
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter twenty-two

"You're not here to join us, are you? I think he lives well in that strange city.

Lin Mancha said disapprovingly, "I think he saved a few people before. He should have come to save us this time."

"If he really came to save us, should we go to that strange city with him?"

The girl who first saw Xiao Yi asked weakly, "I feel that he is very powerful. If we follow him, we may have a greater chance of survival."

"Let's take refuge in him? It's delusional! Unless he is willing to join us, everything is up to me!" Shen Jiabin said conceitedly.

It's better to let him die as arrogant as a loser he despises. In his opinion, only the noble and perfect he is worthy to be a leader!

Only he can lead others!

No one can lead him!

At the same time, Xiao Yi has come outside the gymnasium.

As for the purpose of his trip, the speculations of Shen Jiabin and others were all jokes for Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi didn't care about the life or death of the survivors on the roof of the gymnasium. The reason why he killed the gymnasium was that he simply wanted to find a few mutated zombies!

That's all.

Xiao Yi found a high platform outside the gymnasium. After resting for a while, he looked around. The gymnasium was about nine meters high and had a very simple rectangular building.

Before the end of the world, Xiao Yi also came to the gymnasium several times. He still knew something about the general layout of the gymnasium.

The last time the mutant burly zombie I saw last appeared was on the aisle on the third floor to the balcony on the roof.

If there is no accident, the zombie should still be in the aisle on the third floor.

Xiao Yi doesn't know if there are any special zombies in the gym. His first goal now is the burly zombie.

Of course, if he can meet more special zombies during this period, Xiao Yi will also want it.

After a few sips of water and a brief rest, Xiao Yi picked up the knife again and carefully walked into the gymnasium.

At this time, it was exactly noon, and there were not many zombies on the large square outside the gymnasium. Even the remaining few zombies were very lazy because of the sunshine. Xiao Yi did not spend much effort, so he successfully came to the wall with a sewer pipe in the gymnasium.

With Mo Dao behind him, Xiao Yi began to climb up along the sewer pipe.

"Hey! Boy! What do you want to do?

As soon as Xiao Yi climbed halfway, a few heads poked out from the roof and looked at Xiao Yi very warily.

These people are Shen Jiabin and Tang Jingyan, who have just observed Xiao Yi on the roof.

Xiao Yi looked up at several people with no expression on his face and continued to climb up, noting the meaning of these people at all.

There is no love for no reason or hatred in this world.

Although Xiao Yi thinks he is a villain, he will not be so perverted that he will kill innocent people for no reason.

As long as these people don't provoke themselves, Xiao Yi doesn't bother to care about these people.

"Hey! Boy! I'm talking to you! Didn't you hear that?" Shen Jiabin shouted to Xiao Yi angrily, "We don't welcome you here!" If you dare to come up again, don't blame us for being rude!"

With that, Shen Jiabin also waved a few baseball bats on the roof.

"If you want to come up and hang out with us, take out your food and water for us, and we will take you in!" Gu Fanghua, who was beside him, said with a sense of superiority.

The two of them discussed well, one is intimidating and the other is lure. They used their domineering spirit when they were on the basketball team to subdue Xiao Yi to work for them.

Xiao Yi looked up again, looked at Shen Jiabin coldly, climbed to the corridor on the third floor at a very fast speed, and then suddenly jumped into the corridor.

Seeing Xiao Yi's strange behavior, Shen Jiabin and others were completely stunned.

They were all ready to negotiate with Xiao Yi, but they never expected that Xiao Yi didn't pay attention to them at all. Moreover, Xiao Yi actually went directly to the corridor on the third floor full of zombies!

What exactly does he want to do like this?

"Look at it! He is killing zombies!"

"It seems that he is really here to save us! He must want to clean up the zombies below so that he can take us to his city!"

Tang Jingyan lay on his stomach and looked down at the corridor on the third floor, screaming to the crowd.

"It seems that he wants to show his ability in front of us. Fortunately, when he joins us, he has more chips!"

Shen Jiabin said self-righteously, "But it's useless. If you want to join us, you must follow my arrangement!" Only I can lead everyone to survive in the doomsday!"

"But he has a knife in his hand! And looking at the way he kills zombies, it seems that he has a strong combat effectiveness! We may not be his opponents..."

Zhuang Qiang squinted and said coldly, "Maybe he is not here to save us, but what does he want from us?"

"What do we have to take the risk of him to grab? Our food is almost gone, and there is still a lot of mineral water left. If he wants water, at worst, we can exchange mineral water for some food with him. Lin Mancha said unintentively.

"You are so naive! He can come and go freely in school. How can he be short of food and water? The commissary next to the playground is enough for him to eat for a year and a half!"

