued to pout as they finally separated from their hug.

"It's okay, I was looking forward to seeing your reaction," Laotian said before his eyes shifted to see Diane who was currently walking towards them while carrying Luangmin. When they finally reached the couple, Laotian briefly thanked Diane and picked the excited Luangmin from her arms.

"Dada, why onlwy come now?" Luangmin complained, feeling his father's familiar touch and voice as he wrapped his arms around his neck. Even though they weren't really close due to Laotian's work schedule and only been together when Daniel was at the hospital, Luangmin was quick to get attached that now he missed his father so much.

"I'm sorry, Dada was sick but I'm okay now," Laotian cooed, caressing his son's back while he smiled helplessly. He honestly still didn't like children overall but he was genuinely okay with his and Daniel's offspring that he felt like he wanted to spoil Luangmin at this moment. Even though this son of his greatly reminded him of himself instead of Daniel, he can't deny that Luangmin was too adorable for a baby especially when he picked up mostly Daniel's habits.

"Hmmkway, is Dada reawwy okway now?" Luangmin asked, burying his face against his father's neck. When Laotian hummed okay, Luangmin smiled and tightened his hug.

"Then Minmin fowgive Dada," Luangmin mumbled still hugging Laotian, making Daniel, Diane, and Laotian laugh at how cute he was.

"Come on inside, Laotian." Diane invited, still chuckling. Daniel also nodded in agreement because it was rather windy outside and he was afraid Luangmin would catch a cold.

"Come on, let me show you around," Daniel said excitedly and led Laotian inside. Daniel grew up at this house and of course, it was natural for him to get excited showing his beloved person the place he grew up in.

"You two stay here and catch up. I'll be just in the kitchen," Diane said as soon as they reached the living room to which Laotian nodded with a respectful smile. When it was only him and Daniel was left, Laotian slightly swayed Luangmin on his arms.

"How's his sight?" Laotian asked, making Daniel's earlier excitement dispersed being reminded of Luangmin's result earlier. He suddenly became silent and sighed dejectedly remembering that his precious son's sight had not come back yet.

"T-there's no improvement in his condition yet," Daniel replied with a low spirit. He's like that for a quick 5 seconds then later forces out a smile. "But I'm sure he'll get better in a few days. I heard Lan could already see a little. The doctor said it might be because he's too young to heal his body," Daniel added while caressing Luangmin's back, he had only just been in his father's arms, and quickly it looked like he's asleep already.

"I'm proud of you for not letting this get to you. I'm sure everything will turn out just fine," Laotian encouraged and this time he caressed Daniel's cheeks as they looked at each other's eyes. They continued to stare at each other's eyes, drowning until they didn't notice how the distance between them closed until their lips touched as they gasped deeply, their bodies instantly felt the electricity running through their spine however that only lasted seconds when Daniel shyly pulled away with a blush.

"M-Minmin might wake up," Daniel mumbled, chewing on his moist lips. Seeing this, Laotian's chest vibrated in disagreement nevertheless he once again suppressed himself because he knew it wasn't right to suddenly just start kissing in his in-laws house.

"I'm sorry," Laotian apologized, a tender smile flashed on his lips.

"It's okay. I was at fault as well. I wanted to kiss you," Daniel suddenly confessed while playing with his fingers, making Laotian almost jump on him at how adorable he was. Laotian was never into cute and adorable stuff but when it comes to Daniel, he just couldn't help but feel all kinds of emotions when he acts like this. He was not even sure whether Daniel was doing it on purpose or not.

"H-How's the twins?" Knowing that his thoughts were suddenly getting dangerous, Laotian's eyes quickly landed on Daniel's obvious protruding belly. Daniel didn't reply yet as he was also deep into his own thoughts and only realized Laotian's question when he felt the Alpha's warm palm on his stomach.

"A-Ah, they're doing quite well. They move very often as well, do you want to feel it?" Daniel said with a bright smile before he offered.

"Yeah sure, it had been a while," Laotian nodded and then he watched Daniel play with his stomach drawing circles with his fingers chuckling. It didn't take a few seconds until Laotian could physically see Daniel's stomach suddenly move and it made his eyes grow big for a quick second. For a moment there, he thought it was not human that was inside his wife's stomach making him draw his palms away almost instantly but quickly drew them back again realizing it was their babies that were moving.

"Does it hurt?" Laotian asked and touched the area where he presumed was kicked by their children.

"No, not at all. Just a little ticklish and discomfort but no pain. Whenever I did this, they always responded to me like this," Daniel assured and once again played with the twins inside him.

"They're very lively," Laotian commented, still rather surprised. He had not experienced such huge movements from when Luangmin and Luangmie were conceived, Daniel's stomach was waving vigorously.

"Haha, yes they are," Daniel replied proudly. "A week from now I have another check-up to see how they're doing inside, I think they're fine but it's better to be safe and have them checked," Daniel added, finally ending his play with his stomach because if he didn't Laotian was gonna ask him, worrying at the way it looked when the twins moved inside the Omega.

