
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Eight

"If I am willing to serve you, can you save us? Go to your city!" Li Wanning did not answer Xiao Yi's words, but gritted her teeth and said bluntly.

"If you serve me, you can only get some food. If you want to follow me back, it depends on how sincere you are." Xiao Yi smiled faintly, sat on the girls' pink **, gently lay on her legs, exposed her high tent in front of the two women, and stared at Li Wanning faintly.

It is very clear that the only capital they have is the bodies of their two women.

"Of course! I won't force you to do anything! Everything is your choice. If you don't want this, I can leave here immediately.

At this time, Shen Tingting also realized what Xiao Yi meant, and her little face suddenly turned pale.

"And you both don't have to do this. If you want to go with me, you can give your sincerity. If you don't want to, you can go to the toilet to avoid it, or go to other dormitories to find food and water. The zombies in this corridor have been cleaned up by me. Go to another dormitory to look for it. Maybe there will be some gains, which can also make you stick to it for a period of time!" Xiao Yi continued with a blank face.

Li Wanning bit her upturned lips. In the past two years of college, there were many boys chasing her, but she, who had always had a cleanliness fetish, never let any boy approach her.

His arrogance made her a famous iceberg beauty in the same department.

But today, she must make a choice between survival and dignity!

Her father is also a big man with heavy power. Originally, she should have lived carefree and arrogantly!

But now!

In order to live, she must lower her arrogant head and try her best to please the man in front of her who she would not look at it more.

"Oin! I do!" Finally, she said this sentence, and she felt a little relieved in an instant.

Slowly walking to Xiao Yi, Li Wanning knelt down tremblingly and reached out to gently pull down the zipper for Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was very lazy and leaned on the girl's pink warm little **, and let Li Wanning untie her trouser pocket for herself and take off her **.

A thick black meat roller suddenly bounced out of the crotch and pulled fiercely on Li Wanning's pink cheek.

Li Wanning suddenly trembled all over and her heart was thrib.

Although she has never experienced men and women, it doesn't mean that she doesn't know the thing about men.

She also secretly watched island action movies in the case of curiosity.

Even those boyfriends' meat rollers are not as big as Xiao Yi's!

Moreover, Xiao Yi's meat rollers are very ferocious, not only long and strong, but also those meridians sprayed like green dragons wrapped around the meat rollers.

Li Wan swallowed a heavy mouthful, squeezed her mouth and closed her eyes tightly, summoned up all her courage, opened her cherry mouth, and held Xiao Yi's ** in one mouth.

Xiao Yi felt numb all over his body, and a slippery and greasy feeling filled his whole body.

The wrapped warmth makes Xiao Yi's ** stronger.

It even trembled slightly.

Li Wanning held Xiao Yi's huge **, and then closed her eyes tightly, learning from the pictures she had seen in the island movies before, and slowly swallowed Xiao Yi's whole ** into her mouth.

Li Wanning's mouth is very small, which belongs to the kind of cherry mouth, so when she put Xiao Yi's giant heel in her mouth, Xiao Yi has a strong feeling of wrapping.

It is slippery, warm and tight, and the trembling soft pink tongue trembles under **.

However, what is a little uncomfortable is that Li Wanning is the first time to give a man **, and her mouth is too small, and the space inside is very narrow. Therefore, Li Wanning's teeth will always reach Xiao Yi's **, which is a little itchy and painful.

If it hadn't been for this pain stimulating Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, who enjoyed women for the first time, I'm afraid that he had washed all his essence into Li Wanning's little mouth at this time.

Li Wanning's slender hand held Xiao Yi's **, and with swallowing and sucking in and out, she started the piston movement.

Xiao Yi straightened up and couldn't help making a comfortable groan.

It turns out...

It's so cool to let a beautiful woman feel ** for herself!

Shen Tingting looked at everything in front of her in disbelief, and her whole body was trembling...


While enjoying Li Wanning's service, Xiao Yi looked at Shen Tingting.

"What about you? If you don't want to go with me, please avoid it. After all, I'm not a pervert. I like to let others watch me do this. Xiao Yi felt the comfort of being wrapped in warmth and looked at Shen Tingting with an evil smile.

