
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Two

The boy was about to speak, but was interrupted by a majestic voice: "Don't quarrel! Your statement is wrong! What does it mean that Xiao Yi saved us? This warehouse was originally from our school. Xiao Yi was just lucky enough to hide in advance! This warehouse is the property of the school, not Xiao Yi's private property. Naturally, we can hide in it! At most, Xiao Yi opened the door for us! How can it be said that he saved us?

Du Zhiming stood up and scolded the burly boy very righteously.

Such brazen words, in Du Zhiming's mouth, he can actually say such righteous words!

Didn't Du Zhiming know the situation at that time?

The answer is naturally no!

Everyone present knew that if Xiao Yi hadn't opened the door and let them in, they would have been bitten alive by the besieged zombies!

But is this important? It doesn't matter! That's a thing of the past, and now they are all safe!

Now, the key is to live a better life!

It doesn't matter who dies, but whether you can live better!

Xiao Yi's heart was cold. Du Zhiming drove himself away in order to be justifient, and actually said such despicable and shameless words, which made him feel sick.

Since you all hate me so much, I'll just go!

But why do you have to do this?

He doesn't want to argue or explain anything.

Because he knows that no matter how much he says, it's just nonsense!

"Oin! I'll go!" Xiao Yi stood up, glanced at the people present coldly, and got up and walked to the door with no expression on his face.

What can I do even if I stay here?

Can you live for more than a month?

What's the point of living so humblely?

Xiao Yi would rather go out and break out. Even if he was dismembered by the zombies, it would make him more comfortable than facing these ugly people.

At this time, there was no shadow of zombies outside the warehouse. Xiao Yi looked around and made sure that there were no zombies nearby. Then he dodged and walked out carefully.

However, all this is in vain!

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the anti-theft door behind him was heavily closed, and the loud sound suddenly attracted the attention of several zombies wandering around in the distant corridor!

The two zombies closest to Xiao Yi, as if they had seen the most delicious food, rushed to Xiao Yi crazily!

"Famn it!" Xiao Yi cursed in his heart and fled in the opposite direction without hesitation!

However, without running a few steps, a large group of zombies appeared on the opposite side!

There are groups of zombies everywhere!

What to do?

Xiao Yi held the iron bar in his hand tightly, roared gently, and rushed to the group of zombies with their teeth and claws in front of him!

Even if I die, I will die!

After knocking down more than a dozen zombies in a row, Xiao Yi, who was full of scars, finally fell to the ground exhausted. Looking at the more and more zombies not far away, Xiao Yi raised a relieved smile on the corners of his mouth.

I killed more than a dozen, and I'm enough!

However, at this moment, a voice sounded in Xiao Yi's mind: "The doomsday city system successfully binds the host! May I ask if the host chooses to build a city now?


Build a city?!

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned. Did she have an illusion after being bitten by a zombie?

Looking at the projection-like words in front of him, Xiao Yi finally chose to build immediately.

"Rumble!!!" With a loud noise, Xiao Yi seemed to hear the sound of some heavy objects falling to the ground, and then completely lost consciousness.

When Xiao Yi woke up again, he found that he had appeared in a wooden house.

The wooden house is not big, only more than 20 square meters in size.

In addition to a bed under him, there is only a desk and a chair left in the wooden house.

"Hmm? What's going on? Aren't I besieged by zombies? Besides, I was bitten by a zombie!" Xiao Yi hurriedly glanced at the wound on his arm. At this time, the place where he was bitten by the zombie had completely healed, and the white and tender new meat was exposed.

Xiao Yi was surprised to find that after being bitten by a zombie, he not only did not get infected, but also quickly recovered from his injury!

"What is this place? How can I be here?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

[Ding-dong! Congratulations to the host on the success of building the Doomsday City! Your current location is the lounge in the city. At present, the Doomsday City is primary, and the area of Doomsday City is 100 square meters.

[Building: the city wall (the only building), three meters high and 20 centimeters thick, made of cement. Function: Defense (can defend against the attack of primary zombies.), control (all living beings in the city wall will be controlled by the city owner.). The current level is level 1. Upgrade required: 50 doomsday coins.]

[Building: Lounge, covering an area of 20 square meters, is made of wood. Function: rest, treatment (the lounge can quickly replenish physical strength and treat simple injuries.) The current level is level 1. Upgrade required: 40 doomsday coins.]

[Please choose the development direction of the Doomsday City.]