
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Eastern
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40 Chs

Section 8 Dagger

In these rooms filled with weapons, Tianxiang unexpectedly dug out a whole box of short knives soaked in machine oil that exuded a pungent smell. These daggers are quite sharp. Although he knows that such things are made of metal, Tianxiang has never seen or heard of such sharp knives in the world. They are simply terrifyingly sharp. When it was taken out of the box, the dagger was as slippery as a loach just fished out of the mud because of the oil on the surface. Tianxiang, who couldn't hold it steady for a moment, felt that the slippery handle of the knife suddenly flew out of his hand. Although he did not hurt himself, Tianxiang himself was shocked when he turned around and saw the "close contact" between the dagger blade and the steel spear lying on the ground.

He knew how hard the steel spear was. This steel bar, which is almost half the thickness of my arm, was found in a ruins. At that time, Tianxiang used a small steel file to saw for several hours before he could successfully remove the steel bars covered with spiral protrusions on the surface. Then, in the dark cave, several rough stones were ground for nearly ten solar days, and then a steel spear was made that was both hard and sharp.

However, such a carefully crafted weapon was unexpectedly struck by a small dagger accidentally dropped, creating a deep, reachable dent. Even if he stood up straight, Tianxiang could still clearly see: at the point of contact between the upper end of the spiral-patterned steel spear and the edge of the dropped dagger, there was a dent that cut into the spear body by nearly half a centimeter. The dagger that caused this was lying crookedly on the side, leaning on the handle. The semicircular blade at the edge of the knife is like a strange grinning mouth, as if mocking the poor steel spear, although it is big, it cannot withstand a slight collision and ends up being disabled.

There are many daggers like this in the box, a hundred in total. This is not the number that Tianxiang slowly counted out one by one, but the content written in white fonts on the outside of the green metal box. Tianxiang was almost numb to the numbers now. He bent down and carefully picked up the dagger that easily cut the spear body from the ground. He looked at it carefully until he confirmed that the unexpected blow did not leave any mark on the blade. After removing any gaps, he grabbed the old clothes he had just changed and carefully wiped away the remaining oil stains on them. Then, he put the dagger into a leather sheath that he found in the knife box and was obviously a matching item. According to his own habits, he pinned it in a small pocket on his right trouser leg.

If anyone suddenly appeared at the door of the curator's room now, they would be shocked by Tianxiang, who was dressed up in a completely new look. Although he is only seventeen years old, he is obviously much taller than his peers. The combat uniform was completely made according to the standard figure and matched it exactly. Although the trouser legs appear to be quite long, because they are with shoes and trousers, they do not show any bloat at all. On the contrary, it fully highlights the well-proportioned figure and strong muscles of Tianxiang's upper body. I believe that if the time were to go back a few hundred years, this figure would be more than enough to be a star or something.

The only flaw was Tianxiang's dirty face that hadn't been cleaned since the fierce battle with the insect beast. Compared with clean combat uniforms, the difference between flowers and green leaves is basically the same. However, due to not being exposed to the sun for a long time, the color of the skin is quite pale, but it can be more or less blended together with the off-white clothes.

He had a light and flexible submachine gun slung around his neck, and a P104 full of magazines in the belt around his waist. As for bullets, he filled all the pockets on his clothes. So much so that there were bulges everywhere, and it looked like a toad with blisters all over its body. Of course, the huge weight brought by that kind of ammunition also made it almost impossible for the greedy Tianxiang to walk even one step. In the end, I could only regretfully take out a lot of bullets from my pocket to reduce my burden.

However, it is precisely because of this that Tianxiang's mind, which was somewhat dazzled by great joy, discovered: guns and bullets are indeed good things, but if he is crushed to death by a pile of terrifyingly heavy equipment, then It's really not worthwhile. In the end, after weighing the left and right, he found that only needing to carry three fifteen-round pistol magazines and four sixty-round submachine gun magazines was already quite heavy. For a body that is full and malnourished, this equipment weighing less than ten kilograms is quite a lot.

Human greed and desire are probably the biggest evils in the universe that can never be satisfied. It's almost time, and in half an hour at most, the sun will appear again, making the way home more or less safer. But Tianxiang had no intention of leaving this pile of ancient treasures, and was still rummaging through the crates excitedly. Fortunately, he finally found something very good.

An oval-shaped metal object. According to the explanation in the book, it should be called a "grenade".

