
Chapter 136: Two Origins

Wu Jiu and Bai Wu both refrained from acting rashly, hiding far away in a corner.

With the light of the fire, Bai Wu could finally see the situation clearly—

They had to make all the Evil Fallen leave, either by killing them or dispersing them, otherwise, it would be impossible to rescue Tan Lei.

The cries and screams of Tan Lei grew more and more piercing.

If this were reality, it would only make the Evil Fallen even more frenzied.

"Fight our way out?"

"Then we'd all die. There are too many Evil Fallen around, and it's simply impossible to take her away from such a large group."

Wu Jiu was aware of the situation, but the fire was fading, just like Tan Lei's vitality.

Bai Wu began to think calmly:

"Dwarf and I have been moving slowly all this way, not sparing any resources. It's just that in this game, we can't loot bodies, otherwise I would have checked every pocket. So, it's certain that Dwarf and I didn't miss anything."