
Doomsday Virus Outbreak

My name is Mandane Esfahani. I am an 18 year old homunculus girl, created in a laboratory through genetic engineering alongside six other girls. All of us emerged from the same artificial womb, and thus, we are sisters to one another despite our genetic diversity. We were all born possessing one of the Seven Deadly Sins. I was born with the Sin of Sloth, making me a lethargic, apathetic and anhedonic person. My sisters, however, are competitive and want to establish their superiority over each other. After the scientists split us up at the age of 7, we reunited in the Utrecht Metropolitan Self-Development School a decade later. Wherein we also came across Alisha; the black sheep among us, who is out there to destroy us. And what makes matters worse, is that students and teachers alike suddenly transformed into monstrous vampire-like creatures due to a virus outbreak, killing people through biting them with their lethal fangs. Will my sisters and I be able to survive this apocalypse? All the while we are trying to take each other out, and when Alisha is trying to eradicate us? Copyright 2024 Disanka

Disanka · Urban
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Exodus: Postscript

15 people put my novel in their collections as of writing the postscript. Thank you very much!

This was a very intense volume to write… Being that the Seven Deadly Sisters all reunited after a decade of being separated, and that they were confronted by Alisha first thing.

However, I demonstrated in this volume what Alisha's true nature is. In the Genesis volume I made it appear like Alisha was this unstoppable force, who can do anything and who can get away with anything.

But in the Exodus volume I wanted to show her vulnerable side… Alisha is not a Goddess. But a girl who has been hurt by the people around her. She is a broken person, with her traumas and insecurities.

That is what I wanted to show in this volume. Haniya and Mandane beat her. And she was confronted by Hazyah, a human being who is much better than her in everything. Alisha considers humans inferior to homunculi, so the fact that she was owned by a human was a way for me to demonstrate that she is not in control at all.

Hazyah Katz is my favorite character in this entire novel. I love writing about her.

Alisha's existential crisis and Sansula's depersonalization were my favorite themes to write about. I liked exploring it.

And then there is the addition of Tifsa Iqbal and Eleonore Houthakker to the story. I did hint to them at the end of the Genesis volume. The two homunculi also belong to their own sister group; the Sisterhood of Hyades and the Olympian Sisterhood.

The homunculus Gilgamesh also made a brief appearance. Because Alisha's vulnerabilities have been exposed to everyone, and because she no longer has the upper hand being that Sansula and Hazyah are unto her, I felt like I needed to give her a supportive character, too. Otherwise she wouldn't have any odds at accomplishing her goals at all. This is how Gilgamesh came into being.

And this volume concluded with the emergence of the virus outbreak. The following volume, Leviticus, will go more in depth about what unfolds after…

After Leviticus, I'll write the following volumes in succession: Numbers, Deuteronomy, Armageddon, Revelations.

As of writing this postscript, Doomsday Virus Outbreak will be going on an indefinite hiatus. I am not entirely sure what direction I want to go with this story. And so, I think I should take the time to finish Leviticus and Numbers before publishing any new content.