There are also very clear records in the book on how to use this kind of thing. It seems to be a powerful weapon that can be used to pull off the small tab at the top, throw it out in the shortest possible time, and use the power of the explosion to kill enemies in a wide range. However, Tianxiang's interest in this kind of thing is far less than that of guns and bullets. Therefore, I just randomly picked up a few fist-sized grenades from a large box, put them in my pocket, and gently closed the lid of the box.

It's almost time to go. Tianxiang raised his wrist and looked at the time on the timer. It was with some reluctance that I walked out of the secret room filled with the smell of engine oil. The mechanism on the bookcase is actually very simple. As long as the small black square behind "World History" is gently moved, the six huge bookcases will naturally offer the treasures they protect to the triggerer of the mechanism. On this point alone, Tianxiang's luck is really enviable.

Close the mechanism of the secret room and close the door to the curator's room. Tianxiang gently weighed the small key in his hand, thought about it, and finally took out a small silver-white necklace from the collar of his clothes that was close to his body. Unscrew the buckle at the chain opening and put the key in.

This is the key to all your wealth, and you must not lose it. As for that necklace, it was the most precious relic left to him by his dead father. Putting these two treasures together will bring you some luck!

The sun has revealed its reddish smile in the dusk sky, emitting golden dazzling rays from the dense clouds. While dispelling the darkness, it also brings a long-lost warmth to all creatures who are looking forward to the light. As if seeing the most terrifying natural enemy, all the insects, large and small, in the sun-shrouded area, except for the occasional few weaklings who like to crawl around in the plants in search of food, the others simply seem to have entered hibernation. , all retreated into their dark lairs, not even willing to stretch out their tentacles.

When Tianxiang walked out of the library door, he was enveloped by a beam of sunlight that broke through the clouds. In the dark, damp and cold days, it was really a great enjoyment to have such a little bit of hard-won warmth. Especially for people who have worked hard for a long time, it is a kind of positive reward.

"It's so comfortable!" Tianxiang squinted his eyes and looked at the reddish sun in the sky with emotion, and couldn't help but think of the wonderful environment in which the ancients lived described in the book. well! I really don't understand why the world has turned into what it is today!

The warm light shining on the body is really a very pleasant experience. If I could sleep comfortably at this time, I would be willing to shorten my life by ten years. However, Tianxiang obviously cannot do this. At least it's not possible now. After all, Tianrou, who was far away in another part of the city, was still waiting for her to return. As a young girl, if she didn't have herself to rely on, she would starve to death sooner or later.

The journey home was easy. Although the equipment on his body was quite heavy, Tianxiang felt extremely proud and satisfied. He walked very fast, not wanting to avoid the so-called "worm paths" on the ground. Bugs have the habit of returning along the same route they came from, so hunters will basically be careful to avoid these twisting and twisting "bug paths" when they go out. After all, a weak, lone bug can make a delicious lunch. But if you encounter a group of terrifyingly large numbers of bugs, you will probably become their food. You know, many bugs really like the taste of human flesh.

But Tianxiang is obviously different from others. Not only was he not afraid, but he was actually looking forward to meeting a powerful carnivorous insect. If it had been before, Tianxiang would never dare to do this even if he had ten more courages. But now? I hold the most powerful weapon of the ancients. If a bug doesn't have eyes, I wouldn't mind using it to try out the gun in my hand.

I don't know whether it is the insects' natural premonition of danger that is at work, or the appearance of the sun that makes all the bugs who don't like light retreat into their nests and sleep. In short, two hours passed, and Tianxiang, who returned along the "worm road" with confidence, found nothing that could be used to test his new weapon. Although this did save a lot of time, the fanatical mood in the young people's hearts was gradually fading away. In the end, Tianxiang almost wanted to curse the damn sun for why he chose to come out when he was going home. This is not obvious. Why don't you go against me?

Seven hours, this is the action time Tianxiang set for himself. It's not that the sun has disappeared again at this time, but that the weakened energy in the body caused by long-term activities must be replenished. So, after carefully observing the surrounding environment, Tianxiang quietly walked into one of the dilapidated buildings. After simply gathering a pile of nearby things that could be used as fuel, he excitedly took out a piece of charred cotton cloth and two pieces of flint from his pocket, and used the sparks generated by the mutual collision to ignite the charred cloth, igniting a pile of A campfire that is not very big, but can emit enough light and temperature.

