It was familiar because when I was younger my parents would take me to a orchestra concert every year because my mom used to play the clarinet. We never missed any of her performances. Afterwards we would go backstage and I would touch everything and always tried to play the instruments. I remember seeing the exact symbol on one of the instruments or on the music notes but I couldn’t remember exactly. I stood there puzzled and couldn’t quit think when Cheryl was still mumbling behind me. “hey come see this”, I told her. “what, what?”, she rushed over saying. “look, have ever seen this symbol before?”, I asked while pointing at it. “oh yea, that’s a musical note for the…of course!”, she said while going over at the desk. She picked up the paper where she had written the riddle and walked over back. She read the riddle to me and smiled. “that is a musical note that tells the Violin to go higher pitch wise, and a violin has a tender voice meaning it’s quit smooth when played, it has a slender body because of how it’s curved, and obviously wherever it’s taken it’s played, and it has a bow and without it, it can’t be played.”
As soon as she finished explaining there was a loud explosion, we figured it was the mountain. We ran outside and the sky was red and cloudy and smoke coming out of the mountain. “we have the answer!”, Cheryl shouted. There was no response and the mountain was still rumbling and Smoky. “why aren’t they answering?”, Cheryl asked. She was freaking out again and angry. She shouted again and again but nothing happened. We could see the trees falling from afar. The immediately the mountain erupted. Hot lava was shooting in the air. “get down!”, I shouted at Cheryl as a fluid of lava was shooting towards her. She froze, I ran and tackled her out of the way. “hey look at me, hey you’re gonna be ok.”, she nodded while sobbing and stood up. Another fluid of fell and hit half of the house we were in. As we stood there freaking out we heard the phone ring inside of whatever was left of the house. There was no way to get inside the house. The entrance was covered in lava. The mountain was Still shooting lava and the phone kept on ringing. I removed the blazer I was wearing and the sweater. I started tying them around my legs. “what are you doing?”, Cheryl asked. “Someone’s got to answer the phone right?”, I answered.
She grabbed the sweater as I was tying it around my foot. “you can’t even walk straight from the bruises you got earlier.”, she said. “then how will we answer the phone, the mountain is not gonna stop erupting until we do or we die I assume”, I said rather annoyed. “I’ll go”, she said. She gathered some big tree leaves while looking out fir the flying lava. She tied them up using the leave's midribs. She made a thick shoe like layer of leaves and tied me blazer and sweater around. She looked ate and nodded and walked over towards the entrance. She walked over the lava slowly then ran as the lava ate through the layers. She was not going to make it. She ran faster but the lava was too thick. As she was getting closer and closer to the house the lava had melted the layers of her left foot. She screamed while jumping inside the remains of the house. I couldn’t see quit much after that. The mountain was still erupting and the phone was still ringing. Maybe she was too hurt to stand up or she had passed out. I had to do something. I started gathering the leaves too, I had to save her. But as I gathered a couple the mountain immediately stopped rumbling and shooting lava. I noticed the phone stopped ringing too. “hey! Are you ok?”, I shouted. There was no answer for a minute but there she was limping and standing over the wall that was left standing. I was actually glad she was ok. The lava hardened after a few minutes and it was nothing but a cold layer of rock.
I ran over and held her hand over my shoulder and walked over to the tree I was under. The sky became clear again and the sun shone. We didn’t quit understand how the time worked here. Soon after we had a bus honking from a distance. “I have never been so relieved to hear a bus honk in my life”, I said hysterically. “so have I” , she said as she chuckled painfully. I stood up and supported her while she stood up, held her and walked over to the bus. The bus driver looked at us and as always he said “ it’s a beautiful day isn’t it? “. We both laughed hysterically as we got on the bus. We sat down at the back and stared out the window. “for once I’d like this bus ride to ne a little bit longer”, I Said suggestively. “I hear you”, Cheryl said. As we sat there something strange and different happened. The bus driver entered through the passenger door and headed straight towards us. I woke up Cheryl who was phasing off , “hey! Look”. She sat up and the driver was there looking straight at us. “ it’s a beautiful day isn’t it?”, he said for the billionth time.
We didn’t know what to do or say. We leave looked at each other and we were a little bit scared. I was breathing heavily as he stood there smiling at us. The Cheryl after a few seconds replied “it is, a beautiful day”. The driver looked outside through the window and the at us and said, “well yes a little bit hot though, would you a bottle of water?” . We were so traumatized we forgot how hungry and thirsty we were. Suddenly we answered hastily “oh yes, yes we would like a bottle of water”. He walked away smiling without saying a word, be got off the bus and disappeared on the other side. “do you see him”, Cheryl asked. “no, he disappeared into the other side of the bus”, I answered while sitting down. The there he was again, he got on the bus and walked over to where we were. “ it’s a beautiful day isn’t it?”, he asked. He stood there staring at us holding a platter of two bottles of water, bread and two apples. He stared at us while we wondered why he wasn’t handing over what looked to me as a feast. “oh, am yes it is a beautiful day”, Cheryl answered. He smiled at her and handed over the Platter. Water has Never tasted that good. The driver got back outside and walked over to the driver's seat. I could tell that Cheryl was anxious and scared as she stared down her last bite of her share of bread.