In fact, Shen Tingting's figure is still full of ** for him. Maybe this kind of childish face **, coupled with her chubby and plump figure, will be very comfortable when **!

After trying **, Xiao Yi doesn't mind trying latex again.

Shen Tingting was stiffened by Xiao Yi's eyes. At this moment, her heart was full of entanglement.

To be honest, she looks down on a loser like Xiao Yi.

As a rich second-generation beauty with a large family enterprise, how can she like a loser like Xiao Yi?

However, now is not the time to like or not, and it is not up to her waywardness.

The choice for her is very clear, either to starve to death proudly, or to let go of dignity and reserve, become the man's sexuality, and live without dignity.

Shen Tingting looked at Li Wanning becoming more and more proficient in his mouth, and the skirt on her chest had also been torn by Xiao Yi, revealing the pink and snow-white pepper breast on her chest. Under the kneading and stroke of Xiao Yi's hands, the two pink **s had already been upturned.

Li Wanning's face had turned pink. Under Xiao Yi's provocation, she let out a painful groan.

Shen Tingting is proud. She is not afraid of death.

But she is also timid. She is afraid of loneliness.

Since Li Wanning has succumbed to Xiao Yi's **, she has to do the same...

It took a long time for Shen Tingting to slowly walk to Xiao Yi.

"I like your place very much. Come and wash my face with your big **. After all, I haven't washed my face for several days. Xiao Yiyi ordered the order.

Shen Tingting with tears in her eyes, slowly reached out and took off her clothes.

A pair of huge and round snow-white breasts jumped out like a big white rabbit.

This is the real watermelon milk.

It is not only huge, but also very round and straight, with no outer eight, let alone sagging, and ** is also very delicate and pink, and ** there is only a little areola next to it.


It's simply the best in milk!

Even in the island film, Xiao Yi has never seen such a wonderful and perfect**!

Xiao Yi couldn't help stretching out his hand and grabbed Shen Tingting's big breasts!

It is delicate, lubricating, elastic and full!

Xiao Yi's palm is also relatively large.

However, in front of Shen Tingting's big breasts, she only put half of the watermelon milk in her bag.

With Xiao Yi's kneading, Shen Tingting's big breasts changed, as if they could be kneaded into any shape!

"Um..." Shen Tingting's chest, perhaps her most sensitive ** point, was kneaded by Xiao Yi for a while, and immediately became ** convex, hot all over, and instinctively wanted to dodge.

However, Xiao Yi's action is faster. Now that he has put such a wonderful ** in his palm, how can Xiao Yi easily let go?

He grabbed Shen Tingting's fat buttocks, pulled her fiercely, and pulled Shen Tingting into her arms.

The fat breasts were as surging like waves, slapping Xiao Yi's face.

A kind of softness that had never been seen before suddenly surrounded Xiao Yi, and the whole person seemed to be buried in the clouds.

Xiao Yi took the opportunity to hold Shen Tingting's **, wrapped her tongue and sucked gently.

Shen Tingting trembled all over.

I couldn't help moaning comfortably: "Uh-huh...ah~~~No~~It's itchy~~~It's uncomfortable~~~"

Under Shen Tingting's moan, Li Wanning's movements became more and more rapid.

Xiao Yi finally reached the peak, and thick semen gushed out, all of which sprayed into Li Wanning's mouth.

Watching Li Wanning kneel in front of him and desperately hold his dick, Xiao Yi felt comfortable in his heart. At the same time, he had a strong sense of conquest.

Li Wanning was hit by the thick semen in her throat, and she immediately vomited and wanted to spit out the semen in her mouth.

However, Xiao Yi grabbed Li Wanning's long hair and shouted fiercely, "Don't spit it out! Swallow it!"

Li Wanning trembled all over and swallowed the semen with tears.

The two women watched Xiao Yi's ** slowly soften, and their hearts were relieved.

However, the next moment, Xiao Yi's ** stood up proudly again.

Xiao Yi smiled evilly and got up to tear the lace leggings under Li Wanning's skirt.