"Hmmm, I agree but speaking of babies, Franco called me last night, his wife gave birth to an Omega. They invited us to visit their baby shower in 2 weeks," Laotian suddenly mentioned recalling how his friends invited him and Daniel to their baby shower happening in 2 weeks once his Omega wife recovered.

"What? Aidan gave birth already, and an Omega? Oh my gosh, can we go and visit them? Will it be safe?" Daniel exclaimed excitedly with his eyes wide open. Now that he remembered it, he did recall Aidan saying he was almost due. He was so busy trying to keep up with what has been happening in his life that he forgot.

"I already accepted the invitation and I will make sure it'll be safe," Laotian said, chuckling at how this had made the Omega suddenly so excited.

"Really!? Thank you, Laotian," Daniel squeaked and this time, Luangmin finally woke up with a whine at the noise.

At the same time, at Mo Chendong's ranch where Hanlu and his family temporarily lived, Ian received a phone call from an unknown number. Thinking it was from an important person or from someone he knew, he unsuspectedly accepted the call.

"Hello? Who is it?" Ian said as soon as he received the phone call. Since this was his personal number, he didn't need to be so formal unlike when he used his business phone.

[Is this Ian Andrews Mo?] A man with a deep voice asked, his tone was gentle and unsure. Unknown to Ian, this caller was actually Diego Bronson who after receiving Ian's number earlier from his right-hand man he quickly called it in secret.

"Yes, speaking," Ian replied again with a frown, so far he didn't quite remember the voice so he wondered how this person grabbed a hold of his number.

[Before I tell you my name, I want to know that I called because I want things to work as peacefully as it could,] Diego quickly warned, not wanting Ian to drop the phone on him. Jordan did quite a lot to Lancel Mo that he wouldn't be surprised if the Omega lashes at him.

"Okay, so who are you, and why are you calling me?" Ian replied, slightly curious about what the man was talking about. Although he knew that there were quite a lot of people who doubted his achievements, he didn't really have someone who he had an argument with aside from Veronica Chime simply because it was very unethical considering his line of work. He was a public figure and being in a trivial fight could be considered unprofessional.

[I would also like to apologize to you] Diego added, feeling reluctant to tell who he was because surely the Omega would hang up on him but he also didn't think that it would be impossible for him to talk to Mo Hanlu if he didn't tell his name.

"I don't know why you're apologizing but I can't accept it without knowing who you are," Ian replied, now slightly irritated at the fact that the caller was stalling time for nothing.

[Okay, I don't know if you know me but I'm Diego Bronson, Jordan Bronson's husband] Diego finally introduced, he didn't know why he was suddenly feeling nervous talking to an Omega but he was. He only felt relieved when it didn't seem like Ian Andrews Mo hung up on him.

[I've been trying to make an appointment with your husband for the past weeks. I wanted to talk to him about what had bee--] Diego quickly added thinking Ian was okay talking to him but before he could finish his words, Ian hung up his phone.

Well of course he would hang up, he knew full well who Jordan and Diego Bronson were. They were the couple who harmed his son not once, but twice and now still recovering. Does Diego Bronson actually think Ian Andrews Mo had the patience to talk to him without fuming in anger and desire to kill him and his wife?

Squeezing his device in anger, Ian didn't know why the man had to call him on his personal phone number just to talk to Hanlu when he could just go and get his number instead. Still fuming, Ian walked towards where Hanlu and their son were and looking at Lan still struggling to see just added fuel in it that he didn't realize his pheromones were suddenly acting wild that Hanlu quickly noticed even though Ian was standing a few meters away from him and Lan.

"Baby? Your pheromones are acting quite aggressive," Hanlu mentioned as he put down Lan after telling him to stay put for a bit.

"What happened?" Hanlu asked jogging towards Ian and without warning, hugged him, releasing his pheromones to counter Ian's aggressive ones. When Ian inhaled that scent and slightly calmed him down, he buried his nose against Hanlu and suddenly sniffled. He was angry and frustrated that he didn't know what to do aside from crying it out.

"Baby, what happened?" Hanlu asked again worriedly. Ian just left to pick his phone and now he was suddenly like this as if someone had bullied him.

"T-That bastard called and apologized!" Ian mumbled between his sniffles but although Hanlu could understand what Ian was saying, he was still confused, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Who called?" Hanlu asked again, he didn't stop releasing his scent that slowly but surely calmed Ian however that suddenly stopped when he heard what Ian said next. Abruptly, he pulled Ian away from his hug and looked at his tear-stained cheeks.

"Who did you just say that called you?" Hanlu asked, his perfect masculine brows knitted into a frown.

"D-Diego Bronson," Ian repeated with his lips trembling, his tears continued to stream down, that even though had so many questions in his mind, he decided to set that aside and comforted Ian first.

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