
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Fifty Eight

However, in front of Xiao Yi, these goddesses who could be proud of most men before the end of the world actually knelt down and licked Xiao Yi, a boy who looked a little loser, to such an extent.

"These women! What...what a shame!" Looking at Li Wanning and others advocating dedication to Xiao Yi as if they were brainwashing in a pyramid scheme, Si Ruoqing scolded angrily in her heart.

But soon, she thought to herself, "If Xiao Yi really wants me to do that... What should I do?"

Thinking of this, Si Ruoqing suddenly felt that her heartbeat accelerated a lot, and her chest seemed to be like a deer bumping around.

Although she is not young now, she has indeed never been in love.

Whether in the police academy or the police station, there are many people who pursue her.

However, I don't know why she has never liked to talk to men who try their best to please her and kneel down on her.

She always felt that such a man had no ability and no backbone, which made her look down on her.

Until she met Xiao Yi in the end of the world...

"Ouch! Never mind! There are so many beautiful women here. She will definitely not like a woman like me who is not feminine!" Si Ruoqing said to himself with a little sourness: "Hum! Anyway, I won't kneel and lick him!"

At the same time, Xiao Yi came to the door of the warehouse again. After gently knocking on the door, there was a surprised and weak voice: "Who is it? Is the benefactor here?"

The door soon opened, and the stars in the warehouse welcomed Xiao Yi into the door like the moon.

Only Ling Xueya sat aside with a straight face and said blamefully, "Xiao Yi, why didn't you come until now? If you don't come, we will starve to death!"

In the past few days, Ling Xueya has enjoyed extremely high treatment in the warehouse. The people in the warehouse are obedient to her because she is already Xiao Yi's woman.

Everyone calls her Sister Xue Ya.

She also distributes food and water.

As long as someone makes her a little unhappy, she will punish the person frariously.

In the past few days, she has found the pleasure of being a queen.

This makes her feel more and more irrespetible.

Her previous fear of Xiao Yi was also slowly fading, and because she gave it to Xiao Yi for the first time, she felt more and more that since she was already Xiao Yi's woman, Xiao Yi would definitely take care of herself and even love her.

So when she spoke to Xiao Yi, she deliberately pretended to be aggrieved and coquettish.

Fortunately, these people in the warehouse show their importance and gain a higher status.

All of this was a conclusion after her careful consideration for the past two days.

According to some analysis of those feminist bloggers she saw on Weibo, ordinary men, especially loser men, can't bear their women's grievances and arrogance!

If she can shed a few tears, a goddess like her will inevitably make Xiao Yi, a loser, completely sink, and slowly become obedient and considerate to her.

As long as Xiao Yi was captured by her goddess-made method and became her licking dog, then she can enjoy the feeling of being a queen in the end of the world in the future!

However, Xiao Yi did not rush to apologize to her like a licking dog as Ling Xueya thought and took the initiative to send food and water to ask for her forgiveness.

Xiao Yi just turned his head and looked at Ling Xueya coldly and said coldly, "Are you talking to me?"

Ling Xueya heard a trace of coldness from Xiao Yi's tone. Thinking of what Xiao Yi had done before, Ling Xueya suddenly trembled all over.

But remembering the previous words of pastoral feminist bloggers on Weibo, Ling Xueya became firm again.

Ling Xueya deliberately wiped her tears, twisted her sexy waist and walked to Xiao Yi's body. She cried aggrievedly against Xiao Yi's arm and said, "You dead man, have you forgotten me? I miss you so much these two days. What if you don't come again and starve your woman to death..."

After saying that, Ling Xueya was proud in her heart: "Don't you all like such a goddess? Xiao Yi, I must conquer you today and let you be my licking dog!"

The corners of Ling Xueya's mouth rose slightly, and she believed in what pastoral feminist bloggers said!

"Bang!!" A loud slap sounded in the warehouse.

Xiao Yi suddenly slapped Ling Xueya in the face without warning.

"When did I allow you to talk to me like this? What are you? You are just a dog I keep. How dare you talk to me like that? Xiao Yi sneered and said, "Get down!"

Ling Xueya looked at Xiao Yi in disbelief and fell to her knees tremblingly.

Xiao Yi took out an iron chain from the package and threw it to Ling Xueya and said, "Pack it yourself!"