
"The Wings, First Generation"

Riomon Salva, a Spanish priest.He founded Wings several years ago when he moved to our country from Spain. He was a good person. He helped many children who were crippled and made to sit for begging.

He used to say, "God sends his angels to protect us, we all will be safe in the wings of those angels. That's why he named the orphanage Angel Wings." Dhirendra was one of those children, he used to adore Salva a lot. He and Salva together dreamed that they would make the wings so big that they would not have to stretch their hands in front of anyone to ask for donations.But everything went wrong when Salva died suddenly.

Then there was a crisis regarding the food and water of all the children. After Salva, Dhirendra was given the charge of the wing. Everyone else opposed it but Dhirendra's friend Harish supported him. Dherendra assured everyone that he would make the wing so big that any children of the wing would get work in the wing after they grow up. It is my promise that Wing will never let them feel alone. I just want your support.

Dhirendra fulfilled his promise. He started a company by the name of Wings.

Harish left Wings.

Dhirendra tried his best to take the company forward. When Dhirendra and Amrit, Chetan, and everyone else from Wings were in a meeting with investors. Dhirendra presented his project to the investors. Amrit explained his plan to the investors. But one of the investors, whose name was Pratap Lohia, told Dhirendra in front of everyone that this beggar is begging here too. He made fun of him in front of everyone.When Chetan tried to silence Pratap, Dhirendra acknowledged Chetan by gesturing with his hand. And told them, if you liked our presentation then give our company a chance. And they leave from there.And Dhirendra and his companions leave from there.

Pratap completes his work and leaves from there in his car. On the way he asks for water from his driver. And falls asleep while sitting comfortably in the car. After some time, when he woke up, he could see everything blurry. He rubbed his eyelids two to three times and then he started seeing everything clearly. He found himself in a hotel room but he was naked. When he looked near him, he saw a man sleeping near him. He was also naked. He got nervous, got up and started looking for clothes. In this hurry, he wore his clothes and moved towards the door when two men came inside the room. One of them was Chetan.

Amrit goes to Dhirendra's office. Dhirendra asks Amrit, did he get any call from the investors?

Amrit says, we have brought the investors.

Dhirendra raises his eyebrows. And he says, this was not done right. Where has he been kept?

And both of them leave from there .

Chetan says to Pratap, you had fun last night, does your wife know that you are cheating on her.

Pratap shouts and says, you did this wrong, you will have to pay the price for it.

Chetan says smilingly, whatever you said about Dhirendra, be happy that you are alive. Amrit wanted to take your dead body to Dhirendra.

Whatever happens, if you do not listen to us then it will not take me any time to send your photo and video to your wife. Do whatever Dhirendra says. Just then Dhirendra and Amrit come there.

Pratap apologizes to Dhirendra.

Dhirendra says, whatever you said about me was true, I know how to beg well. But I did not come there to beg. Whatever was our project. If you invest in it, you would have more benefit than us.

Then Amrit asks Pratap to sit on his knees. Pratap sits on his knees.

Dhirendra says I know how to beg, you don't.

Pratap folds his hands in front of Dhirendra, and begs him not to do this. Dhirendra says, doing this is of no benefit to me or you. If your company merges with our company, it will happen as you want. If you don't do this, these photos will go to the media. And you know what will happen next. Then your company's stock will fall. Both of us suffer loss in this. You must have understood what you have to do.

they all leave from there.

The next day Pratap did what he said to him.

Whatever object appears shiny from outside, there is darkness behind it.

Wings were also like that. Salva created a world behind Angel Wings which was like "darkness under a lamp."

Wings was not what Salva thought. Dhirendra fulfilled all the needs of Wings, no matter what he had to do for it. Dhirendra had seen the real world. He knew that anything that glitters is not gold. He knew that "not everyone is like the sun of light, some will have to become the star of the night. Even if you are blurry, flickering, you are there."

As strict as he was towards the outside world, he was equally gentle towards the children of Wings Orphanage. He knew what it was like to be an orphan, he loved the children very much.

Dhirendra had a son, he was ten years old.

During these few years, Dherendra was busy managing Wings.