Zhuang Qiang said viciously, "He must have taken a ta favor with the women here!" The purpose of his trip must be to take away the woman he likes! Didn't you find it? He saved the city, all of them were women, and there was no man!"

After Zhuang Qiang said this, everyone became vigilant, and the look into Xiao Yi became more and more complicated.

"Roar!!!" Just then, a roar came from the corridor from the third floor to the roof.

The whole building seemed to tremble slightly.

It was the burly zombie that appeared!

The burly zombie held half a zombie's body in his hand, and his mouth seemed to be chewing something, and a large mouthful of dirty blood flowed out of its mouth.

Compared with when I saw it before, this burly zombie seems to be a little stronger!

Xiao Yi frowned slightly. He saw that the burly zombie was actually eating the corpses of other zombies!

"You don't have to guess his intention anymore! Now he is dead!"

Shen Jiabin said happily, "This monster, even if so many of us can't beat it, he is a level 10 disabled person and will definitely die!"

"Should we help him? Maybe he came to save us? Lin Mancha turned her head and couldn't bear to look at the next picture.

She remembered the scene of one of their companions being eaten by a burly zombie.

Her kindness made her unbearable to look at it again.

"Help him? Why help him? What does he have to do with us? Even if he really came to save us out of kindness, he should not be so stupid. He took the initiative to provoke the monster. Isn't he looking for death by himself? Besides, that monster is so powerful. Even if we go there, we are definitely not his opponents. We can only die!" The boy who had been opposed to going out on a risk said in fear.

"Xiao Dong is right. This guy is looking for death by himself, and he deserves to die. Who let him provoke that monster!" Gu Fanghua also said indifferently.

Zhuang Qiang's words just now stimulated Gu Fanghua.

There are only three women here, and his girl Tang Jingyan is the most beautiful one.

He has no reason not to worry that Xiao Yi's purpose is to rob his goddess!

As long as he threatens his goddess, he will never tolerate it!

Now, he can't wait for Xiao Yi to die early!

"Hey! Be careful! This monster is very powerful. Run away!" Tang Jingyan saw Xiao Yi slowly walking towards the burly zombies, and finally couldn't help reminding Xiao Yi.

Just when these people thought that Xiao Yi would definitely die, Xiao Yi raised his long-handled knife and rushed towards the roaring burly zombie.

"Stupid! What a fool!"

"Things that don't measure yourself! Does he also want to kill this monster?

"Look for death! It's really an idiot. You deserve it!"

"Why is he so stupid? Doesn't he want to live?

Seeing Xiao Yi rushing to the burly zombies, Shen Jiabin and others couldn't help scolding.

However, the next moment, their scolding stopped!

The body of the long-handled knife emitted a cold light in the sunlight, and the cold light flashed away.

Then, one arm of the burly zombie fell heavily to the ground!

A large area of blood gushed out, and the glass next to the splashed corridor was full of dark purple blood.

Just as soon as he fought, Xiao Yi cut off an arm of the burly zombie!

Everyone on the roof, including Shen Jiabin, was completely stunned!

They never thought that this burly zombie was so vulnerable!

The burly zombies let out a wail of anger, grabbed a zombie with the rest of his arm, and rushed to Xiao Yi fiercely again.

The hearts of everyone on the roof jumped sharply, and they unconsciously tiptoed their toes and stared at the next confrontation.

Xiao Yi's figure just turned gently, and the knife light flashed again.

This time, it was the head of a burly zombie who fell to the ground.

When everyone on the roof saw Xiao Yi easily kill the burly zombies, they were stunned for a moment and completely stunned.

They couldn't understand how Xiao Yi, a seemingly weak boy, could kill a monster-like burly zombie so easily!

Xiao Yi calmly walked to the body of the burly zombie and put the body of the burly zombie into the space package.

This burly zombie is obviously much stronger than the one he killed before. In terms of body and strength, it is much stronger than the burly zombie that Xiao Yi killed before.

Similarly, the attribute points and doomsday coins obtained after burying this zombie should also be more.

The main purpose of the trip has been achieved. Xiao Yi put away the body contentedly, looked up at Shen Jiabin and others on the roof, and then turned over and climbed on the sewer pipe again. He suddenly fell on the balcony of the gymnasium.

Xiao Yi's appearance instantly made everyone on the roof of the gymnasium panic.

The picture of Xiao Yi killing the burly zombies just now was still vivid. Looking at the bleeding knife in Xiao Yi's hand, everyone was trembling.

Shen Jiabin held a baseball bat in his hand and stepped forward tremblingly and asked, "What do you... do you want to do?"

Xiao Yi took a look at Shen Jiabin and couldn't help frowning.

He remembered that when he was just entering the school in his freshman school, he went to the basketball team with a warm pillow.

