
Doomsday is online

[Ding–] “The earth and the Planet Guta are 100% integrated. Please welcome the new forces and strive to survive. I wish all humans on earth good luck.” This is the powerful combination of Krypton Gold and Alliance bases. [1v1 + infrastructure + game world + system + doomsday]

Dark_sorcerer · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 15: Killing the black pig BOSS

The atmosphere among these people was very tense, and everyone tacitly kept their distance from unfamiliar people. So far, no trace of the big black pig has been seen.

The two stretched their necks and barely heard the conversation over there.

"Xue Xiong, we are also old acquaintances, I still have so little knowledge about your equipment level. Why do you want to come here to grab the boss?"

The person who spoke was a woman in a red slit dress. She had a curvy figure and her waist-length wavy hair added a touch of sexiness to her.

The man named Xue Xiong looks like he was in his 20s. His facial features were well-proportioned. He can't be called handsome, but he was also good-looking.

"You don't need to worry about it. I don't want to say Feng Qi, where you got the money to spend in the game. After all, it's the end of the world, and you also said that we are old acquaintances. You shouldn't want me to talk about your past in here, right?"

As soon as Xue Xiong's words came out, the woman named Feng Qi's face suddenly turned ugly, and then she stopped talking.

While the two hated each other, a happy-go-lucky voice came: "Oh, the smell of gunpowder is so strong. Fighting the boss must require teamwork, there is no need for everyone to be awkward, at least we should work together to solve that black pig, so let's talk about it instead."

Everyone also turned their attention to the speaker. That person has good skin, and he was the handsome guy that girls like nowadays, with a gangster look.

"I didn't expect..."

Shen Jufeng heard Lu Jiu's murmur and saw that she seemed to know the man, so he asked her in a low voice, "Do you know him?"

Lu Jiu nodded and sent him a mail directly.

[Everyone who plays Lingdong knows him. His name is Ke Qun. He often posts photos on forums. Many girls like him. He is also a philanderer. I just didn't expect him to be in Yangshan City.]

Ke Qun was a famous player in the game. He plays this game for nothing but pictures of many girls, and there were quite a few beautiful girls in this game.

Lu Jiu didn't mention that this guy has also harassed him. Ke Qun claimed to be invincible in the game, and he also thought about getting acquainted with the most powerful female player in the game.

But she was not interested in Ke Qun, and she was not ignorant of Ke Qun's reputation.

"Well said, Feng Qi is your old friend, who knows if you two are united?" Xue Xiong didn't listen to Ke Qun's nonsense.

Ke Qun didn't care about being told that: "We're all old acquaintances, so each should rely on his ability, and whoever grabs it will get it."

Although he said with a smile, what appeared in his eyes was that it was inevitable.

Feng Qi was said to be Ke Qun's old friend, but he didn't say anything and ignored Ke Qun. The group of people fell into a stalemate again.

Lu Jiu quietly sent a mail to Shen Jufeng again:

[Instead of watching them talk about it here, why don't we find the Black Pig BOSS ourselves, anyway, if we find it, there must be other players there.]

Shen Jufeng also thought so, and the two silently left this area and began to search elsewhere.

As night fell, there was the sound of insects singing in the forest. Now Lu Jiu wondered if the player who said he saw the black pig was lying.

They walked around the Baiguo Forest and didn't see the BOSS. During the period, they encountered other players, but they didn't dare to enter the forest rashly.

Up to now, there was still no news about the boss. They don't know how much blood, attack power, and defense the normal-level boss has.

Some people may simply not want to be the first bird, such as Lu Jiu and Shen Jufeng.

Even in the game world, they need to rest. After running for a day, Lu Jiu couldn't bear the sleepiness no matter how much energy she had. Shen Jufeng nodded and sent her a mail when he saw her like a chicken pecking at rice.

[Find a canopy to rest, and make plans tomorrow.]

Seeing the word rest, Lu Jiu nodded and followed him to find a suitable tree to hide.


Last night, they found a canopy to hide in. Fortunately, they were not found. The two got up early and found that they were not the only ones who chose to spend the night in the woods.

After getting up, they continued to look for the whereabouts of the black pig and even considered whether to go deep into the woods.

"Hululu, hum…"

People at the edge of the woods heard the sound, it was the grunting of a pig.

Everyone dared not show their excitement and secretly searched for the trace of the pig.

Lu Jiu heard the sound of a branch being trampled and broken, as well as the clear sound of chewing. This pig was eating.

Shen Jufeng tapped her shoulder, motioning her to look back. The black pig finally showed its true colors.

The body was 3 meters high and 5 meters long. It was like a hill. The black pig itself has the image of a wild boar, with black skin and rough hair, and two curved sharp teeth protruding from its mouth.

Lu Jiu sighed secretly: This guy knows how to enjoy, and eat fruit to fill his stomach, and he grows this big even if he was a vegetarian.

Some of the other ambush people couldn't help it. One of them directly launched a magic skill to attack the black pig. The black pig howled instantly, accurately found the attacker, and started to fight back.

Others also took action, throwing all kinds of skills at the black pig.

[Wild Boar]

(Normal level BOSS)

Vitality: 800

Attack: 69-125

Defense: 50

Speed: 15

Howl: The wild boar howls, which can make group targets panic for 1.5 seconds (activated once every 15 minutes)

Does Boss have skills?!

This was the voice of everyone. 1.5 seconds was not short, and most people will start to panic.

"Let's go together! I can remove negative states." The person who shouted was Ke Qun.

Several people who followed him went up, and the others gritted their teeth and followed suit depending on the situation.

Lu Jiu also saw people in close combat, such huge monsters with bare hands, she was worried about those people.

But seeing -26, -58 sustained on the BOSS's head, she felt relieved.

Many people are powerful, and soon the boss lost more than 200 vitality.

"Aww!" At this moment, it howled, and Lu Jiu, who was not in the combat range, was also affected, and his hands and feet became stiff for less than a second.

The black pig angrily kicked away his besiegers, kicking people far away with one kick, and hit people with about 100 attacks.

That man named Xue Xiong was a soldier, but he was kicked flying just now. Seeing this, Feng Qi hurriedly activated her magic skills, instantly the temperature in the area where the black pig was located dropped suddenly, and the whole pig slowed down.

Feng Qi's face was pale, and she squeezed out a few words from between her teeth, "Hurry up, I can only control it for about 5 seconds."

All kinds of skills and fists swarmed in, and the boss was hit with more than 500 HP blood in an instant.

In the end, there were only dozens of HP blood left. Everyone's eyes were red, and they wanted to be the ones who made the final blow.

The black pig howled unwillingly, and finally, the hill-like body fell, and the boss was killed.

But no one knows who killed it at all, and the system will not give a special prompt.

"Who killed it?" Ke Qun asked sullenly.

He thought that he would be the one to kill the boss, but he didn't expect someone else will attack it. It was because he didn't think carefully. There were too many people fighting around the black pig just now.

"I don't know, it fell before I punched it."

"Could it be a magician who killed it?"

"Who would say that?"

"… …"

Everyone was arguing, but no one admitted that they killed it.

But in other words, no one wants to be known. So many people work together, and only one person can get the benefits, and no one was convinced.

Short Play:

Lu Jiu: Look at this pig. Do you know anything about it?

Shen Jufeng (shaking his head): I don't know

Lu Jiu: Just because you're a vegetarian doesn't mean you won't gain weight!

Thanks for reading, likes, and comments. ^.^