
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Fifty One

"Listen to me, the people in the city! I limit you to disarm and surrender within five minutes, and open the gate to welcome our sacred and great liberation army. In this way, only in this way, you may be able to save a dog's life! Otherwise, we will level your city! No armor left! Women are slaves, and men feed zombies!" Ma Chenbin continued to say arrogantly and fearlessly.

In their opinion, with their strength, it is easy to step on Xiao Yi's small shelter!

The six-meter-high cement brick wall can't withstand the full speed collision of their mixers with reinforced steel bars and coarse wood drills!

As long as they hit the strange giant crossbow on the wall and the wall, they can definitely crush anyone in this city with the guns in their hands and the absolute number of people!

This strength can completely flatten the strange city in front of you!

This is a conquest and killing!

Ma Chenbin said passionately, "VENI VIDI VICI!"

This is a passage from the famous good news written by Gaius Julius Caesar to the Roman Senate after defeating King Farnak II of Bendu at the Battle of Zela.

Translated into Chinese, it means - I'll do it, I'll see it, I'll conquer it!

"Silly!" Xiao Yi raised his middle finger to these people from afar.

"Bastard! Shameless thing! Wait to die!" Ma Chenbin shouted angrily in the loudspeaker: "Everyone is ready! Flatten this shelter for me! Kill all the men inside! All the women's brothers play together!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" A group of young people in the motorcade cheered one after another.

Xiao Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people. He turned around and jumped down the tower and said to the system in an open space, "System, help me summon the strangler armored car!"

[Shangler Armored Vehicle: An armored combat vehicle with powerful armor and power, which can resist the attacks of zombies below B-level. It is the best car for the owner of Sin City; Price: 300 doomsday coins.]

[Summoning conditions are attached, and the hangler armored vehicle can be summoned...]

[Consume 300 doomsday coins...]

As the electronic synthesis fell, a steel garage slowly rose above the open space.

The steel door of the garage fell, and a brand-new armored car exuded metallic luster and slowly moved out of the garage.

This is a real tracked armored car!

It is comparable to a large concrete mixer, with hard and thick armor, and the base is similar to the track gear of a tank.

This tracked gear tire is suitable for all land terrain.

The whole armored vehicle is tightly wrapped in armor, and a row of roller-type iron cones is installed on the head of the armored vehicle!

This killing device should be the origin of the name of the snaghalzer armored vehicle.

[After summoning the hangler armored vehicle, the host will automatically acquire driving skills.]

[Tens of thousands of roads, the first domineering, irregular driving, two lines of tears from the enemy.]

[The doomsday city system warmly reminds the host to drive the strangled armored vehicle, please do not regulate the situation.]

After the electronic synthesis, Xiao Yi felt enlightened, and instantly gained the driving skills of driving the strangal armored car in his mind.

"Master! Their mixer began to line up towards us!" Li Wanning shouted to Xiao Yi upstairs.

Outside the city, two concrete mixers and two slag trucks turned to Sin City side by side, making a huge roar and slowly starting to accelerate.

The momentum is like a rainbow!

Create a huge deterrent with action!

Xiao Yi turned over and climbed into the snagler's armored car, opened the top door and climbed in.

The door of Sin City was slowly opened...

"Did they surrender?" The silver-haired girl shouted excitedly at Ma Chenbin, "Their gate is open!"

"Hahahaha! These cowards dare to fight with our first shelter in Jiangcheng?! Those who killed us, even if they surrender, will die!" Ma Chenbin's face suddenly became crazy and ferocious, and he shouted domineeringly at the ready-to-go convoy: "Everyone is ready for me! Today, the slaughter of the city, the man's killing is unforgivable, and the woman is caught back to do..."

Before Ma Chenbin finished his bold words, he saw a tall and powerful black armored chariot with heavy metallic luster slowly driving out of the open gate!

"I...day...Ni...Ma..." Ma Chenbin swallowed a mouthful of water with difficulty and said stunned, "What is this stepping on the horse? A super-large armored vehicle? Isn't the modification of this horse too exaggerated?!"

"What the hell is this guy? How can there be an armored vehicle? Are they from the military? The tattooed man also lay out of the car and looked in horror at the slinger armored car slowly driving out of the gate.

"Damn it! What's in front of the armored car!"

"This is a perverted version of the armored car, right?!"

The young people standing on the slag truck burst into an instant. The arrogant appearance just now suddenly turned into panic.