
Doraemon : Adventure of Reincarnation In Doraemon

Raden_Shogun · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

My Adventures in Doraemon World

As I deactivated my template so it looks like I am a patient 

I sat up slowly, and then got off the ground.

Putting on his slippers, I tried to walk.

As a result, within two steps, I almost fell.

Fortunately, Raiden Mother who we will call Robin, who loved her son, had been staring at Raden nervously and supported Raden in time.

"The body of the predecessor is too empty!" 

Raden, who was supported by Robin, was speechless.

But thinking of the former body lying in the hospital bed for so long.

No matter how strong the body is, it will become weak.

Raden felt that this was normal.

"It's better for you to carry Raden.

Robin, who was holding Raden, turned her head and said to Raden father who we will call Oliver

Oliver snorted, and then picked Raden.

After leaving the hospital.

Oliver took a taxi.

Half an hour later.

The taxi stopped in front of a courtyard.

Raden, Oliver, and Robin got out of the car.

Looking at the Japanese-style single-family courtyard in front of him, Raden eyes widened.

This is his home in this world!

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