
Doraemon: The Stupider I Act The Stronger I Get

Reborn as Nobita with a Platinum finger. Getting Items/Skills/Abilities/Properties depending on the level of stupidness. 100 thousand troops of Mechatopian soldiers are invading Earth. Not to be worried Nobita uses his very own Iron Legion. Low Profile, Smart and Attractive Nobita. Author note: This is just a random imagination and will only include the movies. I will also age him up as the the time goes by.

Sung_Jin_Doo · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Golden finger and Beginner's Pack

As Kyo's consciousness wavered in the midst of darkness, he suddenly heard an unexpected voice pierce through the void. It proclaimed that he had been chosen by a Supreme Being to possess the "Stupid System." The words reverberated in his mind, bringing a mix of confusion and curiosity.

Before Kyo could fully comprehend the situation, another voice, one he recognized well, entered his ears. It was the iconic voice of Doraemon, the robotic cat from the future who had accompanied him in many childhood dreams. The sound of that familiar voice acted as a beacon of comfort, gradually drawing Kyo back to consciousness.

As his eyes fluttered open, Kyo's gaze fell upon the sight of Doraemon standing before him, with his round blue body and majestic wiskers. Doraemon's trademark friendly smile and large, expressive eyes filled Kyo with a sense of familiarity and warmth.

Doraemon's appearance was just as he had always imagined, with his pouch full of magical gadgets, ready to assist and make life easier. His bright blue color radiated a sense of joy and optimism, providing a stark contrast to the dark and gloomy space Kyo had previously found himself in.

As Kyo, now referred to as Nobita, gazed upon the sight of Doraemon, he couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and disbelief. In that moment, he believed that he had entered the afterlife, a realm where dreams came true. Overwhelmed by these emotions, he instinctively embraced Doraemon, finding comfort in his presence.

To Nobita's surprise, Doraemon felt incredibly soft and cuddly in his arms, despite knowing that he was internally made of metal. The sensation of hugging Doraemon brought a soothing warmth to Nobita's heart, reaffirming the notion that he had truly entered a realm of miracles and wonders.

Nobita's knowledge of the Doraemon anime allowed him to understand why Doraemon appeared so adorable and chubby. As a "baby-sitting" robot, Doraemon was designed to captivate with his cuteness, inviting trust and providing a sense of security to those he interacted with.

In that moment of embrace, Nobita marveled at the meticulous design of Doraemon, appreciating the care taken to ensure that every aspect of his appearance, from his soft exterior to his endearing features, evoked a feeling of affection and comfort.

As Doraemon gently pushed him away, calling him Nobita and reminding him of his school schedule, Kyo was struck by confusion and disbelief. The sudden shift in identity left him feeling disoriented and questioning his own perception of reality. He struggled to comprehend how he had transitioned from being Kyo to assuming the persona of Nobita.

In an attempt to make sense of the situation, Kyo reached for a nearby mirror. As he looked into its reflective surface, he was met with a startling revelation. Staring back at him was the face of Nobita, not the familiar countenance of Kyo.

A wave of realization washed over Kyo as he understood that he had indeed regressed, taking on the persona of the beloved character from the Doraemon series. The lines between fiction and reality had blurred, and he found himself thrust into an unexpected world that defied logic and reason.

While Kyo grappled with this newfound reality, he couldn't deny the similarities between his own circumstances and those of Nobita. Like Nobita, he had faced challenges and struggles, often feeling overwhelmed and in need of guidance. And now, it seemed that fate had intertwined their lives, transforming him into the very character he had once admired from the anime.

With this revelation, Kyo—now fully embracing his role as Nobita—realized that he would have to navigate the world through the lens of his new identity. Determined to make the most of this unexpected twist of fate, he resolved to learn from the experiences of Nobita and embrace the lessons of friendship, courage, and perseverance that the character embodied.

As Nobita hurriedly made his way downstairs to have breakfast, he was taken aback by the presence of a woman who appeared to be in her 30s, calmly eating bread with jam. When their eyes met, the woman's stern expression turned into a scolding one as she addressed him, reminding him to wash up and prepare for school.

To his surprise, the woman was none other than Tamako, Nobita's mother. Her familiar face and the warmth in her eyes brought a mix of comfort and nostalgia to Nobita's heart. The realization that he had traveled to another world with different parents, younger than is precious filled him with a sense of wonder and intrigue.