At that time, the people in charge of the audit were Shen Jiabin and Gu Fanghua in front of them!

The two of them not only couldn't help but refuse themselves.

And in front of many classmates, he said that he was a level 10 disabled!

"You compared a middle finger to me before, didn't you?" Xiao Yi looked at Shen Jiabin with no expression on his face and asked.

"So what? Xiao Yi, right? I know you! We are all classmates. We are very grateful to you for saving us this time regardless of danger! What do you want, tell me!" Shen Jiabin held the baseball bat in his hand tightly and asked tentatively.

"Who said I was here to save you?"

Xiao Yi sneered, grabbed the baseball bat in Shen Jiabin's hand without saying a word, and slapped Shen Jiabin fiercely: "I'm here to make you remember, you loser! If you dare to provoke me next time, I will kill you!"

After saying that, Xiao Yi took another look at Tang Jingyan standing behind Shen Jiabin.

"I can take one person back to my shelter this time, but my shelter only takes women in."

Xiao Yi didn't want to care about the life or death of these people, but when he saw Tang Jingyan, he suddenly changed his mind.

Because he remembered what his roommate said before: If I can catch the yoga goddess, I must unlock all the postures with her.

Xiao Yi doesn't lack beautiful women now. In terms of appearance, Tang Jingyan may not be as good as Ling Xueya.

But Tang Jingyan is not only in perfect shape, but also a yoga goddess!

These two things are the dreams of all men.

Xiao Yi is a normal man, so Xiao Yi is also eager for Tang Jingyan.

If Tang Jingyan is willing to go back with him, Xiao Yi doesn't mind taking her.

As for the other two girls, although they are not the best, they are also quite beautiful.

As a conditioner for life, Xiao Yi didn't mind saving the two people back.

"Brother! Are you all right!" When Tang Jingyan saw that his cousin was beaten, he hurried forward and pulled Shen Jiabin with concern. He looked at Xiao Yi angrily and said, "I'm sorry! We don't need your help!"

Shen Jiabin covered the red slap on his face, kept twitching at the corners of his eyes, and clenched his fists.

However, I can't even say a word.

I saw the bloody knife in Xiao Yi's hand.

He is afraid.

As for the other three boys, although they had weapons in their hands, none of them dared to step forward.

"In that case, goodbye!" Xiao Yi turned around and was about to jump off the roof.

At this time, Lin Mancha seemed to have finally made up his mind and rushed to Xiao Yi and said, "My name is Lin Mancha. I'm willing to go with you!" Can you take me away?"

Lin Mancha's behavior obviously shocked others. Zhuang Qiang's eyes widened and scolded angrily, "Damn it! I knew this woman was a conscienceless traitor!"

He coveted Lin Mancha for a long time. He was about to get it, but he was taken away by a man who was suddenly killed. How could this not make him angry?

Xiao Yi also turned his head in surprise and took a look at Lin Mancha.

Lin Mancha's elegant almond eyes blinked, which was very pure and flexible, and as pure as a spring.

The small Qiong nose is very beautiful, and you can't see a trace of markings or blackheads on the nose.

Cherry's little mouth squeezed tightly, and she looked very eager.

This is a pure and pure beautiful girl.

Coupled with the ballet skirt she was wearing, it was obvious that Miss Lin Mancha was a noble ballerina.

"I can take you away. There are still three girls in my shelter. You should be able to accompany me. However, after going to my shelter, you must follow my arrangement and follow my rules!"

Xiao Yi was very satisfied with Lin Mancha's appearance and identity as a ballerina, but he still warned familiarly, "I advise you to think about it. If you don't follow the rules and get kicked out of it, you may die a miserable death."

"Mancha! Are you crazy? We don't know the origin of this person, but you follow her? Aren't you afraid that she will plot against you? Tang Jingyan shouted angrily at Lin Mancha.

"Didn't they plot against me?"

Lin Mancha shed tears and pointed to Zhuang Qiang and others and sneered, "They don't even have the courage to go out to find food. Do you think it's safe to follow such a person? At least, this stranger can guarantee my safety!"

Lin Mancha turned her head and looked at Xiao Yi again, nodded firmly and said, "I've thought about it! I'd like to go with you!"

The slap of Xiao Yi with Shen Jiabin just now has made her see through the incompetence of Shen Jiabin and others.

Thinking of what Zhuang Qiang and Shen Jiabin said at the meeting just now, he finally made up his mind.

The man in front of her may also be broken, but the strength of the man in front of her can at least make her live better and longer in the end of the world!

"Oin!" Xiao Yi nodded, put his arms around Lin Mancha's waist, carried Lin Mancha on his back, and turned to crawl downstairs.