
Chapter 86: My Name is Cain

Translator: 549690339

Outside the old site of The Sixth Noble Academy, there were a total of twenty-one people at the school gate, excluding Wu Jiu and Liu Mu, there were nineteen elite members of the Garrison Corps.

Before entering the school building, Wu Jiu felt an uncomfortable presence.

Having battled outside the tower year-round, although he specialized in speed rather than perception, his foundation as an Eighth Order made him the one with the strongest perception among the group.

As such, he detected an exceedingly strange aura, the kind that could only belong to a top-level Evil Fallen.

But this was the High Tower; it was impossible for an Evil Fallen to enter.

The stranger the aura, the more it indicated that the situation could be very dangerous, otherwise, Bai Wu wouldn't have had him bring Liu along for no reason.

Thinking this, Wu Jiu glanced at Ming Che's group, their combat power was not too bad, twelve at Third Order, six at Fourth Order, and one at Fifth Order.