Sitting beside Tamako was Nobisuke Nobi, his father and the head of the Nobi household. Seeing his father in a different life and age was a surreal experience for Nobita. He observed the resemblance between his new father and the man he knew in his own life, there was no resemblance, in one side there was a lustful and greedy father that no one should deserve and on the other there was a caring and smiling father.

As Nobita absorbed the sight of his parents, he couldn't help but feel a deep appreciation for their presence. He understood the sacrifices they had made and the unwavering support they provided, realizing the importance of cherishing the moments they had together.

Now he feels bad for taking over Nobita's body. But deep down he felt as if he really was Nobita, and Nobita and him are one in the same.

With a mixture of gratitude and curiosity, Nobita prepared himself for the day ahead. As he sat down to have breakfast with his parents, he cherished the opportunity to experience this unique bond with them, recognizing the invaluable role they played in shaping his new life.

As Nobita continued his journey towards school, his mind couldn't help but ponder the peculiar name of the "Stupid System." It didn't quite resonate with him, as he felt that there could be a more fitting name for the extraordinary power he now possessed. "Stupid" seemed like an understatement, considering the incredible opportunities and potential that lay within every system in the novels and fanfictions.

Lost in his thoughts, Nobita realized with a jolt that he had no idea which direction to go to reach his school. A sense of confusion washed over him as he stood at a crossroads, unsure of which path to take. Without a second thought, he decided to wander aimlessly through the city streets, hoping to gain a better understanding of the area and perhaps stumble upon his destination.

As Nobita explored the city, he soon became aware of an unsettling realization. His physical body felt incredibly weak and lacking in stamina. Simple tasks, such as walking for an extended period, left him fatigued and out of breath. It was as if his physical capabilities had regressed along with his identity.

This newfound weakness startled Nobita, as he had taken his physical abilities for granted in his previous life as Kyo. It became evident that his current state as Nobita came with its own set of challenges, including physical limitations that he had not anticipated.

However, rather than succumbing to frustration, Nobita saw this as an opportunity for growth. He understood that he would need to find ways to overcome his physical limitations and build his strength over time. With the Stupid System at his disposal, he believed there must be a way to enhance his physical capabilities and tackle the challenges that lay ahead.

As Nobita continued to walk and explore the surroundings, he couldn't resist the urge to test out the capabilities of the mysterious Stupid System he had acquired. With a sense of curiosity, he attempted various phrases, hoping to trigger a response from the system. However, no matter what he said—be it "Summon System" or "Activate the Almighty System"—nothing seemed to work.

Unbeknownst to Nobita, his actions caught the attention of a passerby, who observed his peculiar behavior and quickly labeled him as a "crazy kid." The man couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, thinking that Nobita was engaged in some kind of imaginary play or unusual antics.

Just as the passerby formed this judgment, a notification suddenly appeared in Nobita's mind, interrupting his thoughts and capturing his attention. It read,

"[Ding! You have gained 1 Stupid point]." Surprised by the unexpected message, Nobita realized that his actions, although seemingly fruitless, had somehow earned him a Stupid point.

In that moment, Nobita's confusion turned into a mixture of amusement and intrigue. The notion that his seemingly random attempts had triggered a response from the system filled him with a sense of anticipation. He wondered how these Stupid points would come into play and what they could potentially unlock within the system.

With this newfound awareness, Nobita's mind began to race with possibilities. He saw the Stupid System as more than just a quirky name. It held untapped potential and the promise of unexpected adventures. Determined to explore its capabilities further, he continued his journey through the city, eager to accumulate more Stupid points and uncover the true nature of the system's powers.

As an hour ticked by, Nobita's exploration of the Stupid System yielded promising results. He discovered three additional functions hidden within its mysterious depths. The first was the "Status" feature, which allowed him to access information about his own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. This newfound understanding provided him with a clearer perspective on his current state.


[Name: Nobita]

[Age: 11]

[Class: None]

[Rank: None]

[Power Level: 2]

[IQ: 120]

[Nature: Cautious, Observing, Cunning]

[Stupid Points: 1]


[Future sight: Novice

Description: Allows you to see slight glimpse of the future during daze and dream.]

[Marksmen ship: Advance

Description: Unparalleled accuracy, control, and tactical proficiency. Exceptional precision, adaptability, and situational awareness. Mastered firearms skills for precise and effective shooting.]

