
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Eighteen

Tang Ningning is a top student majoring in psychology. She knows more about the darkness of human nature than everyone present.

Xiao Yi's do may be full of evil in the eyes of some people, but in Tang Ningning's view, this is actually Xiao Yi's kindness.

Because Xiao Yi didn't force anyone to do anything.

He just used his own things and made a deal with them.

Everything Ling Xueya and others did was not instructed by Xiao Yi, but their own choice.

At least, Xiao Yi will not force anyone to do anything. He at least gives others the right to choose.

If Ling Xueya is unwilling to do this for the sake of dignity, she believes that Xiao Yi will never force her with force.

In such an end of the world, Xiao Yi's behavior is kind enough.

Tang Ningning thought it was her kind of luck to be able to follow such a man. She was very lucky that she chose to stand up and help Xiao Yi speak.

"You're right. There are no born villains in the world, only good people who become bad." Xiao Yi walked to Tang Ningning, carried Tang Ningning on his back, and then tied Tang Ningning with a rope. He didn't see anything else kneeling on the ground and begging. He walked to the door by himself.

"Xiao Yi! I'm your woman now! Won't you take me away?" Ling Xueya looked at Xiao Yi with a pleading face and climbed to Xiao Yi's legs like an animal.

"You're wrong. You're just my plaything, but even if it's my plaything, I don't want anyone to touch her!" Xiao Yi looked up at Du Zhiming and others kneeling on the ground and said coldly, "I will come back to make a deal with you later."

After saying that, Xiao Yi opened the door and disappeared into the light in the crack of the door.

After Xiao Yi left, everyone slowly stood up, and the whole warehouse fell into a silence.

"Chen Kun is already a useless person. What do you think we should do?" A boy glanced at Chen Kundao who fainted on the ground.

"Hmm! Doesn't he like to assign someone to die? Doesn't he always say that we are rubbish and look down on us? We also let him go out to find food!" The thin boy who had been kneeling and licking Chen Kun said viciously.

"I agree! This kind of waste is also a burden to stay here! And he treated Xiao Yi like that before. Xiao Yi must not want him to live well. If we want to get food from Xiao Yi in the future, we must not make him unhappy!" A girl said coldly.

Du Zhiming thought for a moment and said to Ling Xueya, "Xueya, you did a good job today! You saved everyone's lives. It's up to you how to deal with Chen Kun.

Everyone looked at Ling Xueya. In their opinion, Ling Xueya and Chen Kun have such a deep relationship, and they will definitely find a way to save Chen Kun.

However, Ling Xueya's eyes were cold, and she looked blankly at the direction of Xiao Yi's disappearance at the door and said coldly, "Then throw him out. I don't want to see this waste again!"


Xiao Yi returned to the City of Sin behind Tang Ningning's back and handed over Tang Ningning to Li Wanning and said, "In the future, the three of you will take turns to take care of the cemetery. Your job is to bury the corpses of the zombies in the cemetery!"

With the addition of Tang Ningning, the three of them can take turns to work. In this way, they can continue to bury zombies at night, and the burial efficiency will be much higher.

Seeing a newcomer joining, Li Wanning nodded cleverly and began to tell Tang Ningning the rules of Sin City.

As for this rule, it is naturally combined with Xiao Yi's usual requirements and some of her own understanding.

For example, the first thing Li Wanning said is that Xiao Yi must be called the master, and must unconditionally obey Xiao Yi's arrangement.

Xiao Yi was satisfied with the first article, but the second article immediately made Xiao Yi speechless.

Li Wanning said seriously, "Our daily work is to bury the body and serve the master. We must do our best to make the master comfortable and happy every day! You are new here. I don't know if you have been lucky by your master, but tonight, I will personally ** you to serve your master to sleep!"

Tang Ningning pushed his glasses and took notes carefully with a notebook, just like listening to the important speech of the leader.

Li Wanning was very satisfied with Tang Ningning's serious attitude. She walked back and forth with her hands behind her back and continued to follow the guidance, "You should always remember your identity. We are the most loyal servants of the master! It is our greatest honor and responsibility to make the master happy! If something makes the master unhappy, even if the master doesn't deal with you, we will all punish you severely!"

Shen Tingting kept nodding and said in a very old-fashioned way, "Sister Wanning is the first to be lucky by her master, so she is the eldest sister, and I am the second sister, so I am the second sister. As for you, I am the mistress! Do you understand?"

"Okay, second sister!" Tang Ningning nodded seriously, pushed his glasses and said sadly, "But I haven't been lucky by my master..."

"What? You are our shame! We will definitely help you tonight!" Shen Tingting said with a sneered smile.

"Uh-huh! Thank you, sister and second sister! I will try my best tonight!" Tang Ningning gritted his teeth and nodded seriously...