
Doomsday On A Bus

Jacob along with his classmates were going on a simple field trip when suddenly, all hell broke loose. Portals with giant monsters emerged along with the descent of a strange energy. Awakening of strange superpowers along with the appearance of this energy. Mutated beasts, beings from other worlds. Jacob and his friends going through all of this, while on a school bus.

Bj_Omonobi_4986 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Fight or Flight

Fight or Flight?

A fundamental reaction that existed within most sentient living beings.

When faced with danger, would they face it head on and deal with the threat? Or would they deem it too risky and flee for the lives.

Jacob was faced with such a dilemma at the moment.

The logical and also cowardly part of him screamed at him to flee. That if he ran now, his frozen classmates would be more than enough to stop the Goblins and he would be safe temporarily. That was the logical part of him.

And yet there was an illogical part of him that not only didn't fear the situation, but even reared to engage with the enemies. Like a blade thirsty for blood and would do anything to get it despite the odds.

It truly was illogical, and yet it was the decision that won.

Without thinking too much, Jacob stood up and hopped out of the open bus.

He could hear Mrs Rita's horrified voice telling him to come back, but he ignored her, and advanced towards the Goblins with an unbreakable stride.

As he got closer, he noticed that each of them held a weapon. They were nothing fancy, just stone clubs. Though Jacob had no doubt in his mind that getting hit by any of those would not be nice.

At the same time, the Goblins seeing the singular human advance towards them were so amused that they let out loud shrieks of laughter.

To them, while they may be a head shorter than him, they had the numbers advantage and had weapons. In their minds, he was just delivering himself to them on a silver platter.

Jacob saw their laughter and felt a twinge of irritation, but above all else, amusement. This amusement rose when the Goblin who appeared to be the leader tapped on of his subordinates and pointed at Jacob.

Getting the message, the Goblin held up its club and advanced. Jacob cracked his neck and bent low, arms raised up to his face, legs spread apart with his right leg slightly ahead. He didn't just like watching MMA fights, he also liked to fight himself.

The Goblin was unaware of this fact though and simply kept walking and increased itspace before running at Jacob, club raised.

Jacob resisted the urge to sneer. The attack was so straightforward and he saw numerous openings.

When the Goblin reached him, it swung its club downwards. But Jacob easily sidestepped the swing and thrust his foot out, tripping the Goblin.

The thing fell on its face hard and was disoriented for a moment.

Jacob, not one to like playing around to much immediately pounced on the creature. Jumping on its back and pressing his knee against the back of its neck, he started raining down punches on the back of its skull.

The Goblin struggled and shriked into the floor in pain as Jacob ignored whatever pian he felt in his knuckles and simply kept punching until the Goblin stopped moving. Green blood covered its head as it lay unconscious.

Under the stunned gazes of his classmates and the other goblins. Jacob picked the stone club from the unconscious Goblin's hand, raised it high, and swung down With all his strength.


A bone chilling sound that was the mixture of bones breaking and brain matter getting squished sounded out and the Goblin's head was split open like a watermelon.

Without a ripple in his eyes, Jacob turned towards the remaining Goblins with the blood stained club over his shoulder.

"Who's next?"


The Goblins, Mrs Rita and Joe, and his classmates all stared in dumb silence as they watched what had just occurred.

Neither Mrs Rita or his classmates ever thought him to be capable of such a thing. They'd known him for years and while he was usually calm, he was amiable enough.

So to see such brutality by one they considered their own was utterly shocking and none of them knew how to properly react. None of them, except Samuel.

"So that's your decision huh." Samuel who looked completely unfazed by what just occurred muttered before smiling slightly.

"Well, I can't just stand by while my friend does all the work." Upon saying this, Samuel stood up and managed to get off the bus without drawing any attention as his mates were focused on Jacob.

At this point, the rest of the Goblins had already regained their senses and, enraged by their partner's death, let out angered cries and charged forward to meet Jacob.

They learnt from their partner's mistake though and charged with more caution, choosing to surround him and then close in on him.

'They're smarter than I thought.' Jacob noted and dashed towards the first Goblin before they could fully encircle him.

The Goblin was shocked at suddenly being targeted and raised its club to block Jacob's as he swung his horizontally.

The Goblin blocked successfully, but it didn't even have time to think as Jacob suddenly jabbed his knee into its stomach, knocking the air out of it and making it double over.

Then without hesitation, he swung his club again and smashed it into the Goblin's skull, causing it to fall, unmoving.

"That's two down." He muttered as he spun in time to block another Goblin's attack. But he had no time to counter as two more were already on his flanks.

Without hesitation, Jacob dropped his club and rolled backwards, barely avoiding his head getting crushed. And in one smooth movement, pushed himself up with his arms and landed on his legs.

He then heard footsteps behind him and shifted his body to the side, just narrowly avoiding the club of the fourth Goblin. The thing however wasn't able to recover in time, causing Jacob to grab its head and smash it into his knee, disorienting it.

Then, instead of finishing the attack, he picked up the Goblin and held it in front of him. And in a timely manner as well as the Goblins from before had reached him, the lead one accidentally smashing its weapon into its companion making it scream in pain.

Jacob then dropped the Goblin and jumped backwards as another had flanked him and struck forth. He backed up more to gain some distance between the rest and frowned.

