
DOOMSDAY: Pregnant Mom in the Last Days

Escape from the end of the world+cute baby+1v1 ) Lin Xiajin woke up in the women's dormitory and found that it was still dark and her phone had no signal. The originally bustling university campus has become a paradise for zombies. From time to time, there are strange roars and screams... Lin Xiajin, who has no time to escape, finds out that she is pregnant! Looking at my growing belly, prenatal education, nutrition, and toys are indispensable. Others killed zombies to snatch food, Lin Xiajin killed zombies to stock up on toys and diapers! Stock up on baby supplies! But suddenly a man appeared and wanted to be with her ?

winter_yanyan · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 4

  Lin Xiajin has been here once, so she still knows how to get there. Looking at the small dagger in her hand, she really doesn't feel safe, so she looks around but doesn't see any convenient weapons.

  She had no choice but to resign herself to use the dagger. After all, it is the only weapon she can use. Lin Xiajin opened the door lightly. The corridor outside was clean, and the sound of walking was amplified.

  Lin Xiajin held a small dagger in her hand, looked at the words on the door plate, and looked for each room.

  In the medicine room, Lin Xiajin was relieved when she saw the name, and then went to open the door, only to find that the door was locked.

  Normally, the door of the medicine room would be locked when there was no one there. Lin Xiajin couldn't break the door after twisting it for a long time. She wanted to open it again, but she was afraid that the noise would attract zombies.

  Lin Xiajin had no choice but to look for the key, which was usually in the hands of the doctor on duty, but fortunately there was one on duty nearby.

  Lin Xiajin slowly opened the door, touched the white coat hanging on the wall, and found a bunch of keys.

  There were also two self-heating hot pots and two bottles of Coke on the table, probably left by the school doctor, and Lin Xiajin put them in the refrigerator on the space.

  After trying one by one, Lin Xiajin opened the door of the medicine room, and after only half a month, there was already a layer of fine dust.

  Lin Xiajin searched for a long time, but couldn't find the medicine for abortion. Instead, she found a lot of various vitamins. Since she didn't have any, then she could only supplement it!

  Lin Xiajin put away alcohol, iodophor, some external medicines, and various vitamins.

  After finishing these, Lin Xiajin locked the door and was busy all morning. She was already hungry.

  Find out the hot, fiery flavors that come from the hot pot and eat it first.

  Lin Xiajin ate it really well, and she didn't feel like vomiting anymore.

  Eat and drink enough, it's time to think about the next life, her mobile phone still has no signal, and she don't know how her brother is doing?

  Lin Xiajin's elder brother should also be in this city. She believes that if her elder brother is fine, he will definitely come to the school to find her, so she will wait at the school temporarily for now.

  If she left school, she would not be able to find her brother even more.

  There are only so many materials in the school, so it is very unrealistic to wait at the school all the time.

  She is still pregnant with her baby and must find a safe place before she give birth!

  Thinking of this, Lin Xiajin seized the time to search for useful supplies, toilet paper, etc. on this floor.

  But now she only found some snacks from the two offices, and nothing else.

  It seems that if you want to find food, you can only go to the school's supermarket. There are two large canteens in the school, and there are two large supermarkets in the east canteen and the west canteen.

  She heard from Yang Ziyi the other day that the supermarket in the East Canteen has been taken over, so they can only go to the supermarket in the West Canteen.

  She don't know if they are leaving now. After all, zombies rushed into the teaching building where they were hiding just yesterday, and now they can only go to the supermarket in the West Canteen ahead of them.

  Thinking of this, Lin Xiajin was about to leave for the West Canteen immediately. When passing by the simple operating room on the second floor, Lin Xiajin really saw a more suitable weapon.

  A long knife, as long as an adult's arm, but only as narrow as two fingers, made Lin Xiajin very excited. It was much better than the small dagger in her hand, but Lin Xiajin didn't drop the small dagger either. It is placed in the space.

