
"The day "

When Ahir saw those tattoos, he looked as if he was not understanding anything.

And he angrily drags Doona by her hair and takes her to the kitchen.

Doona held his hand tightly.

Ahir pours boiling water on Doona's feet . Doona screams.

Ahir starts searching for something in the kitchen drawers.

Doona takes out the hands tied behind her from her legs and brings them forward.

A knife comes out from the sleeve of her shirt.

Ahir sees him and tries to snatch the knife.

Doona kicks his feet and he starts falling on her. Doona turns the tip of the knife in her hand towards Ahir.

Ahir is falling towards the tip of that knife. Doona folds both her tied legs towards her chest, causing Ahir to stop less than an inch away from the tip of the knife.

It's all happening very quickly.

Doona makes Ahir fall near her with her feet.

She takes a knife and sits on Ahir. He had pressed the knife on her neck.

It all happened very quickly.

A blood also came out from Ahir's neck when Doona pressed the knife.

Doona says, you are standing less than an inch away from your death. I will enjoy killing you for what you did.

Doona says, open my hands otherwise you know very well what will happen.

Ahir opens the wire tied in Doona's hands. The wire was badly pierced in Doona's hands.

Blood was also coming out from her hands.

Doona was still holding the knife in her hand and she went and sat on the other side of Ahir.

Opens her legs.

His long hair was loose and scattered, there was blood on it.

There was blood on his hands and feet. Ahir was still lying there. he stands . And starts going from there.

Doona says, you think, if I let you go then you are saved. He will send someone else to kill you. He will get you killed brutally.

Ahir says, if I stay here then you will kill me too like my father.

I saw a girl coming out of dad's office. The day he was murdered.

I did not tell anyone what I had seen. Doona stands up.

She goes near him and looks into his eyes and says in a heavy voice, I wish I was there, I will regret this for the rest of my life. .

I considered him like my father but he only used us for his own benefit.

I will regret but...

I did not kill your father.

He was like a father to me. But he forced me to do what I didn't want to do.

I made only one demand from him, I will not kill any innocent person. Apart from this, I was also ready to die on his request. I killed my friends on the orders of Dhirendra. And you are holding me responsible for his death. You are a kid who is crazy about parties and girls. I've been killing people since you were peeing in your pants. Do you know why you're here? Because he wanted to. You are just the shining face of Wings who takes the responsibility of all the dark deeds of Wings.

And your brother silently runs Wings.

Doona, Go wherever you want to go, no one will support you. Not even your friends. Because whoever kills you. You are in his house. No one will find you here. You are nowhere safe from here.

Doona leaves from there at midnight but Ahir stays in her house.

A man comes out of the bathroom after taking a bath and wears a black suit.

And he goes to a meeting room where a Russian man is sitting.

Doona goes to Orphanage. So he finds the man there who attacked Doona that night. He attacks her back.

She tells him, you have to do this again. But he doesn't agree and Doona defeats him and tells him.

Tell Vikram I am here.

She goes to the rooftop of the orphanage and sits on a balcony with her legs hanging down. She sits there almost the whole night.

P.A.brings the phone and tells the man that it is important. He talks on the phone. Then he quickly leaves his meeting, sits in the car and goes away from there.

Before morning ,Doona hears a noise behind her, she does not look back and sees the rising sun.

A man comes and sits next to him.

Both of them do not look at each other, just looking at the rising sun.

After some time.

She looks at him. He is wearing a black suit.

That man says, Today you look the same as when I saw you for the first time, with blood on your hands and open hair.

You can never change, I know you.

You like this.

Doona, you really think you know me, I myself have not been able to understand properly yet what I will do next.

Stop saying you know me.

Doona, you want me to kill your brother. But why would I do it for wings and you? Your father promised me that I would work for Wings as long as he was alive.

He died.

Now I am not forced to work for Wings.

I will not do anything for you or Wings anymore.

I am free, from the wings and from you too.

Vikram says, It was all between my father and you, what will you do for me? I will decide this.

DOONA says, Vikram, you got what you wanted, your father died. And you are now the owner of Wings. But I just wanted a peaceful life. I should get that too. Because I have paid a lot for this. I don't want to start all that over again. Do not force me. She says with a strange smile, I have nothing to lose now.

Vikram looks at Doona, then he is staring at her.

Doona, why are you staring at me, say whatever you want.

Vikram, I have missed this place the most in these years.

Doona, I also missed this place the most. And forgetting her anger she was just looking at the rising sun.

Doona, the peace here is unmatched anywhere else.

Vikram says, Lvanov has come here.

He is stalking his brother's murderer.

Doona says,He is looking for me. Now your dream will come true. And she gets up from there and starts leaving.

Then Vikram says that someone has told him that you were the one who killed his brother.

Doona , looks at Vikram .

Vikram,you will be safe in the Wings.

Doona ,I never thought of coming back. Just did everything I could to get away from Wings.

Vikram, what needs to be done?to bring you back.

Doona, I am never come back to Wings.I will take care of Lvnov also. Because I didn't kill his brother for wings. Because he deserved it.

Doona says, I will never do any work for you because you broke your promise.

In our work, promise is worth more than thousands of dead bodies.

You had promised that if I support you, you will not let your father prepare children for the third generation.

But you included many children in the game of this generation.

You even broke the rules of Wings, you got me attacked while I was sleeping.

Vikram,I didn't send anyone to attack you. I just gave an envelope and sent two people to your house.

Doona leaves from there.

Vikram also leaves from there, and he asks one of his men to find out who had gone to Doona's house. Before us.

Doona reaches her home.

Ahir is still there.

Ahir says, where did you go?

Doona, I had gone to meet your brother. Ahir, you told him that I am here.

Doona, yes.

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