In the leggings, there is a pink inner with cute anime characters.

The round and upturned snow-white buttocks are very touching.

The first time I saw a real woman with her buttocks made Xiao Yiru get the most precious.

"Bend down!" Under Xiao Yi's order, Li Wanning bent down her little waist with tears on her face and raised her buttocks high.

The picture in front of us is more full of impact.

Under the pink inner package, the fat abalone was squeezed out of a wonderful gap.

In the gap, there is even some shameful mucus overflowing.

This little girl seems to be instinctively emotional.

Xiao Yi slapped Li Wanning's buttocks fiercely, and Li Wanning exclaimed in pain.

However, he did not dare to dodge at all.

Xiao Yi stretched out his middle finger and gently picked up Li Wanning's pink interior.

"Ah!! ~~~~" Li Wanning's buttocks trembled for a while, and under Xiao Yi's teasing, a ** slowly flowed out.

At this moment, Li Wanning felt numb all over her body, as if she had been poisoned by love, and there was a twitch in **, as if it was extremely empty.

After all, she is a girl. She has never tasted this special feeling. Under Xiao Yi's shame, she still had a strong physical reaction.

Xiao Yi faded Li Wanning's pink interior.

Put your index finger into Li Wanning's abalone.

A slippery and warm comfort wrapped around my index finger, as if sucking.

"Ah!! ~~It hurts! ~~~" With Xiao Yi's deepening, Li Wanning, who was enjoying it very much, suddenly trembled all over and lay on the ground in pain. However, her buttocks still rose high and twisted at Xiao Yi.

"Sure enough, she is still a virgin!" Xiao Yi laughed.

Any man has a virgin plot. Li Wanning is a virgin, which makes Xiao Yi very happy.

If you do it, it will naturally be a little softer.

Xiao Yi took off all his trousers, and then straightened up and gently patted on Li Wanning's fat abalone.

"piapiapia!" The sound of meat and meat colliding in the mucus is very beautiful.

Shen Tingting, who was being ordered by Xiao Yi to massage Xiao Yi with her big breasts, couldn't help secretly swallowing a mouthful of water.

At this moment, the small interior under her has already flooded.

When Xiao Yi just played with her **, she felt uncomfortable all over, as if there was endless emptiness to be filled.

This feeling is so unique and wonderful for her, who has never enjoyed a man's conquest.

Now that she has decided to become Xiao Yi's sexuality, she doesn't plan to be reserved anymore.

Since fate can't resist, let's enjoy it!

Looking at Xiao Yi's ** slowly sinking into Li Wanning's abalone, Shen Tingting twitched all over, as if it was herself lying under Xiao Yi.

And Li Wanning, when Xiao Yi's ** was in decline, her whole body trembled in pain. After a tearing moan, she instinctively wanted to escape.

However, how can her strength take out Xiao Yi's magic?

Xiao Yi's one hand held her hair tightly, and the other hand pressed on her shoulder to control her.

Li Wanning, her whole body is soft, how can she struggle?

I can only endure a huge sense of tearing and a groan in pain!

Finally, Xiao Yi's ** was immersed in Li Wanning's abalone, directly torn Li Wanning's hymen and deeply against Li Wanning's uterus.

"Ah!!!!" Heartbreaking screams resounded throughout the girls' dormitory.

Then, Xiao Yi began to ** violently!

This feeling of ** in the exquisite and lubricated soft meat simply makes Xiao Yi, who enjoys women for the first time, intoxicated!

This feeling is wonderful to the top, wonderful!

Xiao Yi can't stop!

Compared with jerking off with your hands before, this feeling is simply wonderful!

The more Li Wanning moaned and struggled in pain, the more Xiao Yi was excited and domineering, and the speed of the impact was getting faster and faster.

"Puff...soo~~~~" The thick semen gushed out and rushed out of Li Wanning's honey hole directly with Xiao Yi's **!

"Roar!!!" Xiao Yi's released roar lay directly on Li Wanning's body.

While holding Li Wanning's buttocks with his body, he kneaded Li Wanning's pepper milk to his heart's content.