The combat suit is equipped with a detachable backpack, which has now become Tianxiang's best container for carrying food and water. He had chewed some of the piece of meat cut off from the corpse of the insect beast. Although it didn't taste very good, it was better than nothing. Tianxiang, who was in a good mood, obviously wanted to taste the fire-roasted insect meat. I saw him unbuttoning his backpack, taking out the piece of meat that was not too fresh but not rotten. He randomly found a few slender steel bars from the ground and passed them through. He placed them on the fire that had just been lit and carefully Turn to bake. After a while, a mouth-watering, thick meaty aroma wafted into the cold, damp and moldy air nearby.

The tender insect meat is easy to cook. Tianxiang carefully poked the browned barbecue with his fingers. After deciding that it was almost done, he took it off the fire and leaned it against the wall using the steel bars protruding from both ends as a fulcrum. . He took out a delicate iron can from the secret place of his backpack, gently picked up a wisp of white powder from it with two fingers, and carefully sprinkled it on the fragrant meat.

"This is salt, the salt that makes hot and cooked food taste better."

Recalling the bits of knowledge his father once taught him when he was young, Tianxiang couldn't help but smile bitterly and shake his head. Although I still have a little impression of my father occasionally, as time goes by, I can remember less and less. After all, I was too young when my father died. So small that I can't even remember many things.

The rumbling in his belly seemed to be protesting the unfairness of his treatment. Tianxiang's eyes were once again attracted by the brightly colored barbecue. With no time to think about it, he suddenly became energetic. He hurriedly stuffed the salt shaker into his backpack and put it in his hands. Then he confidently picked up the skewered meat bar from the wall, brought it to his mouth, and started chewing it happily.

Wait, what is this sound? Tianxiang clearly heard an inexplicable slight sound with his mouth full of rich-flavored barbecue. Alert, he immediately put down the meat skewers in his hand, gently grabbed the gun beside him, carefully opened the safety, and tiptoed to the stairs at the entrance of the room. He leaned against the wall and listened carefully to the strange sound. origin of.

"It shouldn't be a bug." Tianxiang said to himself. He couldn't tell exactly why. In short, the sound did not make him feel as dangerous as usual, but on the contrary, it felt calm and peaceful. There should be nothing wrong with this. My hunch is never wrong.

Thinking of this, Tianxiang closed his eyes slightly, gradually released his thinking and perception ability, and explored the source of the sound. This is a new skill he learned from a book labeled "Science Fantasy" after killing the insect beast and returning to the library. At first, he just thought it was interesting and wanted to try it to see if it was really happening. Unexpectedly, after trying it, he discovered that the range of his thought detection could be expanded to a place fifty meters away from the body. In other words, even if there are two bugs having sex, as long as you are willing, you can sit in a place completely invisible to your eyes and use your "mind" to observe clearly even if you don't overturn their nest. As for whether this ability is a specific manifestation of the evolution of the human brain, or whether it is a superhuman skill brought about by imitating the insect brain, he himself has no idea.

The important thing is that he has this ability and is able to use it.

Right now, he was using the same method to observe the world outside the house that he couldn't see.

A woman! It's actually a woman.

Tianxiang withdrew his thoughts with some surprise, and subconsciously chewed the piece of barbecue that had been in his mouth. It's not that he doesn't want to eat, but that his many years of hunting life have made him develop a habit. If you notice any inexplicable abnormality, you must not take the initiative to make a sound. He didn't want to accidentally transform from a hunter to his opponent's prey.

Women are rare, and women alone are even rarer. This is partly because in the hunting world, women themselves are also a rare prey. On the other hand, it is because women who are not willing to be food in men's mouths unite independently and become independent hunting groups.

Hence, a woman who appears independently on a non-solar day. It's even rarer than a bug of the rarest species.

It was obvious that the slight sound that hit the ears was the sound of the woman's footsteps when the soles of her shoes came into contact with the gravel on the ground. Moreover, judging from the direction of her movement, the target should be Tianxiang's residence at this time.

Although a woman was not a threat to him, Tianxiang still cautiously hugged the gun in his hand tightly. In this world, in order to survive, there are no moral grievances between hunters. It is definitely not a shocking thing for parents to eat their own children in order to obtain a piece of life-sustaining thing.

Although Tianxiang has always been on alert, he is not nervous at all. First, he saw clearly from the edge of the broken window: the woman walking towards her had no weapons in her hands except a short knife at her waist. Secondly, he absolutely believed in his brain's ability to perceive danger.

Since your subconscious tells you that it is safe, there is absolutely no danger.

(Who is this woman? You can take a guess. As for what the relationship between him and the protagonist will be, you can also take a guess and leave a message if you guessed it! By the way, it's been a day. Please contribute if you have votes. Don't Hiding private interests! Socialist public ownership! Hehe!)