Kyo, now aware of his abilities as Nobita, could easily grasp the concept of Advanced Marksmanship due to its resemblance to skills seen in movies. Similarly, he related to Future Sight, having witnessed Nobita's glimpses of the future before the plots unfold in the movies.

The second function was the intriguing "Gacha" feature. Curiosity piqued, Nobita eagerly activated it, not entirely sure what to expect. To his delight, a virtual roulette-style mechanism appeared before him, offering a chance to obtain various items or abilities.

Lastly, Nobita stumbled upon the "Storage" feature. Opening it up, he found a neatly organized inventory of items. However, his attention was immediately drawn to a package prominently labeled "Beginner's Gift." Excitement surged within him as he realized he had a gift waiting to be opened.

Despite his eagerness to unlock tokens such as the City Level Token or State Level Token, Nobita acknowledged that he didn't possess enough Stupid points to access them just yet. However, he remained undeterred, knowing that he could accumulate more points over time, inching closer to the level of influence required to obtain such valuable tokens.

The key to obtain stupid points are simple, he just need to make other feel he is stupid. Which the previous Nobita was an expert in.

These tokens presented an opportunity to enhance his skills and powers, granting him access to greater abilities and strengths. However, at the present moment, he lacked the necessary number of Stupid points to engage in the gacha and spin for new enhancements.

Despite his current inability to spin the gacha, Nobita remained focused on his goal of collecting more Stupid points. He understood that each point he earned brought him closer to unlocking the tokens that held the potential to augment his capabilities.

With this knowledge in mind, Nobita resolved to embark on a journey of growth and self-improvement. He recognized the importance of honing his existing skills and developing new ones to be better prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

While the immediate satisfaction of spinning the gacha was out of reach, Nobita understood that patience and persistence would be key. He envisioned a future where he could accumulate enough Stupid points to activate the tokens, enabling him to unlock powerful enhancements and take his abilities to new heights.

Armed with determination and a thirst for self-improvement, Nobita set out to explore the world around him, seeking opportunities to gain more Stupid points and unlock the tokens that would unlock a myriad of possibilities.

As Nobita unwrapped the package labeled "Beginner's Gift," he noticed two letters below the description: Open/Close. Eager to discover its contents, he selected "Open" without hesitation.

Inside the package, he found four distinct items, each offering unique advantages and opportunities:

Sharingan: Novice

Description: This legendary eye technique from the world of Naruto granted enhanced perception, enabling you to analyze and predict your opponents' movements. With the Sharingan, his combat skills would be sharpened, making him a formidable adversary.

Armament Haki: Novice

Description: Originating from the One Piece universe, Armament Haki would allow you to coat your body in an invisible armor. This powerful ability would enhance your physical strength and defense, empowering you to face formidable challenges with confidence.

200 IQ

Description: Bestowing exceptional intellect upon you, this gift would elevate your problem-solving abilities and strategic thinking. With an IQ of 200, you would have an edge in deciphering complex puzzles and devising effective plans.

Class Option

Swordsman: Masterful with swords, employing swift and precise techniques to defeat foes.

Magic Swordsman: Combines swordsmanship with elemental magic, delivering both physical and magical attacks.

Bowman: Skilled archer, able to strike from a distance with deadly accuracy and agility.

Berserker: Unleashes furious and relentless attacks, sacrificing defense for overwhelming offense.

Alchemist: Proficient in potion-making and transmutation, harnessing the power of alchemy for various purposes.

Mage: Proficient in casting powerful spells and manipulating arcane energies to control elements or inflict damage.

Warrior: Skilled in close combat, armed with strength and valor to excel in melee battles and withstand physical assaults.

Assassin: Master of stealth and precision, specializing in covert operations and dealing lethal strikes to enemies.

Polearm: Mastery of polearms, utilizing their reach and versatility for swift and powerful strikes.

Dark Mage: Mastery of dark magic, harnessing shadowy forces for offensive and defensive purposes.

Necromancer: Ability to manipulate and control the undead, utilizing dark magic and curses.

Summoner: Capable of summoning and commanding powerful creatures or spirits to aid in battle.

Holy Knight: Mastery of divine magic and swordsmanship, focused on protecting others and smiting evil.

Monk: Trained in martial arts and inner balance, capable of devastating strikes and spiritual healing.

Healer: Proficient in the art of healing and support magic, focused on restoring health and curing ailments.

Tank: Exceptional defensive capabilities and resilience, specializing in drawing enemy attention and protecting allies.