Harish also married the daughter of a big businessman and took over his business. They met after many years, had drinks together and reminisced about old times. During our conversation, Harish talked to Dhirendra about purchasing the land of the old orphanage of Wings. Dhirendra avoided the topic and said that he will discuss work later and come to the office later. And both of them started talking again.

After a few days, Harish again went to meet Dhirendra at his house. He also took his son with him.

His son was nine years old and his name is Ahir.

He introduced his son to Dhirendra. And Ahir went to play with Dhirendra's son. When Harish again talked about buying the Wings land, Dhirendra asked him why he wanted to buy that land. I also have some concerns regarding that land.

Harish says that I have to buy this orphanage land.

Dhirendra interrupts Harish and says, that is not land, that is the wings, it is our house.

And he says, you want to buy this for yourself.

Harish says, no, a foreign investor has offered me to buy it. . If I get him this land, he will work with my company. My business depends on it. If I get him land, my business will flourish outside the country also.

Dhirendra says, this is like selling your house. How can you even think like this? This is our home, we have grown up here. I didn't expect this from you.

Harish says making his voice heavy, Salva always said one thing, "If you want something, first ask for it with love, if you don't get it with love, then snatch it by attack."The future of me and my business depends on it. I can do anything for this.

Dhirendra understands how serious Harish is about this matter. So he asks her to eat something to lighten the mood.

On the other hand, at a place in the north-eastern part of the country, a little girl who is about ten years old, is holding a one and a half year old little girl in her lap and is locked in a room in a ruined place along with a woman.

The woman says to the girl, "Whatever you have to do to survive, never hesitate. Everything is right that you do for yourself. Whatever you do, never regret it. Even if you have to leave the child, you do it. Think about yourself first, no matter what happens later."

And she makes both of them run away from there. When the goons standing outside come to know about this, they send two men after her. She runs away with the girl for three days and two nights and finally hides in a cow shed near a house, but those goons set the shed on fire and when she runs out of there, those goons catch those two girls.

But they sell them to someone without informing their associates and they put them in a truck. There were many other girls in that truck. They were taking them to sell outside the country.

The police intercepts the truck at the check point.All those girls who had missing complaint filed in the police station were brought back to their families. But the remaining girls were sent to the wings. Both those girls had been in the wings for two years.

During these years, the relationship between Dhirendra and Harish also deteriorated considerably. Harish tried every right and wrong method to grab the land of Wings Orphanage but he failed.

One day suddenly Dhirendra's wife committed suicide. This was difficult for everyone to accept. Whatever incidents were happening seemed suspicious to Dhirendra. When he inquired, he came to know that Harish had asked some gang to do this. And they killed him and called the incident a suicide.

Dhirendra remained calm and did nothing. When his friends asked him why he did not do anything, he killed Heena.

Dhirendra tells them, she was not my wife, she did more work than me in making the wings, she gave me courage. I know what she wanted.

She always used to say, if we hurry we get confused. So think. It is important to understand and move ahead.

I am just waiting for the right time. He will come on his own to die.

Dhirendra knew that he would have to make changes for Wings otherwise tomorrow someone else would snatch our rights. He was planning to do something new. He wanted to save Wings at any cost.

One day Harish went to meet Dhirendra at his house. She looked at Dhirendra and said that we were together in childhood. We helped Salva make the wings. In the midst of all this you found out about Heena, you know what I'm talking about. She became the support for this lame leg of yours. Because you saved her. If I tell everyone how Salva died suddenly, then Heena will not be able to live in peace even after her death. Dhirendra heard everything and said whoever had killed her would have to pay the price. As far as Salva's death is concerned, if it comes to light then you too will regret along with me. You are setting fire to your house, how will you escape from the flames?.I, Heena, and you and our friends, together with Salva, took care of all the needs of Wings. We are all part of it. You, we all are the first generation of Wing. We did not see anything right or wrong, we just thought that we all should not sleep hungry. You want to sell your house. That's why you got Heena killed. I don't want to do anything like that with you. Don't force me.

Dhirendra tries to ruin it with the help of his friends. And he is successful to a great extent. Harish's company goes into loss. Harish was angry that Dhirendra did not support him when he needed it. Whereas with the help of Harish, Dhirendra became the owner of Wings. Harish angrily takes a knife and drives away from his house in the car to kill Dhirendra.