
Dortmund love

The child who is in love with the family wants to study abroad? Are you going to Japan? Gong Ruini said that children who love home can travel thousands of miles to Germany for the adoration of Bayern. The winter in Germany is so cold

DaoistMz5UJX · Teen
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5 Chs

chapter 2

Gong Ruini yawned and followed Tian Jiayu to the boarding window step by step, "The food here is not delicious.

"That's right, we can't be too picky outside." Listening to Gong Ruini's complaints, Tian Jiayu could only comfort one or two in a good voice.

To be honest, she is also very opinionated about what she ate just now, "I have researched on the Internet, and the food over there is also very monotonous."

Why does Gong Ruini fall in love with home? The reason is very simple. There is a father who is good at cooking and a mother who is good at taking care of the house. Who is willing to go out.

Tian Jiayu is very worried at this moment that someone will not adapt to all kinds of things when she arrives in Germany. How can this be broken? Even after she plans to go abroad, she has worked hard to practice cooking, but can she compare with Gong Ruini's father?

Tian Jiayu felt that how to take care of her stomach was a major issue compared to taking care of a baby who loved her family.

"I know, don't worry, I can cook." Gong Ruini said that as a foodie, it's not just about eating.

uh, what do you mean? Tian Jiayu was dumbfounded, "You can cook?"

Look, one by one looked down on her, "Of course I will, I won't do the difficult ones, I will." What Gong Ruini didn't say is that since she knew she was going to study in Germany, her old man took her to study a lot.

Of course, the results are pretty good. Although the food is not top-notch, it can be eaten anyway, but Gong Ruini didn't eat it. It was all tasted by Father Gong, a peerless father. Of course, all the food was praised, which made the little girl Be confident.

simple? Tian Jiayu looked at Gong Ruini suspiciously. As a friend, why didn't she know that Nini couldn't cook, and how could she cook suddenly? There really is a problem, "Can you eat?"

Gong Ruini was also a little guilty, but when she saw her friend's unbelievable look, she expressed that she was very hurt. Although she hadn't tasted it, "I made a light taste, and my dad said it was delicious."

Uncle Gong thinks it is delicious? She really didn't find it strange to answer that, even if someone's food was super unpalatable, it was absolutely delicious for a peerless dad, "Do you think your dad's words have integrity?"

Why is there no integrity, Gong Ruini jumped angrily, "I will definitely let you know that you are wrong, and the food I cook must be delicious. (WWW.mianhuatang.CC A good novel"

Gong Ruini snorted arrogantly. In short, she had to ask Tian Jiayu to sincerely apologize to her, but she set out with a super secret book, and it really couldn't be helped. Isn't there an all-powerful father who can ask for help online?

Tian Jiayu looked at Gong Ruini, who was pouting, and there was only one thought in her heart, that is, the arrogant kitten, but if someone's cooking skills are really one-tenth of Uncle Gong's ability, she will definitely support her in every way. Study abroad career will have a good logistics staff.

"If your food is good, I will seriously consider getting into Munich University or Technological University." It is impossible for Tian Jiayu to apologize now.

However, it is necessary to let a certain girl go down the steps, otherwise someone will continue to be arrogant.

Gong Ruini didn't expect Tian Jiayu to say that she would go to a university in Munich, but she was overjoyed, "Really?"

No matter, Gong Ruini stretched out her little finger, "Let's hook and hang."

This move made Tian Jiayu dumbfounded. You must know that elementary school students now think this move is all kind of naive. Several people will do this move. In order not to be embarrassed, Tian Jiayu quickly completes this move.

Royce didn't expect to see the previous two girls again in the terminal, glanced at them, and prepared to rest and board the plane.

Just when he turned his head, he found Gong Ruini pouting, "What a lovely girl." This was an idea in Royce's heart.

Looking at her height and figure, she is obviously a big girl, but her movements and facial expressions make people feel like a little girl.

Gong Ruini didn't expect that her coquettish actions would be seen by a foreigner. For her, what she was thinking at the moment was to make Tian Jiayu change her view of her and stop treating her as a child who loved her family.

"Here and here." Gong Ruini walked in front with a small bag and a book in her hand, and found that a man was already sitting at the window.

From the profile, he looks handsome, but this foreigner is a little thin. In Gong Ruini's mind, foreigners grow up eating meat, and they should be all kinds of burly.

However, even if there is a skinny person on the side, the seat of the economy class is still quite crowded. If there is a fat person on the side, it will definitely be uncomfortable.

Royce looked away from the window, turned to look at the aisle, no, he met again, "Are you here?"

Although Gong Ruini has learned a little German by herself, honestly speaking, she can make do with writing, and speaking and listening are just simple conversations. Fortunately, the other party speaks slowly and the sentences are not long, "Yes."

Royce snorted, and just about to continue turning her head to look at the window, she saw her putting her luggage on pads.

I probably knew that I might not understand, so I stood up and helped put the luggage on the shelf, "I'll put it for you."

My mom, it's so tall, Gong Ruini didn't expect this little handsome guy to be so tall, "Thank you." But he is absolutely enthusiastic and a good person.

"Can that one help my friend's luggage." Of course, this is basically half German and usually done by body language.

Royce snorted, took Tian Jiayu's luggage and put it on it, then returned to his seat, blocking the aisle so that the people behind were not easy to pass by.

Tian Jiayu didn't expect that there would be an enthusiastic person to help with luggage. They didn't meet such good people when they flew to Dubai before, and they took a lot of effort to get it.

"Not bad, very handsome." Tian Jiayu sat in the outermost seat, and of course the middle seat was given to Gong Ruini.

The reason is so that she can hook up with handsome foreigners, even if there is no contact after getting off the plane, it will be a good memory to recall in the future.

Gong Ruini's kind thought to Tian Jiayu is, you darn, who doesn't know that sitting in the middle is all kinds of uncomfortable, but the little handsome guy on the side has done such a favor, so people shouldn't feel disgusted with him.

Royce retracted his sight, fastened his seat belt, and was about to wait for the plane to take off, "This is you?"

"Introduction to German." Gong Ruini raised the book in her hand. There was no way to get off the plane or to enter a German-speaking country. She couldn't understand everything.

Of course, she had done enough preparatory work, and wrote down the addresses of the schools she would go to in the book she brought with her. The German she spoke might not be understood by the driver, but it was impossible for her to understand German.

"Are you going to college or?" Royce raised his eyebrows and glanced, expressing he didn't understand the square words above.

"When you go to university, you need to study language for a year." Gong Ruini looked at Royce as if she was a university student. "Are German universities easy to pass?"

Royce was not too surprised. Many foreigners, especially Chinese, are now studying in Germany, but the latter question made him very embarrassed. "I'm not a college student."

Uh, not a college student? Did he work? Nima, doesn't it mean that foreigners look old? Why did she meet a guy who grew up against her? Gong Ruini said that she should not listen too much to the rumor that foreigners are easy to read on the Internet.

"Then you're working?" Gong Ruini apologized very much, didn't he say that foreigners basically go to college, and the handsome guy didn't go to college, it should be a shameless thing.

Reus hummed, "I'm a player, I play football."

Players who play football, God, Gong Ruini didn't expect to meet players on a plane, and she is a kind and enthusiastic person, but he is definitely not a player of my Ren, "You are not a player of Bayern."

If it is not the first team, it may be the youth team or the second team. She is not sure about this. Domestic reports and her attention are only the players of the first team.