  Holding the long knife, Lin Xiajin immediately felt safe, and she won't panic with the knife in her hand!

  Just as Lin Xiajin came down from the second floor, she ran into a zombie head-on. After all, Lin Xiajin had learned Taekwondo, and her subconscious body reaction speed had already swung the knife, cutting the zombie's head in half.

  Dirty blood splattered everywhere, and a few drops splashed on Lin Xiajin's face, it was really disgusting.

  Feeling sick, Lin Xiajin leaned on the wall and began to vomit.

  Lin Xiajin suppressed the nausea, now is not the time to vomit, and if she stay for a second longer, it will be more dangerous.

  Fortunately, there was only one zombie alone, otherwise, when Lin Xiajin couldn't help throwing up just now, the other zombies would have eaten her.

  Lin Xiajin took a breath and looked at the corpse of the zombie a few more times. After all, the next step is to chop up the zombie.

  Taking advantage of being a lone zombie, she quickly got used to it, so she stared at the zombie bloody, even though it's already killed , it was disgusting, with protruding eye sockets and minced flesh at the corner of the mouth.

  Lin Xiajin watched carefully and forced herself to adapt quickly. To be honest, this is much better than the horror scenes in movies, but this strong bloody smell and intuitive bloodyness are rarely seen in such a safe country as Huaguo.

  Looking at it this way, there is something yellow and shiny in half of the zombie's head, Lin Xiajin frowned, what is it?

  Lin Xiajin peeled off the khaki shiny thing with a knife. Is it a diamond-shaped yellow crystal? Only the size of a little finger.

  Lin Xiajin's intuition is that it is not that simple, so she took out the water from the space and flushed it first, then picked it up with a tissue and put it in her hand. She didn't feel anything, but she didn't want to lose this thing, so Lin Xiajin threw it away corner of the space.

  It doesn't matter if you throw it like this, the yellow spar melts directly with the corner of the space, turning into a land only about 5 centimeters.

  This made Lin Xiajin look stupid. Her space had always been gray, and there was only one refrigerator. Now there was a pile of dirt in one corner. Although it was only the size of a palm, it was amazing.

  Is this zombie head thing a good thing?

  Yellow, put it in her space to generate soil.

  Ho Ho~~

  The roar of zombies came from outside, and Lin Xiajin didn't think too much in a hurry. Sh thought in her mind as she walked, if next time she meets a zombie who is alone, she can dig out the things in her head and have a look.

  At this moment, Lin Xiajin didn't feel disgusted by looking at the zombie's head. Instead, she felt eager to try. Maybe she was getting some kind of yellow spar that could make her own space land.

  Lin Xiajin encountered two more zombies, both of which were beheaded by Lin Xiajin. Lin Xiajin wanted to dig them open to see if there were any crystals, but the roars of the zombies coming from behind got closer and closer.

  Helpless, Lin Xiajin had no choice but to run to the classroom, trying to hide, but she was caught and someone covered her mouth.

  After seeing who it was, Lin Xiajin's hand that wanted to resist stopped, with surprise on her face, it was her roommate, Xin Li.

  "Hey, follow me." Saying that, Xin Li dragged her to a classroom on the second floor, then watched as Xin Li locked the door of the classroom, and then closed all the curtains.

  "Xin Li, you really scared me to death. Didn't you drink all night, why did you come back?" Lin Xiajin asked,

"On our way back to school from outside, the peope in the whole city suddenly mutated, and those people became cannibals. The monsters, Mengmeng, Tingting, they are all dead." Xin Li said with a strange face,

  "What! Tingting is dead?" Lin Xiajin's face was not good, and there was an unspeakable pain.

  Fang Tingting is her best roommate, and both of them were admitted to Tsinghua University together.

  Xin Li knew that Fang Tingting had a good relationship with Lin Xiajin.

  "Don't be sad, we might be with them that day." Xin Li said with a sigh