'They've become much more coordinated. Seems like they aren't playing around any more.' He thought as he watched the steadily approaching enemies while looking for a way to at least separate them.

"You look like you're having some trouble." Jacob's eyes widened slightly, though he still kept his eyes on his opponents.

"And what in the world would you be doing here, Samuel?" Jacob asked as Samuel came to stand beside him.

"I could ask you the same. You did decide to engage six extraterrestrial creatures by yourself after all. I'm hurt that you didn't ask for my help." Samuel replied with mock hurt and Jacob resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"I can handle one. Is two okay for you?" Samuel stopped joking and asked.

"I'm not very convinced about that statement, but two shouldn't be a problem." Jacob replied.

The Goblins had stopped to inspect Samuel and appeared quite wary.

"Then its settled. A two versus three. Been a while since that happened." Samuel said and stepped forward.

"Yeah, and try not to die. You've barely even exercised in years. Talk less of fighting." Jacob said with genuine worry. The Goblins were on full alert, and after his onslaught, they were far more careful and would absolutely not take any more chances. So he was worried about Samuel who had been out of it for a while.

"Worry about yourself. Here they come." Samuel just snorted towards his statement and said. Though there wasn't an ounce of playfulness in his eyes as he was fully locked in.

And as he said, the Goblins were already charging forward, with one breaking off to meet Samuel as they seemed to have judged that he was the weaker of the duo.

Jacob's eyes shone as he charged forward as well.

The Goblin that was first to meet him swung its club, but Jacob deftly slid under the swing. And without loosing his momentum, he got back on his feet and jumped to kick the second Goblin.

The Goblin blocked the blow with its club and Jacob kicked off it and avoided his legs getting taken out by the second Goblin.

When he landed, the Goblins were already upon him as they both struck at the same time forcing him to roll out of the way.

As he rolled, Jacob grabbed a handful of dirt and recovered his stance.

The two Goblins charged at his flanks and he didn't move. Instead, when they got close, he threw the dirt in his hands into the eyes of the one on the left and blinded it temporarily.

The action caught the other one off guard and it expected Jacob to go and finish it off. But Jacob's actually spun and kicked the Goblin in the gut with mad force and caused it to fold.

And then the Goblin that was still trying to get the dirt out of its eye got punched in the throat and then its head bashed by Jacob's knee.

Jacob then picked up his club and finished the two Goblins.

He then turned to Samuel just in time to see him choke the next Goblin out and snap it its neck.

"Bloody hell." Seeing that they succeeded, Jacob fell on his but and let out a breath, feeling drained. Samuel came and sat next to him.

"That went pretty well." He said and Jacob eyed him.

"You look like you want to pass out." Samuel laughed.

"I feel like it too. Come on let's go back." He said and the two of them got up.

However, as they started to head back to the Bus, Jacob suddenly felt a tingle run down his spine.

Call it a gut feeling, or instinct. But regardless, Jacob's body screamed at him to dodge.

And so without hesitation, he dragged Samuel with him to the ground. And he couldn't have been a moment slower.

Three stone tipped arrows whizzed above their heads and sunk into the ground not too far ahead of them.

The duo quickly separated and got off the ground, and what they saw made them go pale.

There had been sid Goblins initially, but now, there were almost twenty. And this time, they weren't carrying the same primitive weapons as the others.

These ones were armed. Some with crude looking, but still sharp swords and shields, some with bows, and some with spears. It looked like a small army.

"Ah shit." Samuel cursed and Jacob looked at him through the corner of his eyes. The boy looked pale and the fear was clear in his eyes, though he still had his smile.

"Not a whole lot we can do about this one huh?" Jacob said as the Goblins approached them in a formation.

Seeing this, the sensation returned once more. Fight or flight.

Right now, such a thing shouldn't even be a question. The odds were overwhelming and one didn't need to be a military strategist to know that fighting would be suicide. So fleeing seemed to be the only plausible option. Despite this though.

Jacob turned and looked at the school bus filled with his classmates. They were all looking at them in horror, a few shouting for them to get back.

He then turned his gaze to the front of the bus and saw Joe and Benjamin working as fast as they could. Then he saw Mrs Rita.

The two locked gazes instantly. It was only for a moment, but Jacob managed to convey his feelings to her.

'You guys have to Run.' He had no reason to believe that she actually got his message, but he didn't care.

He turned towards what appeared to be an insurmountable wall in front of him and sighed.

'I've been a selfish prick my whole life and did a lot of screwed up things. Might as well use this as a chance to do some good for once.' He thought and said.

"You're not backing out?" Samuel laughed at the question.

"If you aren't then why the hell would I? Don't you remember what I told you back then?" Jacob's eyes widened.

"That's right. Where you go, I go, and no Homo. I know what you're thinking and I agree. They should have almost fixed the bus by now so we'll buy as much time as possible." Samuel said and Jacob smiled.

"Alright fine. Also, if you die, then I'll kill you." Samuel laughed again.

"Same goes for you. Let's go." Samuel said and started to move, Jacob walking by his side.

'If I die. I die.' He thought, determination blazing in his eyes.



A/N: Frickin anime conversation while a literal army is just staring at them. Anyway thanks for reading 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。.