
Doomsday is online

[Ding–] “The earth and the Planet Guta are 100% integrated. Please welcome the new forces and strive to survive. I wish all humans on earth good luck.” This is the powerful combination of Krypton Gold and Alliance bases. [1v1 + infrastructure + game world + system + doomsday]

Dark_sorcerer · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 48: Mutated Boss Flower Spider

"It seems that I was right in thinking about going to Xuantian City. It's worth exploring there." He Ange also wanted to see what a smart NPC was like.

"We have decided to go after this mutant boss is resolved. The tailor shop in our city-state is already making plaid backpacks, but the number of grids is not as good as that produced in Xuantian City."

While speaking, Yao Bingan also took out a plaid backpack, which was a lady's cloth bag, but it was not big.

Everyone looked around at the plaid backpack. When the plaid backpack was opened, there were only three grids. Yao Bingan took out two rice balls and put them in one after another, but only one rice ball was displayed in one of the grids.

"It's quite interesting." Li Aoting said.

"Because the NPCs in my tailor shop are low-level NPCs, they can only make three grids at most, and as you can see, the appearance is not very good-looking. The grid equipment that Lu Jiu took out is 12 grids. Their plaid backpacks are divided into 5, 8, and 12 options."

Even the lowest 5-grid backpacks were better than those made in her city-state.

Lu Jiu doesn't even know that the NPC staff of her tailor shop can make backpacks with more grids. Because they were not proficient enough at the moment.

"After the boss is killed, I'll go with my people to Xuantian City to take a look." Li Aoting decided to see with her own eyes what kind of existence that city-state is.

"Let's go together then, City Lord Li." He Ange invited with a smile.

But the other city lords still thanked Yao Bingan: "It is still City Lord Yao who is generous and disclosed the news to us directly so that we can also prepare early."

Yao Bingan smiled slightly: "We all work hard to survive, so it's better to be united."

Everyone was full of praise for Yao Bingan, but, if it was them, they may not be willing to disclose this news.

In the end, the city lords resolved the purpose of this visit and rushed back to their respective city-states with the latest news.

They decided to do the same as Yao Bingan. The plaid backpacks they will produce will be given to professional players first. They will not announce it to the public in the meantime, they would trade with the professional players privately.

It was Li Aoting's group that will kill the mutant boss this time, so He Ange and the others also left one after another. Li Aoting and others also changed places to rest.

Seeing that everyone had left, Lu Jiu dared to speak: "I didn't expect that the city lords in Jinghe District are quite united, and they will tell other people the news."

"After selling favors at this time, everyone will be more polite to her in the future." Shen Jufeng thought that this was the same as her original thinking.

"I don't know if the city-states in our Jinjiang District are united like this, but I think it's good. Although everyone depends on their abilities, they can also unite at certain times." Zhuang Yun sighed.

Because Lu Jiu concealed her information, the city lords of other city-states couldn't contact her. She couldn't reveal her identity, so she doesn't know if other city lords in Jinjiang District have gathered to discuss this.

"Then shall we also camp nearby to rest?" Lu Jiu asked Shen Jufeng.

"Anyway, we know it's in this land, so let's find a place far away to rest, lest they find us. We won't be able to explain when the time comes."

Shen Jufeng noticed that when Li Aoting talked about the mutated boss, she looked to her right side. She would get up in that direction tomorrow morning.

In this way, the three of them rode their bicycles a few kilometers away before stopping.

Several people gathered around the fire to barbecue. Lu Jiu was still thinking about what the mutated boss would be like this time. "It was a scorpion last time. So maybe this time it will be a bug again. Actually, I don't like bugs very much."

Most girls don't like bugs and were even afraid of them. Lu Jiu was fine with it, but seeing bugs makes her feel uncomfortable.

"Maybe it's poultry or a beast, but that's not impossible." Zhuang Yun only hoped that it would be a wild monster that could drop good equipment.

Like the black scorpion, the outer shell was really hard. He can make good equipment when you go back.


Lu Jiu got up early in the morning, eager to see what the mutant boss was like.

According to yesterday's coordinates, several people followed Shen Jufeng and walked all the way to find Li Aoting and the others.

When they found them, those people hadn't gotten up yet. It was already dawned when several teams arrived, which seemed to be the teams from the five city-states.

After finishing breakfast, Li Aoting and the others started to head to the location of the mutant boss. When they came to this place, Lu Jiu and the others were a little surprised.

In fact, this was an open space. There were several connected caves on the other side of the open space. The entrance of the cave was about three meters high.

Is the mutant boss in the cave?

Li Aoting began to tell everyone: "Everyone, be careful, this is a colorful spider. The person who saw it last time was almost killed, and that person is a pioneer player. If that person didn't have wings, he will probably survive."

Lu Jiu's complexion was a bit grim. This was another bug. Could it be that the Jinghe District got enmity with bugs?

More than a hundred people stepped into the mutated boss site and saw a tentacled foot sticking out, and then a whole giant spider came into view. It has eight eyes densely arranged on the head, eight legs below, with a fat tail. It has bright red and black alternating colors, forming a special pattern, with a few touches of different colors.

Lu Jiu hugged her arms silently, it seemed that she was suffering from trypophobia.

If she has to kill this thing, she didn't want to fight in melee. Once again, she was glad that she was not a professional melee player.

Obviously, she wasn't the only one who was frightened by this spider. The spider was at least five meters high, and those eight legs suspected that if it poked people, they would die on the spot.

[Flower Spider]

(Mutated Boss)

HP: 1300

Attack: 156-233

Defense: 55

Effect: Poisonous web – the flower spider can spit out a spider web within a range of 30*30 meters. It is difficult to get rid of a spider web after being entangled with it. The vigorous struggle will attract the flower spider to attack the prey that is attached to the spider web first. The flower spider can only spit out the web once per game.

This flower spider was not as good as the black scorpion in blood and defense, but its attack was high, and difficult to get away with the spider web.

"Be careful of the spider webs, spread out and don't gather together, otherwise you won't be able to escape when they spit out their webs." Li Aoting reminded others.

Everyone dispersed as discussed, except for Li Aoting, the other city owner who stood at the back.

The whole body of the flower spider destroyed some rocks it was staying in before, then raised its head slightly, and spit out a large spider web directly,

"Get out of the way!"

Although the spider web has a large area, because of the size of the flower spider, the grid of the spider web was also large. This time, the direction of the spider web spit out was to the right side. Many people began to flee to the left.

One side of the spider web stuck to the giant tree next to it, and the other side fell to the ground, but the entire area was surrounded, and the people surrounded could not easily escape.

The first thing the spider attacks was the place where it spits out its web.

With its long legs, the flower spider poked at one of the professional players, causing that person to fall to the ground and back away in fright.

The rest of the people immediately started to act, directly releasing the control skills to control the spider at once.

Li Aoting took the lead and pulled out a sword, and chopped off one of the spider's legs. It said that the spider's defense was low, but its leg's defense was not low.

*Bang* Li Aoting dealt -42 points of damage.

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