Shen Tingting looked at the two ** bodies in front of her with a complicated face, and couldn't help twisting her legs together.

"You! Come here!" Xiao Yi lay on Li Wanning's body, raised his buttocks, and scolded Shen Tingting, "Use your tongue to lick my asshole and my balls!"

Shen Tingting vomited, then closed her eyes in pain, stretched out her pink tongue, and slowly leaned against Xiao Yi's asshole.

Xiao Yi has enough water, so his bottom is very clean.

There is no other taste except the semen that has just flowed down and Li Wanning's.

Shen Tingting's tongue pressed against Xiao Yi's **, and then licked it like a kitten.

Xiao Yi suddenly felt a burst of numbness all over his body, and a huge sense of comfort filled his whole body!

"Put your tongue in!" Xiao Yi scolded again, and Shen Tingting's pink tongue was wrapped in a circle, slowly trembling and reaching into Xiao Yi's **.

"Uh...ah~~~" Xiao Yi felt a rise all over his body, as if the pleasure of ** appeared again, and his whole body was shaking.

As Shen Tingting's tongue went in and out, Xiao Yi actually reached **.

"You! Go and lick my balls and my dick!"

The first time she tried the feeling of being flirted with by a woman, Xiao Yi couldn't stop.

Under Xiao Yi's command, Li Wanning opened her cherry mouth, held Xiao Yi's balls in one bite, wrapped her tongue around and licked it, and sucked gently.

Xiao Yi seemed to be electrocuted. His whole body trembled violently, and his buttocks rose high, enjoying the service of the two women.

Under Li Wanning's increasingly proficient oral skills, Xiao Yi's ** stood proudly again!

This time, it's Shen Tingting's turn!

Xiao Yi stood up fiercely, threw Shen Tingting in **, and then divided into Shen Tingting's snow-white and tender thighs, and inserted her ** into Shen Tingting's already flooded hole!


Xiao Yi has never enjoyed it so much. As a poor student who was sent to this noble university from the countryside, he has never even been in love.

In the eyes of his classmates, Xiao Yi is a useless house who doesn't like to talk.

Sometimes when he is alone, Xiao Yi also fantasizes about a vigorous love with these goddesses in the school, but in the end he can only compromise in his hands.

The first time I tasted this unique taste, Xiao Yi couldn't stop!

Perhaps because of the strengthening of his physique, although he had to deal with the two, Xiao Yi did not fall behind at all!

Looking at the two red spots on the sheets, as well as the blush and tears on the faces of the two girls, Xiao Yi suddenly had a faint sense of achievement!

Perhaps, he is destined to be only suitable for being a villain in his life!

I am very satisfied with your performance today. For the sake of the first time for all of you, I allow you to enter my castle, but I won't raise idle people. You will serve my life every day in the future, which will make me happy, and there will be some simple work for you to complete. Do you understand? Xiao Yi got up slowly, took out two bottles of mineral water and some food from the space package and threw them to the two.

"I see, master!" The two women agreed very cleverly.

Looking at the two beautiful goddesses lying in pink ** with a pitiful look, Xiao Yi's eyes bloomed with evil light again.

"You two have too much water. You have stained me. Clean it up for me." Xiao Yi stood up and said embly.

Shen Tingting was slightly stunned and slowly stretched out her hand to Xiao Yi.

However, Xiao Yi slapped her hand away fiercely and said coldly, "Don't use your hands!"

Shen Tingting vomited, slowly came up with tears in her eyes closed, and held Xiao Yi's semen-filled dick with her little mouth...

Perhaps a little itchy by Shen Tingting's little tiger teeth, Xiao Yi soon became interested and pushed Shen Tingting down in **...

After another two hours, Xiao Yi finally lay down exhausted.

While enjoying the massage of the two beautiful classmates, she casually lit a cigarette and smoked slowly.

Is this the end of the world?

Maybe this is my paradise.

Xiao Yi smiled with an intoxicated evil smile and gently spit out a smoke ring.

"Ah!! Help! Who will save me!!"

At this time, there was a sad scream in the teacher's dormitory behind the girls' dormitory.